I purchased the 1020 at launch and I am a little disappointed in nokia a bit. The time delay in taking shots as well as the time delay between shots MUST be fixed soon. I mean, really? They have had enough time to update the software and fix this. I bought the phone purely on the premise of the camera. I never owned a window phone, although it was too easy to figure out. I hope the next phone that features the 55 mega pixel camera will have better functionality as far as a professional photographer is concerned, like myself. I will give nokia another year if they are going to fix these issues. 

 Oh by the way, in my family, we have the latest android and ois phones and I will tell you this fact. All can do a better job at the delay issues I mentioned up above. However, the 1020 in the hands of professionals such as myself, can take photos, albeit one at a time, better than the canon dlsr's of 18 megapixels. Just food for thought, thats all.

Yours must be broken. Apart from the usualy yellow cast on Sony BSI sensors of that era, the L1020 at pureview resolution creates very good pictures (in Pureview mode). Especially with Nokia's recent updates (Nokia black). Nonetheles IMHO for still photography the 808Pureview is MUCH better. Not in the least because it has more PureView modes. Lumia 1020 has only a 5MP pureview mode while the 808PV has 5MP (standard), 8MP and 3MP pureview modes. The lowest mode also has the largest zoom-factor as well. It also has a Neutral Density (ND8) filter (about 3F stops) and ISO50. It also has 3 programmable presets in creative mode to store to 3 most used settings. IMHO Connect.Dpreview should use the 808PV as the standard to compare all the others (including the L1020). In fact I've replaced my Nikon D40 with this "phone". (Though I am thinking of getting a 2nd hand D7000 though)

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I just purchased phone and there is a very noticeable internal lens flaw, that shows up on all photographs. The camera is amazing when it worked properly, low light is fantastic, (you forget it is a phone) but caution.. Look for lens flaw (take pictures in different lighting situations) and KNOW your carriers replacement policy, as my carrier wants to give me a refurb unit only 18 days after purchase on a Manufactures Defect.

I use a wifi card in either a RX-100 (1" sensor) or my Nikon DSLR.

Jpeg pictures are instantly loaded to my smartphone. 

Don't see much need for processing zoom this way, but, its fascinating what can and will be done.

I'll wait for 2nd generation.

you focus too much on resolution. It's important yes but from a phone you're likely to share your pics online and for that purpose 5MP is more than enough. However, thanks to its clever downsampling algorithms and very efficient OIS it is very good in low light. You can still take pictures when all you get on some other phones is a pixelated mess.

The only way to understand the 1020's 41mp is by carefully reading DP and other technical reviews, and for all explanations and image comparisons, it makes a lot of sense. Great 5mp pictures, "a digital zoom that does not suck", image stabilization, and great low-light pictures make this cam-phone the best one. And unless there is an iOS or Android app exclusive of these OS you cannot live with, WP8 is an excellent alternative. I will definitively get one once the unlocked versions drop in price.

The lens does NOT fit the camera and that is OBVIOUS , it is not only 10% but a lot more (more than 20%) (and you can check that from the photos taking for the national geographic -look at the color fall off at the hat of dude in the picture-)

Do you know what is false propaganda in here ? 

All the commentators that joined today (31 of August ) to comment today the superiority of this phone ( that is typical Nokian fan guided tactics, that is what happened last year with 808 pureview as well, That is Propaganda )

About this phone-camera is good compared among phones and thats all, (some stupids last year hastened to compare it to Canon 5D or even Nikon D800), as for what you pay and what you get you better buy yourself a 300$ point and shoot camera and you'll get better Image Quality than this ...... thing !!!!!

"The lens does NOT fit the camera and that is OBVIOUS , it is not only 10% but a lot more (more than 20%) (and you can check that from the photos taking for the national geographic -look at the color fall off at the hat of dude in the picture-)"

The picture at _posts/5588168824/natgeo3.jpg is almost unusable to properly evaluate lens sharpness as it's marred by NR. I'd say the color smear is caused by the NR and in no way the lens blur in the left/rightmost 10% of the frame.

Compared to it's competitors, it apparently captures about as much details in a 5MP image as higher resolution images from others.

