I had heard last season thought of Tom and Mary getting together and I didnt believe it would happpen. But it is getting too late in the season for them to introduce a new love interest and have time for developing that relationship and having some kind of resolve by the end of the series. So now maybe Mary and Tom will happen. As my husband pointed out, that would really show that the world has gone upside down since the beginning of the show. The ex-chauffer and the inheritor of the manor. But can love get Mary down from her pedastal?

i have been trying to remember who was the farmer Edith had a brief fling with back in season 2, i think? It wasnt this Mr.Drew, was it? It was when she was first driving and used the driving excuse to meet him in his barn.

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I could have done with more of the young women throwing themselves at rich Paul Giammati storyline, too. The most interesting things all season (except for the pig interlude) happened in the final episode and were rushed through.

This was as strong a season opener as we've seen since that very first season four years ago. And this time, writer Julian Fellowes didn't have the sinking of the Titanic to help him on his narrative way.

Indeed Downton Abbey is finally - inasmuch as this potboiling manor ever can be - back to normal. Last year's season opener started with special sad music, and the great house in darkness. Not only was Matthew (Dan Stevens) dead, but Miss O'Brien (Siobhan Finneran) had left in the dead of night.

Mr Carson almost couldn't take it. 'I feel a shaking of the ground I stand on,' he complained prophetically. And given the earth-shaking events of this season opener, his prediction looks right for the rest of the series.

I scrolled through this ever-so-quickly to avoid the dreaded spoilers. I do want to read it later though, and my question is this: you live in the U.S, right? And if so, where did you find the third season to watch it?

When they are all in lavender, it is due to the rules of mourning clothes. They wore them in season one after Patrick's death on the Titanic because they were in half-mourning by the time Mr. Palmuk came to visit. Amy is quite correct.

I never disagreed with Amy, just that Lavender appears at other times in the season before any deaths. Cora wears lavendar at Mary's wedding - the same outfit that she later wears to Sybbie's Christening.

A heart felt thank you for sharing my passion for Downton Abbey, history and food. We now have 124,000+ views here since January when I started this particular blog, 5,600+ twitter followers (@downtoncooks). Check out the posted links to Facebook and Pinterest.

Although I have tried to be as blas as Lady Mary about the fact that Downton Abbey will officially end with Season 6, I am still having trouble coming to terms with the truth. The final season premieres in the U.S. on Sunday, Jan. 3, so prepare yourself for the end with a recap for Downton Abbey Season 5. While denial is one stage of grief, it's time to move on to acceptance quickly, since the beloved show already finished airing in the U.K. Downton is over after nine more short episodes, but before that happens, relive Season 5 to get the most out of the new season.

Remembering all of the ups and downs of Season 5 only makes me more depressed that Season 6 is the end, but if you've made it this far without British spoilers of the final season, then there is something to celebrate. Before Season 6 officially premieres in the U.S., prepare yourself a nice cup of tea and catch up on everything that happened in Downton Abbey Season 5.

Images: Nick Briggs/Carnival Film & Television Limited 2014 for Masterpiece; fyannachancellor, calmmanning, downtonreactiongifs (6), annamays (2), mrbarrow (2), reysolowalkers, happymathilda, herewestand, carlithiel (2)/Tumblr

Last week a horrible, awful and most horrendous act was committed against me. I found out the ending of season four before I could finish the season for myself (insert astonished gasps and cries of outrage).

WARNING! SPOILER ALERT in the body of this review and comments of the Downton Abbey Finale of Season Three. If you have not seen the last installment, please view the 7th episode online at this link. I deliberately kept the incriminating images at the back of this post. Readers who comment can leave their honest assessments, for the 4th season will not be aired in the U.K. until next fall.

One moment he is rejoicing in the birth of his heir, the next moment he is dead in some roadside ditch. End of episode. End of the season. PBS immediately switches to a fund appeal to capitalize on their stupified viewers. I felt cheated.


I have to agree with Vic. I also saw an interview with Stevens done in the UK and he indicated that he (thought he) would be in at least the first few episodes of season 4. However, something obviously went amok with the negotiations and BAM! Fellowes has given him and all of his fans (myself included) a mere few seconds for a good-bye notice.

