Love Blue Monmouth is finished with its cleanups for 2023, but is actively lining up events for the spring. To get in touch or for more information, visit Love Blue Monmouth on Instagram at @lovebluemonmouth.

More on the story of Lapis Lazuli blue and how it reached my studio from a far away place on the other side of the world, and then up on some icons that I painted, in my next blog post about blue pigments.

Download Love By Cn Blue For Free

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Our Hilltop's annual community-driven crowdfunding tradition is back and better than ever! Now in its tenth year, Love Blue Give Gold has become a crucial source of support for many beloved campus programs and departments. It's an exciting two days of fresh St. Ed's gear, on-demand activities, and Topper pride.

Love Is BlueAlternate Name(s)Prelude, Minuet, Toccata & NocturneCreatorRodinUserBayonettaBayonetta (The End)Bayonetta 2TypeLong RangedGameplaySet SlotHands & FeetElementMagicWicked WeavesWicked Punches/Uppercuts & Wicked Kicks/StompsUmbran ClimaxMadama Butterfly, Labolas, Baal & HydraLove Is Blue is the name of Bayonetta's signature weapons featured in the second game. They function as a replacement for Scarborough Fair from the first game and match her new blue and black color palette. Like their predecessors, Love Is Blue are the only weapons that don't need to be unlocked by collecting Golden LPs or by completing a certain task.

As their name implies, they are blue in color, but the aesthetics such as the Umbran symbol is still shared between them and Scarborough Fair. They each feature a set of gems that match the colors of lyrics from the weapon's namesake, both embedded in the gun itself, and as floral imprinted accessories that hang from the grip of the gun, & an engraving on each side of each gun. Director Yusuke Hashimotto provided in a tweet a list of each guns' individual names.[1] As follows:

They also appear to surround Bayonetta's kicks and punches in blue demonic energy instead of the pinkish-crimson that Scarborough Fair did in the first game, again matching the new game's color palette of blue and black over red and black.

Good news since I have orange brick fireplace and rust couch. I do use blue and spring chartreuse accessories and it looks good. Blue and orange are compliments on the color wheel which you probably know.

Very Well said! 

I agree with you 100%...

was just watching a blue jay at my tray feeder.. I love when they all call and then land on the tray feeder,eat and scatter the seed about and go.Marauding noisy teenagers.. All part of the scene.

I love Blue Jays and spend a fortune on them on peanuts during the winter months. Once spring hits they are on their own though because my neighbor lets its cat out when its warm.

I also get hawks who visit my yard and I usually let nature take its course. Once the Red Bellied Woodpecker was at my feeder and I banged on the window to scare it off when I saw a hawk appear. Sorry, but it's the only red bellied in my neighborhood and I have grown somewhat attached to it. ;o)

I love Blue Jays, and they tend to have a set time frame where they come to my feeder every morning; I love to watch them peck open the sunflower seeds.

They are noisy and a large bird, but they are not the only bird that does alarm calls with regards to predators. Tufted Titmice and Carolina (or Black-Capped, depending on your locale) Chickadees have the biggest mouths out there and along with Nuthatches tend to form mixed-species flocks in the winter, and they provide the bulk of the alarm/mobbing calls.

A note on the Cooper's and Sharp-Shinned hawks though: they do come to feeders, but studies have shown that they do not hit the same feeders repetitively. If you are interested in more info on their behavior, Google Sharp-Shinned Hawk and/or Coopers Hawk and SL Lima; you'll get more info than you probably ever wanted! Here's a recent one: 

Thank you for the pictures on your blog; birds are such amazing critters!

I very specifically feed blue jays. They are beautiful and incredibly intelligent birds. I have also learned throughout my years of feeding blue jays that they save many birds lives by screaming and scattering other birds when a hawk is near.

I have always loved Blue Jays. When I was young we had a nest of Blue Jays in our backyard. A neighbor hood cat caught and killed the mother bird and one of the two babies that were just learning to fly. My father chased the cat away but was left with one baby wondering if he should leave it to its fate or raise it. Being soft hearted He raised it. It lived with us for 12 years and was very spoiled. They are extremely smart, they have a large vocabulary of sounds and can mimic some sounds we make. Like most birds the usually take to one person but are friendly to others who are often around. The bird died 3 months after my father passed away.

