In the COUNT option documentation, we state that sometimes this family of commands may return all the elements of a Set, Hash or Sorted Set at once in a single call, regardless of the COUNT option value. The reason why this happens is that the cursor-based iterator can be implemented, and is useful, only when the aggregate data type that we are scanning is represented as a hash table. However Redis uses a memory optimization where small aggregate data types, until they reach a given amount of items or a given max size of single elements, are represented using a compact single-allocation packed encoding. When this is the case, SCAN has no meaningful cursor to return, and must iterate the whole data structure at once, so the only sane behavior it has is to return everything in a call.

If your agency/business would like to be included in the Attorney General's Website search of Public Applicant Live Scan Sites, please send your request by e-mail to: Your information will be posted within 30 days after your Private Service Provider application is approved. The process to become a Private Service Provider will take 8 to 12 weeks from receipt of a complete and accurate application. This time frame does not include obtaining your fingerprint roller certificate.

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If the total size of scanned items exceeds the maximum dataset size limit of 1 MB, the scan completes and results are returned to the user. The LastEvaluatedKey value is also returned and the requestor can use the LastEvaluatedKey to continue the scan in a subsequent operation. Each scan response also includes number of items that were scanned (ScannedCount) as part of the request. If using a FilterExpression, a scan result can result in no items meeting the criteria and the Count will result in zero. If you did not use a FilterExpression in the scan request, then Count is the same as ScannedCount.

A single Scan operation first reads up to the maximum number of items set (if using the Limit parameter) or a maximum of 1 MB of data and then applies any filtering to the results if a FilterExpression is provided. If LastEvaluatedKey is present in the response, pagination is required to complete the full table scan. For more information, see Paginating the Results in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.

By default, a Scan uses eventually consistent reads when accessing the items in a table. Therefore, the results from an eventually consistent Scan may not include the latest item changes at the time the scan iterates through each item in the table. If you require a strongly consistent read of each item as the scan iterates through the items in the table, you can set the ConsistentRead parameter to true. Strong consistency only relates to the consistency of the read at the item level.

DynamoDB does not provide snapshot isolation for a scan operation when the ConsistentRead parameter is set to true. Thus, a DynamoDB scan operation does not guarantee that all reads in a scan see a consistent snapshot of the table when the scan operation was requested.

Segment IDs are zero-based, so the first segment is always 0. For example, if you want to use four application threads to scan a table or an index, then the first thread specifies a Segment value of 0, the second thread specifies 1, and so on.

If you query or scan a local secondary index and request only attributes that are projected into that index, the operation reads only the index and not the table. If any of the requested attributes are not projected into the local secondary index, DynamoDB fetches each of these attributes from the parent table. This extra fetching incurs additional throughput cost and latency.

For a parallel Scan request, TotalSegments represents the total number of segments into which the Scan operation will be divided. The value of TotalSegments corresponds to the number of application workers that will perform the parallel scan. For example, if you want to use four application threads to scan a table or an index, specify a TotalSegments value of 4.

3. Configure your Xerox device to scan to a local file share. This bypasses any Windows applications, as all file generation takes place on the device. This is more advanced, and depends on users creating fileshares on a machine within their network. You obviously will need PDF editing software if you need to rotate, reorder, etc your scans. -us/article/en/2147487

I am disappointed with Xerox, mainly from a communication standpoint. The issue is over 1 month old now, and Xerox has shared very little with us. Presumably they have an incident open with Microsoft due to the business impact of this problem. So what's the current status? I feel like we should have a better roadmap of where they are with a solution at this point; is this going to require a future Windows Update, or is the issue going to be resolved with an update to the Xerox scanning software? What's the timeline for that? Will it be this week, or are we talking 6 months? Imagining being a new customer who buys one of these devices and it's broken out of the box! That would be an instant return for me.

[...] Also, other 3rd party scanning solutions seem to be working fine with the MFP, so it is quite disappointing that the manufacturer of the hardware is not able to create working software for its printers and relies on Microsoft for a fix?

