When your drone registration expires, you need to renew your registration through the FAADroneZone. If you are having trouble logging into the FAADroneZone, you may need to reset your password (PDF). Be sure to use the email address you used when you originally registered your drone with the FAA.

Learn more about the types of works that can be registered with the U.S. Copyright Office. Select a category below to view helpful resources related to the type of works registered with the U.S. Copyright Office as well as instructions on how to register

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Registered Reports is a publishing format that emphasizes the importance of the research question and the quality of methodology by conducting peer review prior to data collection. High quality protocols are then provisionally accepted for publication if the authors follow through with the registered methodology.

Registered Reports are a form of empirical journal article in which methods and proposed analyses are pre-registered and peer-reviewed prior to research being conducted. High quality protocols are then provisionally accepted for publication before data collection commences. This format of article is designed to reward best practice in adhering to the hypothetico-deductive model of the scientific method (see Figure 1 below). It eliminates a variety of questionable research practices, including low statistical power, selective reporting of results, and publication bias, while allowing complete flexibility to conduct exploratory (unregistered) analyses and report serendipitous findings.

No. The RR model welcomes sequential registrations in which authors add experiments at Stage 1 via an iterative mechanism and complete them at Stage 2. With each completed cycle, the previous accepted version of the paper is guaranteed to be published, regardless of the outcome of the next round of experimentation. Authors are also welcome to submit a Stage 1 manuscript that includes multiple parallel experiments, or a sequence of preliminary unregistered experiments at Stage 1 (including results) followed by a proposal for one or more preregistered experiments.

We appreciate this concern, which will not be settled until scientists either dispel the myth that journal hierarchy reflects quality or the most prestigious journals offer RRs. The RR model is spreading quickly to many journals, and is already offered at prominent journals such as Nature Human Behaviour. As the next continues to widen, the are numerous rewards for junior scientists who choose to submit RRs. First, because RRs are immune to publication bias they ensure that high quality science is published regardless of the outcome. This means that a PhD student could publish every high quality experiment from their PhD rather than selectively publishing the studies that yielded positive results. Second, a PhD student who submits RRs has the opportunity to gain in-principle acceptance for several papers before even submitting their PhD, which in the stiff competition for post-doctoral jobs may provide an edge over graduates with fewer deliverables to show. Third, because RRs neutralise various questionable research practices, such as p-hacking, HARKing and low statistical power, it is likely that the findings they contain will be more reproducible, on average, than those in comparable unregistered articles. This, in turn, will help build the reputations of the participating scientists as trusted generators of knowledge. The incentive structures in many sciences are evolving quickly in favour of reproducibility.

For this criticism to be valid, scientists would need to be motivated solely by the act of publishing, with no desire to make true discoveries or to build a coherent body of research findings across multiple publications. We are more optimistic about the motivations of the scientific community, but nevertheless, it is important to note that running a pre-registered study carelessly would also sabotage the outcome-neutral tests that are necessary for final acceptance of the Stage 2 submission.

Find out how to register and title your vehicle or trailer for the first time in Massachusetts. 

If your vehicle is already registered and titled in Massachusetts, visit the Vehicle Registration and/or Vehicle Certificate of Title pages.

Failure to complete the form properly could result in your registration being delayed or denied. Note that you must provide your Social Security number, if any, when applying to register to vote in Virginia. Therefore, if you do not provide your Social Security number, your application for voter registration will be denied. State and local voting officials will use your Social Security number as a unique identifier to insure that no person is registered in more than one place. Records containing your Social Security number will not be open to inspection by the public. Your Social Security number will appear on reports produced only for official use by voter registration and election officials, and for jury selection purposes by courts.

If your application is complete, you are considered a registered voter. If you do not receive a Voter Notification Card three weeks after you submit an application, you should contact your local board of elections. You can also verify whether you are registered to vote by visiting our Voter Lookup website.

The Registered Exporter system (the REX system) is a system of certification of origin of goods based on a principle of self-certification.The origin of goods is declared by economic operators themselves by means of so-called statements on origin. To be entitled to make out a statement on origin, an economic operator has to be registered in a database by his competent authorities. The economic operator becomes a "registered exporter".

Registration of exporters: Exporters apply to become registered exporters by filling in an application form and by returning it to their competent authorities. The competent authorities register exporters who submit complete and correct application forms.

Modification of registration data: once registered, a registered exporter has the obligation to communicate to his competent authorities all changes on his registered data. The competent authorities then perform the modifications in the REX system for the registered exporter.

Revocation of exporters: in some cases, a registered exporter will be revoked from the REX system. This can happen for instance if the company ceases to exist or if the registered exporter commits fraud. Depending on the reason, the revocation is done either on request of the registered exporter or on the initiative of the competent authorities.

With those three functionalities of registration of exporters, modification of registered data, and revocation of exporters, it is the responsibility of the competent authorities to keep at all-time an accurate repository of registered exporters.

Through his registration data (specifically, box 6 of Annex 22-06 of the UCC IA), a registered exporter may decide if he wants all his registration data to be published or not. If he doesn't consent for the publication of all his registered data, an anonymous subset of the registered data (the REX number of the registered exporter, the date from which the registration is valid and the date of revocation if applicable) are anyway published to allow operators to verify the validity of those registrations as well.

The Agreement between the EU and Singapore which entered into force very recently (November 2019) provides that the origin of goods originating in the EU is declared by approved exporters and not by registered exporters. This is because the Agreement between the EU and Singapore was concluded many years ago, before that the REX system was existing.

In the context of the EU-UK TCA, will also be registered re-consignors in Northern Ireland re-consigning goods to the EU and replacing with replacement statements on origin proofs of origin issued or made out in third countries with which the EU has a preferential trade arrangement.

The OAD does not provide for a transition period for the application of the REX system by the OCTs. Therefore, as from 1 January 2020, tariff preference will be granted at import in the EU on products originating in OCTs only on presentation of statements on origin made out by registered exporters. Certificates of origin EUR.1 or origin declarations made out by approved exporters are no longer admissible in the EU.

When regional cumulation is applied by beneficiary countries of the GSP, the origin of the goods exported from the beneficiary country supplying the materials is also declared by registered exporters by means of statements on origin.

At the end of the transition period, consignments above 6 000 EUR will be entitled to GSP preferential tariff treatment in the EU only if accompanied by a statement on origin made out by a registered exporter.

The rules for determining the origin of goods in the GSP scheme of the EU remain unchanged with the application of the REX system. Only the method to certify the origin of goods is changed.

To be entitled to make out a statement on origin, an economic operator needs to be registered in the REX system and to have a valid registration, i.e. a registration which is not revoked. It is however allowed that unregistered exporters make out statements on origin for consignments of originating goods having a value which is below 6 000 EUR.

A statement on origin is a declaration of origin added by the registered exporter on an invoice, a delivery note, a packing list, or any other commercial document allowing to identify the goods and the exporter. The text of the statement on origin is laid down in Annex 22-07 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. For the rules concerning the statement on origin, please refer mainly to Article 92 and Article 93 of that regulation.

Participants enrolled in the Safe at Home program can register as a confidential voter and keep their voting information private. If you are in fear for your safety, and meet eligibility requirements, you can apply to the Safe at Home program(link to SAH page) and register as a confidential voter. The deadline to register to vote for the November 5, 2024 election is October 21, 2024. If you miss the deadline, you can still register until Election Day, but you will not be registered as a confidential voter. 0852c4b9a8

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