Not all original xbox games work on the 360. Microsoft released a list of games that are guaranteed to work with the emulator profiles that are available in the OG xbox emulator. Even then some of those have weird glitches. Might want to check the list. That being said, I am fairly sure I have that game, and it works. I would have to check, but since I am moving in the next 2 weeks, my 360 is in a box in my garage, waiting to be moved, so I cant check currently. Also, that is why I have an OG xbox on the shelf, just for those games that dont play on the 360. lol. Still need to do the ram upgrade on that.... Put that on my list of shit to do when I have time. lol.

If the people who maintain this forum, such as me didnt joke around we would probably be banning a lot of people. I had every right to ban you for breaking the forum rules just for suggesting that you wanted to download the xbox 360 version of the game. Piracy talk is not supported on this forum. Instead, I decided to make a joke, that also could help you with your problem. So, while I was joking, I was also helping you, in a round about loophole way. Take it or leave it. That being said, if the people on this forum didnt joke, we would be posting a ton of rude shit, because we are tired of answering the same questions every time a noob doesnt want to search the forum or google for proper information, or when the dont quite understand something, then decide to open a new thread. Pretty much any question you could have regarding games, dashboards, kernels, dashlaunch, plugins, trainers, etc(excepting programming for the 360) have been answered on this site alone like 300+ times. If people cant decipher the information, then they need to get a new hobby, because we have lives, and it isnt our job to hold your hand. We help the community because we want to. Sometimes that means we do it with attitude. Have you ever noticed that the developers in Team Phoenix(Excepting Swizzy and now days this applies to him as well) hardly ever post on the forum? There is a reason for that. They dont want to deal with it, and leave it up to people like Felida, Dr. Gonzo, Saywaking, and I to handle. Now dont get me wrong, 3 out of the 4 names there are all part of team phoenix as well, in a testing capacity, but we arent actively developing for them.

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tag_hash_104 🔥 🔥

now, modding your xbox ISN"T illegal. Not at all. M$ would like to make you believe that a modchip or a softmod software exploit is illegal, but thats far from the truth. The only illegal chips are ones with a certain flavor of linux, but those don't really exist anymore.

Now i remember reading here about some sort of SDK for MTA that would allow hosts to customize MTA a lot. While that doesn't mean open-source, hopefully we could in some way work with the MTA dev team in making an xbox port. 0852c4b9a8

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