I cannot see what third party scanning solutions have to do with Xerox's own. They were not provided by Xerox and will most likely use some generic protocol to talk to scanners and Xerox probably uses its own.

That Microsoft tool was released at 15-dec-23. Or are we talking about a new/updated tool here? Also, other 3rd party scanning solutions seem to be working fine with the MFP, so it is quite disappointing that the manufacturer of the hardware is not able to create working software for its printers and relies on Microsoft for a fix?

A computerized tomography (CT) scan combines a series of X-ray images taken from different angles around your body and uses computer processing to create cross-sectional images (slices) of the bones, blood vessels and soft tissues inside your body. CT scan images provide more-detailed information than plain X-rays do.

A CT scan has many uses, but it's particularly well-suited to quickly examine people who may have internal injuries from car accidents or other types of trauma. A CT scan can be used to visualize nearly all parts of the body and is used to diagnose disease or injury as well as to plan medical, surgical or radiation treatment.

During a CT scan, you're briefly exposed to ionizing radiation. The amount of radiation is greater than you would get during a plain X-ray because the CT scan gathers more-detailed information. The low doses of radiation used in CT scans have not been shown to cause long-term harm, although at much higher doses, there may be a small increase in your potential risk of cancer.

CT scans have many benefits that outweigh any small potential risk. Doctors use the lowest dose of radiation possible to obtain the needed medical information. Also, newer, faster machines and techniques require less radiation than was previously used. Talk with your doctor about the benefits and risks of your CT scan.

Tell your doctor if you're pregnant. Although the radiation from a CT scan is unlikely to injure your baby, your doctor may recommend another type of exam, such as ultrasound or MRI, to avoid exposing your baby to radiation. At the low doses of radiation used in CT imaging, no negative effects have been observed in humans.

In certain cases, your doctor may recommend that you receive a special dye called contrast material. This can be something that you are asked to drink before your CT scan, or something that is given through a vein in your arm or inserted into your rectum. Although rare, the contrast material can cause medical problems or allergic reactions.

A special dye called contrast material is needed for some CT scans to help highlight the areas of your body being examined. The contrast material blocks X-rays and appears white on images, which can help emphasize blood vessels, intestines or other structures.

If your infant or toddler is having a CT scan, the doctor may recommend a sedative to keep your child calm and still. Movement blurs the images and may lead to inaccurate results. Ask your doctor how to prepare your child.

CT scanners are shaped like a large doughnut standing on its side. You lie on a narrow, motorized table that slides through the opening into a tunnel. Straps and pillows may be used to help you stay in position. During a head scan, the table may be fitted with a special cradle that holds your head still.

After the exam you can return to your normal routine. If you were given contrast material, you may receive special instructions. In some cases, you may be asked to wait for a short time before leaving to ensure that you feel well after the exam. After the scan, you'll likely be told to drink lots of fluids to help your kidneys remove the contrast material from your body.

Skimming and scanning are reading techniques that use rapid eye movement and keywords to move quickly through text for slightly different purposes. Skimming is reading rapidly in order to get a general overview of the material. Scanning is reading rapidly in order to find specific facts. While skimming tells you what general information is within a section, scanning helps you locate a particular fact. Skimming is like snorkeling, and scanning is more like pearl diving.

Scanning for research and study

Scanning, too, uses keywords and organizational cues. But while the goal of skimming is a bird's-eye view of the material, the goal of scanning is to locate and swoop down on particular facts.

Facts may be buried within long text passages that have relatively little else to do with your topic or claim. Skim this material first to decide if it is likely to contain the facts you need. Don't forget to scan tables of contents, summaries, indexes, headings, and typographical cues. To make sense of lists and tables, skim them first to understand how they are organized: alphabetical, chronological, or most-to-least, for example. If after skimming you decide the material will be useful, go ahead and scan: 006ab0faaa

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