Why would you want higher resolution images that has no more details? Often that leads to larger file sizes, and that is just unecessary, or at least it's impratical when you look at the pictures as they have to be downsampled even more by your GPUchip,

Sorry to disagree. It's the entire point. There's not much point in taking 41 MP pictures on a mobile device but the Nokia takes those 41MP to produce low-noise 5MP images and allow for high-quality digital zoom. Seems pretty clever to me.

There are three different views for the gallery: list with details, list and grid. Once you pick a picture you can zoom on it to see more detail. Zooming itself is not the fastest (especially for larger pictures) and only goes a short distance, so it is practically of no use.

Pictures can be also viewed fullscreen and can be edited with the built-in picture editor. The latter offers a number of options, but we doubt it Nokia 6600 fold users are likely to consider photo editing on the handset seriously.

While we're at it, let's have a look at the imaging capabilities of Nokia 6600 fold. The handset packs a 2 megapixel camera with image resolution of up to 1600 x 1200 pixels. Fixed focus is sure to doom any attempts at close-ups but the LED flash gives some hope of producing a usable picture in the dark now and then. The flash is still rather weak, usable with close range objects only.

Image quality is poor. Colors are rather precise but pictures lack detail even in very favorable lighting. The main problem is the extremely aggressive noise-reduction gives photos a distinct oil-painted look. In addition the obviously low quality lens reduces the amount of detail even further towards the corners. Given the absence of autofocus, you'd rather not take a picture of a closely situated object or text, as they will surely be blurred. The positive thing we can say about the camera is that the photos look great on the vivid OLED display.

Finally, we feel a warning is due about camera speed. This one is surely on the slower side of phones we have managed to test. It will take about 4-5 seconds to save a picture at the highest (2MP) resolution setting and that stretches the shot-to-shot time beyond tolerable.

For now, here are 89 pictures i took with the Nokia N8. I tried to snap all kinds of conditions also tried wrong settings, like auto mode for portrait snaps, which you might notice on the red eyes. I also corrected 2 red-eyed pics with the built in Picture editor. It might all be a bit rushed, but as promised, Lots of more pictures and goodies will be up soon!

The 3410 is notable for being the first Nokia phone with J2ME support, and the only DCT3 generation phone to have this capability. It supports WAP 1.1 with Push, and had the same features as the Nokia 3350, including the two-softkey control scheme and higher resolution display. Other stand-out features were the picture editor, allowing creation of bitmap images and sending them to others, as well as 3D screen savers.

Do you want to make an excellent Profile picture and cover picture for Facebook? We will teach you. On mobile phones, the majority of modern people, so many different programs and applications. Among popular it is also among different photo editors that allow you to quickly and interesting change existing...

Take a regular photo and apply over 75 effects and textures to create unique looking picture Add a Splash of Space! Want that awesome galaxy effect you've been seeing all over instagram? Well now you've found...

I just noticed that these device do not include the default Images/Gallery/Photos app. When users take picture using the device camera, they can't preview that image. Every phone includes an default app, to view images but when I join them to MEM, device do not include an ap to view images??

MR. KOJO NNAMDI...National Geographic commissioned a Grand Canyon photo essay using the new 41 megapixel Nokia Lumia 1020 camera phone. In the hands of professionals, cell phone cameras clearly take great pictures. We've got two professionals here to help us amateurs take good photos, too. Melanie Otto is back. She's a professional photographer instructor with Washington Photo Safari. Melanie, great to see you again.

CHENI think, well, for me personally, having worked with a professional camera, there's a -- it has a job to do. You're carrying a professional camera, every time you pull it out, you're making a picture that you will have to download and process and upload and -- onto your computer with a card reader, and all these things. But, when you have a camera in your pocket, and it's your phone, it does change the way you see.

CHENYes, it's a, it turns the interface into what you may see on the back of a camera. And one of the best functions that we like to use on it is it allows you to lock the exposure separate from the focus. So I could expose, for a bright spot of light, and then recompose my picture, and focus on a different element.

CHENI think, with any camera, the phone is another tool for creativity. And I think, as we were talking earlier, having this camera changes the way you see. Well, understanding the limitations of the flash can also help you become really creative. So, if you know the flash is really weak, maybe that changes the way you use it, and I think a lot of our photographers do that. Even the other day, I was taking a picture of my cats at night, and I turned the flash on... 0852c4b9a8

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