I have blue jays and love them I also have crows, pigeons, family of cardinals, titmouse, chickadees, mockingbird and woodpeckers. All are welcome. Only problem I have with my blue jay he wants fresh food lol. I use a food with nuts and cherries which all of them like. Longs they don't fight or raise wings they are fine with me. Yes blue jays are loud but its in the daytime not at night

I must admit that I'm a non-discriminating feeder. Every bird is welcome at my feeders, although I do try and keep the squirrels away from them. We have many pine and oak treas around for their dining pleasure. We must remember that Mother Nature is not often kind and that is the way it must be. To not understand this is to upset a very delicate balance. Everyone and everything has it's place. I just love watching everyone come to the feeders.

I am sick and tired of watching the beautiful cardinal and robin young carried off into the trees and torn apart by the blue jays. I don't hate any bird but in my area they are a major pain in the butt.

Now while I agree that blue jays should not be hated I do not agree with your opinion why. You said that blue jays save the lives of smaller birds, well according to what you said they aren't trying to help they are just more meat more desirable for hawks. Blue jays are beautiful but like it or not they are in the crow family and blue jays are predatory and eat small prey.

Blue Jays are "BULLY BIRDS" and are an enemy of robins, Eastern and Western bluebirds, and most songbirds. They do NOT share, they MONOPOLIZE bird feeders and like squirrels, harass all other species. If you allow Jays and squirrels, soon those are the only 2 species you will have...BLUE Jays have eaten my baby robins and chickadees as Jays love meat as well. TO discourage Jays,*buy blue bird feeders ONLY (the holes are only large enough to allow small breeds of songbirds to enter and eat)*only put out sunflower seeds IN THE SHELL, *and upside down suet feeders as only woodpeckers and nuthatches can feed upside down.

I actually like the spunkiness of the blue jays...what once started as, what am I going to do with all of this extra bread? Turned into a major compulsive morning routine! By the way, blue jays love your leftover bread! I put out great big chunks, and smaller chunks-each bird ets according to size most of the time. But, it is the blue jays that are sooo fun to watch, I think. Then, I put peanuts out on the other side of my yard, and the squirrels and blue jays share that end...The squirrels also share my garden with me (unwillingly) on my account. As far as feeders, most of the time the differnt sized birds, know their spots, and preferred cuisine. In fact, the little birds nest in a great big pine right off of my porch, and the blue jays nest in a tree right next to them in a catapila long drive way is lined with trees a am nd differnt birds have diffefnt preferences here it seems. I see way more working in tandem, than survival of the fittest. Funny thing though, due to the article, my daughter brought home a kitten this spring; and I didn't even think of the birds at first??? Within months, the cat was on the prowl-oops I thought! But, it was the blue jay who seen the cat down, and it was the blue jays who has the cat afraid of going under my feeding areas af the birds! They warded off the cat-for the rest of ghe more defenseless creatures. 

But, I do agree, how can anyone say there are bird lovers, or nature lovers for that matter, if you do not enjoy the simplicities and complexities of how nature's processes work at their finest hours. Blue jays are an amazing bird to watch, and makes it just a lil more interesting-to me anyways.

Thank you for the information. I love watching the the jays and chickadees and cardinals come to my feeders.

Then I had a cardinal killed and though I did not see what happened it made me wonder if it could have been a jay. We don't have cats that I've seen around and it at a quick glance appear to be a pucture wound.

Today the jays are busy as I put out among other things, whole peanuts the jays love. I have seen four and five Jay's coming at a time today!

Funny story... Our cat was old and arthritic. She would lay on the deck directly under the bird feeders in the sun. I just assumed the birds would not visit the feeder while she was laying there. I was wrong!! The birds (especially the blue Jays) must have tested the waters at some point and realized that the old cat lying there was not able to attach them, so away they went! Eating at the feeders with a cat right under them, watching. It was truly a case of Kitty TV. She is gone now, recently, and this story was from this very summer. That is a great memory of her last days.

I have a large 'flock' of Jays feeding at my feeders and I just love them. There are approximately 24 Jays as well as 40-50 Chickadees and Sparrows and 1 lone Woodpecker. They all seem to get along really well. 

I can say that I do love seeing them and feel really good about feeding them, as the winter has been really cold this year! Example, the high temp has been -5 for the last 8 days, chilly!

All of the birds need a break! (of course my hubby says I'd let the birds into the house if I could! :) ) 0852c4b9a8

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