Dogs, unlike humans, do not just plop down in bed when they are tired. They spend lots of time preparing their bed before snuggling in for the night. Sleepy dogs turn around in circles and do kind of a dance before going to sleep. This bedtime ritual is a bit compulsive and sleep evades them until they complete their nightly dance routine.

Most domestic dogs are pets that sleep in our homes or in another safe, controlled environment. Even though they are not subject to attack by wild animals, our canine friends retained this evolutionary protective trait. So, like their ancestors, our dogs turn around a few times before lying down.

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While watching our dogs turn around before bedding down is amusing, it can also be a signal that something is wrong. Dogs that are in pain will circle excessively as they struggle to find a more comfortable position. They may also crouch then rise several times before completely reclining.

Changing conditions may test the layers you have brought along and you may find your cold threshold quicker than expected. If you are chilled (this goes for summer hikes too) consider if you have the ability to warm up. If the answer is no, turning around and trying again another day may be the best option.

Take stock of your available nutrition as your hike progresses. If you start to run low on water (without the ability to purify more) and food, this should start signaling a plan to turnaround. Dehydration and lack of nutrition can lead to deadly consequences.

If you come to an area that is covered with water, you will not know the depth of the water or the condition of the ground under the water. This is especially true at night, when your vision is more limited.

Always signal before you turn or change lanes. It is important that other highway users know your intentions. The law requires you to signal a turn or lane change with your turn lights or hand signals at least 100 feet (30 m) ahead. A good safety tip is, when possible, to signal your intention to turn before you begin to brake or make the turn. The proper hand signals are shown below.

Do not try a U-turn on a highway unless absolutely necessary. If you must turn around, use a parking lot, driveway or other area, and, if possible, enter the roadway as you move forward, not backing up.

The experiences of distressed retailers that have successfully turned their business around, either during or since the global financial crisis, have shown that a five-stage approach to retail turnarounds can lead to sustained success (Exhibit 2).

One accessories manufacturer traditionally sold most of its products to distributors, which would then sell to multibrand retailers. The company also owned and operated a handful of concept stores as brand flagships. It had steered clear of e-commerce to avoid competing with its distributors and retail partners. However, an analysis of channel profitability and customer trends showed that the future sources of profitable growth were the online channel and owned concept stores. The company thus turned its channel strategy on its head. Execution of the new strategy was a critical element of a turnaround that has led to a fourfold rise in share price and TRS uplift of 190 percent in less than two years.

A successful retail turnaround often involves changes across hundreds of stores, brought to fruition by many thousands of frontline staff, which translates into a significant performance-management challenge. According to our research, the average C-level executive spends approximately 15 hours per month in performance reviews, compared with approximately 40 hours per month for a turnaround one.

In this blog, we will outline the five phases of a turnaround process and the challenges associated with each phase. The more you understand about the road and challenges ahead, the more equipped you will be to avoid the pitfalls and see turnaround success.

A plant turnaround is a scheduled stoppage of part or all of a plant's operations. Usually, operations need to stop for maintenance, to replace equipment, to upgrade energy resources or to maintain regulatory compliance.

If these statistics illustrate one thing, it is that there is a lot of dissatisfaction and room for improvement when it comes to the performance of turnaround projects. What would your organization look like if over 80% of your work orders did not satisfy requirements? It is unacceptable.

Fortunately, turnaround optimization is possible, and for companies that can streamline this process, many gains can be made: the top performers in this industry spend 30% less time on turnaround than the industry average, which leads to lower cost and more uptime.

The first phase is the scoping phase. This is when the initial planning is done and when you define things like time frame, budget, and the details about which assets will be impacted and which will be held out for another outage. Understanding and defining the scope of the turnaround is foundational to its success.

Here, it is important to keep in mind that many process-heavy facilities have defined turnaround intervals for each of their process units (e.g., unit 21 has a turnaround once every nine years, maximum). To some extent, then, scoping from a 30,000-foot level is non-negotiable, or, at the very least, very inflexible. This is not where you should be concerned.

Once the scope is defined, you will begin to prepare. This is the lengthiest phase of the turnaround, taking anywhere from 6-18 months. During this phase, you will use the information gathered during the scope phase to carry out detailed planning, including plan definition and coordination. This includes updating engineering data, creating work orders and hiring subcontractors.

After completing each task during the execution phase, that asset must be tested and validated for readiness to return to operation. The goal is that each asset must be as good, if not better, than when the turnaround started.

For most organizations, there is also a review phase that takes place sometime during the two weeks following turnaround completion. The review phase involves reporting, system performance analysis and debriefing on the shutdown process as a whole. Does the system work as expected? Is there anything you learned from the operation? This final review phase is when you answer these questions and hopefully streamline your processes for the future.

The same is true of KPIs. You started the turnaround process with a cost/benefit analysis. Is everything in place to complete that analysis? Are you able to track KPIs and use that information to learn from the experience? Oftentimes, the answer is no, and the review is not as satisfactory as you would like.

These are just some of the common challenges that organizations like yours face during each phase of the turnaround process. Fortunately, many of these challenges can be overcome with some of the best practices and tools that we have seen in the industry. Read about our best practices for overcoming these challenges.

When your business has increased demand for its products and services, you need to be able to process orders quickly. But how do you improve in this area? In this blog post, we will examine turnaround time improvement strategies that can make your customers happy.

Turnaround time is also referred to as lead time or cycle time. In many cases, turnaround times are measured in days or weeks, but they can also be calculated using other types of measurements such as hours (for example, 8 hours per day), minutes (5 min per day), or seconds (1 sec per day).

Turnaround time is a key part of any turnaround project. The team needs to plan so they can execute the project successfully, but it also takes time for that plan to be executed. A complete cycle comprises three stages:

The planning stage begins with identifying the problem or issues that need addressing to turn your business around. You can do this by talking with customers and employees and observing how they interact with each other as well as their managers (if any).

The actual turnaround time is not just the sum of these two, but it also includes other factors, such as how long it takes to get new work from vendors or how long it takes for employees to return from maternity leave (if applicable).

In short, if you have a 500-person project that takes six months to complete and one employee leaves early due to vacationing with her family for three weeks, then your actual turnaround time will be about nine months instead of ten.

You should create a strategy for your turnaround time. Your strategy is the blueprint for how you want your team to work together to get the job done. Everyone on your team must know that they have goals and deadlines, so they can be accountable and feel confident in their contributions.

Tracking and reporting are crucial for any business, especially for a startup. You need to know how long each step in your process takes so that you can make changes that will improve turnaround time. If a step is taking too long, cut it out!

One of the most important reasons to recover from a product or service interruption is because it provides valuable information about how long it takes for an item to be back in stock. In other words, turnaround time recovery gives your business insight into how long it takes for you to recover after something goes wrong in production or distribution.

Turnaround time recovery is an important tool for businesses because it gives them insight into their supply chain. You can use this information to manage inventory, plan production, and determine how long it will take for a product to be back in stock.

Healthcare patient turnaround time is a measure of how long it takes for patients to be seen by a healthcare provider. This can be an issue for hospitals, doctors, and anyone else in the system who might need their services.

The average turnaround time for consumer loan approvals is two weeks. This can be improved by using a system to track customer requests and analyze the status of each request. A system can be used to track the number of approved or denied requests and their status (approved/denied). e24fc04721

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