So I have a flash site and I am curious why it is not working in Chrome. The site works great for Safari, Firefox, and IE. Just won't work in Chrome. Well below is the code and any help is necessary. Also can you explain why it doesn't work?

I had a similar problem...if I took away the param name="movie" from the outer object it worked for me (but of course not in IE so you have to selectively show it for IE). I think chrome gets confused and recognizes the movie parameter but instead of ignoring it, it decides that it just won't show anything.

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Another interesting thing is that if you open up the developer tools for google chrome (using your original code) you can mouseover the html flashContent div and the flash file will appear. It's like it's there underneath but the movie parameter screws it up.

This extension plays SWF objects of Adobe Animate (Flash) in a pure JS emulator without the need to have a native Flash plug-in like Adobe FlashPlayer. The extension uses two open-source Flash to JS libraries (Ruffle and SWF2JS) as its emulation engine. By default, the extension does not play Flash objects instead, the user presses the toolbar button for the extension to find all available Flash objects or links in the current webpage. It will offer the user to select the proper SWF object and then send the link to a stand-alone emulator window. This way Flash objects are only functioning when there is a request. For Flash links, the extension adds a context menu item to these links so you can directly emulate an SWF link. Since this extension does not run Flash by default, it is lighter than other similar extensions. It only runs Flash on demand.Features:Runs a pure JavaScript-based Flash emulatorDoes not require any native plug-insRun in a private sandboxed window to protect the user privacyUse two different engines: Ruffle ( ) and SWF2JS ( )Optionally emulate all embedded flash objects inside the page (use action's right-click context menu)Notes:1. This extension uses two open-source emulator engines. The SWF2JS library still does not support all methods available so some SWF objects may crash the engine.The extension always tries to open the emulation window the same size as the actual Flash object, however, you can resize the window to the proper size anytime.

I need to configure a settings within the chrome flash player settings. It is a trusted site setting that I add in Global Security Settings. I need to be able to add this setting in an image for deployment across 1000+ devices. I tried to setup a FlashPlayerTrust in the chrome location "%APPDATA%\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Pepper Data\Shockwave Flash\WritableRoot\#Security\FlashPlayerTrust" That did not produce the result I was looking for. The only thing I could find out on the issue is Flash stores this trusted location information in the settings.sol file. In can copy this file to the right chrome profiles in the correct windows appdata. I need a way to add a trusted location in via policy or some form of administration. What I have found on flash player administration with the use of mms.cfg has not been helpful at all. If there is a setting I can add into mms.cfg I do not understand what it is. I just need this app to be able to load flash content from a mapped network drive. Where do I go with this?

I had some problems with playing Shockwave Flash (.swf) files which were saved on my hard disc. They did not wanted to run on Firefox and Google Chrome, both browsers have Adobe Flash Player plugins installed. Firefox has Shockwave Flash installed.

After modifying File Association settings like shown in attachment (adding *.swfl), Firefox started to play local .swf files perfectly. So, can you make such setting as default setting, because some people prefer to play flash games saved on local disc, not visit every time site with ads.

Now, the bad thing is, that Google Chrome even after modifying File Association settings does not playing local .swf files. It offers to save file and that`s all. Is it possible to force Google Chrome to play these files too?

I searched answer to this problem here.

Q4OS Team, there is a major problem with the Flash Player Plugin produced by Adobe in Firefox and Google Chrome. Its these ads like on facebook that utilize flash and auto start, they take my system in to a black hole.

Bobby, have you tried Flashblock, No Flash or FlashDisable from Firefox add-ons? To remove ads use uBlock Origin or AdBlock Plus also from Firefox add-ons.

uBlock Origin is the best add-on for removing ads. You can even manually remove ads, inserted in flash video.

@bobby I don't know if this will help, but in firefox I use an add-on called ghostery which blocks many (but not all) adverts by (I think) disabling cookies for tracking sites, it is customizable in as much as you can decide which ones to block and allow. It might help with the flash adverts it did for me. As for Chrome, I don't use it so cannot offer anyhing for that one...

The best options by our meaning -

Chrome: Install uBlock extension

Firefox: Figure out flashplugin add-on in it's preferences to not auto-run, but on click. This is the default setting in Q4OS after Firefox installation.

I am not familiar with chrome OS, but I found the similar issue with you.The following is the marked answer.*"Chrome has a built in Flash Player called PepperFlash. Go To chrome://plugins/ and ensure that "Adobe Flash Player" is Enabled. You can also go to chrome://components/ to ensure that it is updated. If you still have problems go to "Your Root"\Users\"Your UserName"\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\PepperFlash\"Version Number"\ Then rename the pepflashplayer.dll to pepflashplayerX.dll."

The Flash Player can be installed from the Multiverse repository: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer. You need to make sure that you have the Multiverse repo enabled: System Settings > Software & Updates.

If you attempt to visit the URL of a raw SWF file, Chrome 57 refuses to display and instead asks if you want to download, with the warning "This type of file can harm your computer". However, if you wrap the same SWF in a simple web page with an object tag, it loads normally. The files are served with the correct "application/x-shockwave-flash" content type.

If you were to go to chrome://plugins/ and check "Always allow to run" it would play the SWF as previously normal in the browser directly, without the HTML wrapper. The fact it will not prompt you to enable it does not seem to be a security decision.

I have exhausted my google-fu on this issue, which I also had in other Linux distros. The issue is that pepper flash doesn't show up in the list of plugins in chrome://plugins at all, no errors when chrome is started from a terminal, and no indication that anyone else seems affected by the problem based on poring over the search results for a stupid amount of time.

I really hate flash in any form. I installed gnash a while back just so my daughter could watch youtube videos, but now she wants to be able to use sites like Hulu and no combination of gnash or adobe flash with any browser seems to work, so I thought I'd try chrome with pepper-flash. This same thing happened in Debian Jesse with this hardware. My best guess right now is that the software is laughing at my hardware, but I wish it would do it to my face an at least print a message to the terminal that my hardware isn't capable of using the plugin.

I am currently perplexed about how to stop Chrome from launching chrome://welcome after each logon to a VDI. I looked over -Environment-Manager/Manage-Google-Chrome-with-UEM-alternat... and enabled roaming profiles and updated my config, but the welcome page keeps launching (only once, then again after each VDI session).

I got a new pc a few weeks ago and recently downloaded Firefox. I don't know if shockwave for director came with the download. But it's listed under PLUGINS. It shows a warning that it's vulnerable and should be updated. I don't want to do that. Even if I did update it, there isn't any way on the PLUGINS screen to REMOVE a plugin. That's what I want to do. I checked Windows Control Panel to unistall, but it's not listed under Adobe, Intel, Shockwave,etc. I read another post where people suggested some real techie things that I'd never want to try. Dear Firefox: please find a way to put "REMOVE" as an option to remove a plugin.

Based on your report, every browser locks up when the flash player tries to load. What are the specs of your computer? What version of flash are you using? Are you running anti-virus/anti-malware other than kaspersky?

Simply uncheck "Enable plug-ins" and flash will no longer run in the browser. This list of browsers is far from complete and there are a few more browsers that I would like to add to this list. Please feel free to suggest more browsers and I will get them added to the list!

My Chrome did detect two flash plugins, but they both were of the same version, 11.9.900.117. I did try disabling one version while keeping the other enabled, but that is of no avail in solving this problem. 0852c4b9a8

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