In the interview Stevens also sounds somewhat uncertain about his leaving the show as if he were lamenting before it was even done. I personally think that Fellowes and producers could have offered him a big pay increase and a more flexible shooting schedule and he would have been around for at least another season.

What people need to understand is that Dan Stevens wanted out of the show. They wanted to keep him. So instead of doing the ruinous change of actor, which NEVER works, they killed him. I was bothered when I saw it during the English season but having had a little time to sit with it, I am not. It frees up a lot of new storylines for Mary. New characters can arrive, new love stories, new troubles and possibly some scandals. I miss Sybil though. I loved her. Liked finally seeing poor old Shrimpie and his wife who I adored in Brideshead and Persuasion.

I trust Fellowes to give us a new aspect of aristocratic life in the 20s. There really is so much he can do with some new dashing chaps and fellows to bring to DA.

There is an article about the season finale in the New York Times, Feb. 18 in which Julian Fellowes indicates that Downton Abbey might himself leave the series in the future due to other plans. Obviously not before Season 4 is finished but it the series continues to be popular beyond his interest, others may take over. Fellowes said it makes no sense to air the show separately when the internet is available.

One can only wonder, Vic, where next season will begin. I worry for Mary, whether such an unusual, substantive but misunderstood woman will again find love. I know Branson will but not so sure about Mary. I can see her as a young Violet.

I am glad Mrs Hughes chased Edna off. IMHO, she was another pre-Charlie Ethel, a bimbo planning to sleep her way out of service. Mr Fellowes, you can only use a plot line once. Per series, not per season. Tom is, however, certainly quite the hottie with his shirt off (and to think that 20 years ago, how our hearts fluttered with Colin Firth with his wet shirt on!) (mine still flutters).

PS Of course I doubt the producers or Fellowes would foot the bill for one of these amazing actors as they seem to be VERY tight on the budget. I continue to believe that had they offered a truly significant sum AND a very flexible schedule to Dan Stevens and Jessica Brown Findlay, we would have indeed seen them in at least some of season 4.

You probably won't be able to avoid the third season of "Downton," even if you'd wanted to, so we might as well review the show's strengths and sins together. Oh yes, there are sins to be found, or rather, a series of mostly avoidable mistakes that are almost up there with mistaking the shrimp fork for the dessert fork.

I kid, because I know what "Downton Abbey" is -- it's unquestionably one of television's most contrived confections, and there's nothing wrong with contrivances as long as they serve a greater purpose. But what is that purpose, exactly? I wish I could ignore those questions and concentrate only on frolic among the footmen, but, especially this season, "Downton" insistently puts a certain kind of social system front and center and asks all the characters how they feel about it. As the granddaughter of an Irish housemaid, I'm both able to escape into the fantasy land of earls and ladies without forgetting the elbow grease and financial sacrifice required to make those frivolous lives possible.

And yet, just because the show shamelessly and sometimes shallowly manipulates me doesn't render all those manipulations ineffective. There were "Downton" moments that made me laugh and cry this season; there's no doubt that the show's mixture of rich-people voyeurism, light-opera follies and serious emotional business can be greatly satisfying when it works. Fair warning: It tends to work a lot better as the season progresses -- like a 19th Century train, this polished piece of machinery starts slow and needs to work up a head of steam in order to be enjoyed in all its Victorian glory.

When Downton Abbey first aired, Julian Fellowes (creator and producer) was annoyed at the media for pointing out anachronisms like TV aerials and the use of the word 'boyfriend'. (The word 'boyfriend appeared in print in 1889, long before the period setting of Downton). Fellowes said "they think to show how smart they are by picking holes in the program to promote their own poshness and to show that their knowledge is greater than your knowledge". In a later article coinciding with the start of the second season, Fellowes apologised and commented "I behaved rather badly by getting the hump."

Upon returning to Downton Abbey from the London season in July 1914, Cora feels ill and Dr. Clarkson pays a house call on her. After examining her, she learns that she is pregnant again after 18 years, much to Robert's shock. Both she and Robert were thrilled at the news, as they hoped they would finally have a son and heir. Dr. Clarkson tells Robert that Cora is probably about four months pregnant. 0852c4b9a8

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