combines trendy art with the oldest classic snake game mechanics.Start as a small worm and try to get bigger by eating. Worm your way through fields of food and try to beat other players' scores.How long can you survive in this snake eat snake world?

In, players are trying to become as large of a snake as they can. Instead of growing your snake by eating apples though, players are gaining length by destroying other snakes and eating the neon bits that they are made of. If you love the fast-paced gameplay and the reactions that are required of Snake, then you should definitely give a try.

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Impossible Snake 2 is kind of like if Snake became a puzzle game. In Impossible Snake 2, players must slither back and forth in an attempt to eat all of the apples on the map and get to the exit. However, it is not as simple as it sounds. You must get pasts objects and ghosts blocking your way, as well as deal with a snake that refuses to slow down.

Master the sharp turns. A good trick to have under your belt as you play snake is being able to turn on a dime. Since the snake is so speedy, crashing can happen before you can react. The more you play, try to master those sharp turns to narrowly escape hitting a wall.

Be patient. It can be tempting to grab the apples as fast as you can, but if you narrowly miss an apple, it's better to wait until your snake tail has moved away from it before going in for another pass.

Hug the wall. As you play snake, your tail will keep growing and growing with every apple you eat. An easy trick to avoid crashing into the walls or your tail is to trace the perimeter of the screen. This keeps the rest of the field open and easy to navigate.

Master the sharp turns: A good trick to have under your belt as you play snake is being able to turn on a dime. Since the snake is so speedy, crashing can happen before you can react. The more you play, try to master those sharp turns to narrowly escape hitting a wall.

Be patient: It can be tempting to grab the apples as fast as you can, but if you narrowly miss an apple, it's better to wait until your snake tail has moved away from it before going in for another pass.

Hug the wall: As you play snake, your tail will keep growing and growing with every apple you eat. An easy trick to avoid crashing into the walls or your tail is to trace the perimeter of the screen. This keeps the rest of the field open and easy to navigate.

The snake (tag_hash_114) is the sixth of the twelve-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar. The Year of the Snake is associated with the Earthly Branch symbol .[1]

According to one legend, there is a reason for the order of the animals in the cycle. The story goes that a race was held to cross a great river, and the order of the animals in the cycle was based upon their order in finishing the race. In this story, the snake compensated for not being the best swimmer by hitching a hidden ride on the Horse's hoof, and when the horse was just about to cross the finish line, jumping out, scaring the horse, and thus edging it out for sixth place.

The same twelve animals are also used to symbolize the cycle of hours in the day, each being associated with a two-hour time period. The hour of the snake is 9:00 to 11:00 a.m., the time when the Sun warms up the Earth, and snakes are said to slither out of their holes. The month of the snake is the 4th month of the Chinese lunar calendar and it usually falls within the months of May through June depending on the Chinese to Gregorian calendar conversion.The reason the animal signs are referred to as zodiacal is that one's personality is said to be influenced by the animal signs ruling the time of birth, together with elemental aspects of the animal signs within the sexagenary cycle. Similarly, the year governed by a particular animal sign is supposed to be characterized by it, with the effects particularly strong for people who were born in any year governed by the same animal sign.

The snake is the sixth of the twelve signs and belongs to the second trine, with the ox (second sign, , Earthly branch: ) and the rooster (tenth sign, / [simplified Chinese: ], Earthly branch: ), with which it is most compatible. The pig is the most incompatible.[4]

After graduating from the CIA, Jeff joined chef Jimmy Schmidt as part of the opening team to the Rattlesnake Club Restaurant in Michigan and continued for six years as Chef de Cuisine, assisting in opening four restaurants, the last one being a Southwestern concept.

1982's Tron arcade game, based on the film, includes snake gameplay for the single-player Light Cycle segment, and some later snake games borrow the theme. After a version simply called Snake was preloaded on Nokia mobile phones in 1998, there was a resurgence of interest in snake games as it found a larger audience.

The original Blockade from 1976 and its many clones are two-player games. Viewed from a top-down perspective, each player controls a "snake" with a fixed starting position. The "head" of the snake continually moves forward, unable to stop, growing ever longer. It must be steered left, right, up, and down to avoid hitting walls and the body of either snake. The player who survives the longest wins. Single-player versions are less prevalent and have one or more snakes controlled by the computer, as in the light cycles segment of the 1982 Tron arcade game.

In the most common single-player game, the player's snake is of a certain length, so the tail also moves, and with every item "eaten" by the head of the snake the snake gets longer. Snake Byte has the snake eating apples. Nibbler has the snake eating abstract objects in a maze.

The single-player Snake Byte was published in 1982 for Atari 8-bit computers, Apple II, and VIC-20; a snake eats apples to complete a level, growing longer in the process. In Snake for the BBC Micro (1982), by Dave Bresnen, the snake is controlled using the left and right arrow keys relative to the direction it is heading in. The snake increases in speed as it gets longer, and there is only one life.

Nibbler (1982) is a single-player arcade game where the snake fits tightly into a maze, and the gameplay is faster than most snake designs. Another single-player version is part of the 1982 Tron arcade game, themed with light cycles. It reinvigorated the snake concept, and many subsequent games borrowed the light cycle theme.

Starting in 1991, Nibbles was included with MS-DOS for a period of time as a QBasic sample program. In 1992, Rattler Race was released as part of the second Microsoft Entertainment Pack. It adds enemy snakes to the familiar apple-eating gameplay.

What a fabulous idea. I'll have to start collecting our mismatched socks to put one of these cool little snakes together! My girls would love it. Thanks for the post! Pinned it!

rebecca at 


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