Personalize Chrome on your computer with a fun theme. The theme appears around the border of the browser and as the background when you open a new tab. Your Chrome themes are stored in your Google Account, so when you sign in to Chrome on any computer, you see the same theme.

Once I disabled the browser theme, its back to normal speed. I've tried different themes with all the same result, with all extensions disabled and cookies/cache/history cleared. Has anyone encountered this problem?

Free Download Of Themes In Google Chrome

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So the themes messed up my taskbar up top and if I have a black theme on from the chrome store it no longer has dividers. If I choose from the customization tab to set it to all black it makes my taskbar up top turn blue and then the webpage is dark screen mode. I just want my theme to make it so the tasks and the google home page are the same color. now I currently have this ugly gray for my tasks. I know its petty but I hate how google just changed what I had when nothing was wrong with it.

loislo's answer is absolutely right (You need to restart the browser after changing the flag at chrome://flags). But notice that your chrome can work in the background. Go to the tray, look for the chrome icon and exit.

Hey there, just an short question does Google chrome Themes from the official Chrme Store (For Desktop) can have Viruses inside them? or does Google always scan the themes that People have created and uploaded, is it even possible to get virus from Themes from the Google store :/ bc i want a good Black theme for my Chrome browser but i cant finy any good one, and im scared that i get a virus from themes hope somebody can help me out

While there's no way to be 100% positive, Google does check all the themes, plugins, apps and other items hosted on their web store which does greatly reduce the risk. Additionally, while I'm no expert on Google Chrome themes, I sincerely doubt there are very many ways to infect a browser via a theme (the only way I can think of that *might* be possible, though it's still highly doubtful would be for themes that change your homepage/new tab page as they can host live content, and if that live content comes from somewhere malicious or simply displays ads (i.e. adware, not really any sort of dangerous malware), then that could be a risk factor).

Snap or Flatpak installed packages do not respect system themes.

If you installed Chrome from Snap - then there is nothing you can do other than remove the snap Chrome Package and then install Chrome as a .deb or Flatpak package.

You can usually find a firefox theme in the add-ons to match. I am using one of the new manjaro themes matcha-dark-aliz including the gtk theme and the default firefox theme on firefox 81 picks up the theme colours ok.

Yesterday I made an upgrade of google-chrome and all in a sudden the chrome icon for the running chrome changed to an Icon like just like a window ( a frame with a top blue line).Ā 


"Fensterknpfe"(german desktop ) "Window Buttons" in xfce4-panel 4.12.0 in size and so on shows no reaction. If I say show names , the additional text is shown, but the google-chrome Icon ist lost. The chrome Starter Icon in the same "Leiste"/Panel shows the well known google-chrome Icon.

I'm not sure what to suggest, I don't personally use google chrome so I can't recommend one version over the other. However, the unstable version crashed on me when I tried it - so probably a reason why its unstable.


I have osticket v1.18 and php 8.2.8Ā 

I tried to customize the theme.css file, the change I made is visible in microsoft edge and firefox but in google chrome nothing change even if i delete the cache and cookies, how to fix this?

I now noticed, that while increasing the viewport size, chrome downloaded new images, but not all of them. I am building a onepager with different sections (which are pages in the BE). The first image inside each page is always the original file (not correct), the ones after that behave correctly.

title says it all, this question has been asked before but no solution, also such questions date back to 2011 so im guessing some add on or modifications must have come about since then. this is the only function i envy of google chrome !!!

On -US/firefox/themes/ the themes there are Personas themes which are basically toolbar wallpaper. The link for the full themes is located in the center of the above Themes link. -US/firefox/complete-themes/

I am using gnome theme in my machine. I have enabled dark theme in gnome. So all the other things in chrome like search result page is in dark mode. But there are some exceptions. Some tabs like inspect tab, settings tab etc are still using the light theme, although all the other things in chrome are working just fine in dark mode. Imagine if I open the inspect tab in a google search result page, the inspect tab will open. But the page remains in dark theme, but the inspect tab remains in light theme. I have also selected 'GTK' theme in chrome.

So how can I fix this?

Chrome offers a wide variety of themes in the Web Store, ranging from the artistic to the pop-culture savvy. If a theme does not display after you installed it, it may not be built correctly. If the theme suddenly disappears, it may not be synced, or it may have been disabled by another user. It takes a bit of troubleshooting, but most theme issues are fairly easily resolved. If all else fails, just reinstall the theme.

Chrome supports multiple user accounts in one browser. Different users can install different themes, allowing for complete customization without imposing on another user's preferences. If you use a browser with multiple users, check that the correct user account is active. Chrome displays the current user's profile picture in the upper left corner of the browser for easy identification. Click the icon to change users.

A final addition mirrors the new generative AI wallpaper experience that recently arrived on Android 14 and Pixel devices. Now Google will use the same text-to-image diffusion model to allow users to generate custom themes for their Chrome browser. The feature allows you to generate these themes by subject, mood, visual style, and color by selecting the new "Create with AI" option after opening the "Customize Chrome" side panel and clicking "Change theme." Before, Chrome offered a variety of colorful but simple themes to choose from alongside those from artists, but this feature will allow users to expand beyond the built-in choices to create a theme that better matches their own current vibe. 0852c4b9a8

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