According to Ultimate Classic Rock, Barbra Streisand was in fact the inspiration behind the famous Aerosmith song from Armageddon. Streisand was talking about her relationship with James Brolin on 20/20 with Barbara Walters. Streisand told Walters she was with Brolin when he told her he didn't want to go to sleep because he would miss her. This inspired Warren to write down the title "I Don't Want To Miss A Thing" and get working on the song. When Michael Bay called Warren asking for a song for Armageddon, Warren knew the song she'd written was the perfect fit.

I really like how relaxed you sounded on this song. You owned it, it was yours. I want to hear more yours and try it from a head voice perspective, i.e., resonating in the head, and you will find your breath management will adjust to suit what you need. And, I just like the sound of your voice. Which is something that goes along way in music. You feel this song and it shows and that is even more important than technical accuracy.

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Cons: You sing WAY to soft for a song like this. You're mostly in what CVT calls neutral OR in curbing with too soft a volume to produce healthy and convincing curbing. The vocal modes curbing and overdrive would work much better for this song. If that was the only thing you'd changed, you'd be there! Because you're singing like you're trying not to wake up the neighbours, the clip doesn't sound convincing. It's better that you hear this here than people whispering behind your back if you sing this live. Right now that style of singing is not cutting it for this song. Sorry Ronron, it doesn't sound convincing simply because your holding back your energy so much. Fortunately, this problem can be fixed. Either with just the right vocal coach, the right instructional or help from people on this forum. If you want tips from me, f.ex. send me an email or MSN at . I'd be happy to chat with you about singing.

Geno : You're right, the song isn't " in my voice " yet. I hadn't sung it for like... 10 years (The film was out in 1998). And back then, I didn't care about effects, trying to sound good or anything of the like, I just wanted to relate to the song and singer. There are a few songs that I want to do great justice, and have been working on them for 6+ months now. There's always something missing, it's really frustrating. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of time to devote to singing. And I sometimes do something stupid with my voice, like singing too loud and pulling chest, or trying rasp in a bad way.

Too much air man. Hold your breath when you sing, like you're holding your breath underwater. I can hear your chest resonance in the sound which is good. You really need to hold back the air though, you're drying our your chords and are very pitchy. I think it will also improve your confidence by giving you "something to hold onto." I don't hear any diaphram or compression. Nice attempt, TOUGH song. When you did that "yeahhhhhhh" towards the end your chords compressed if that helps you understand compression at all. If you want to get breathy after you master the compression thing go ahead, but you have to be careful, espeiclally in the mix and high notes. You almost have to hold your breath completely when you're higher up in your register, for rock anyway Holding your breath will also make you stronger, MAKE SURE you're not holding from your throat though! It's a lower feeling of holding your breath, like at the base of the neck or the top of the chest. Good luck!

The singer was discussing a budding relationship with fiance James Brolin while appearing on a 20/20 report by Barbara Walters (as related in a new feature about "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" at the Ringer). "And we're just about to fall asleep, I thought. And he says, 'I don't want to fall asleep,'" Streisand said back then, with her eyes closed to the camera. "And so I say, 'Why not?' And he says, ''Cause then I'll miss you.'"

I also have to say: It's so annoying when this is what people associate with when they hear the name Aerosmith. Typical teenage girls that "don't really like Aerotmith but looove that Armageddon song". People that say they like rock music but listnes to bands like Hoobastank or 3 doors down. I mean, come on! d'you think THAT is rock, then you're missing something, girl..

Hate to burst ur bubbles, but Aerosmith didn't even write this song, it was written by Diane Warren, with a little help from Joe Perry. Even if they did write it, I would never put it in the top ten aerosmith songs. If you want real aerosmith, check out any album from the 70's.

In the weeks after I gave birth to my daughter I barely slept and I would just watch her sleep. I had never felt so much love in my life (and I had most definitely been in love before - I am a real romantic, a believer in true love and soul mates). I was incredibly happy and terrified at the same time. The line from Grosse Pointe Blank, "You spend the first year just trying to keep these little guys alive," is so true. I was also on my own as her father had chickened out and didn't even show up for the birth - something I had not expected since we had been friends for 16 years and were both in our 30's. My daughter was such a miracle, so beautiful and healthy, and my family was so supportive - my parents and siblings spent Thanksgiving night in the hospital while I was in labor - and everyone fell in love with her immediately. I bought a special kind of bassinet called a co-sleeper which is basically a three-sided crib that attaches to the side of a regular bed so she had her own space and when she woke up to nurse I just had to lift her over onto my bed. So one night after I brought her home I was just lying on my side watching her sleep and this song came into my head - it was perfect! Time is warped when you have a newborn, and you know that they won't stay that way for long. As a parent you want them grow and evolve, but at the same time there is the wish that they could stay this way forever. You find yourself amazed by this tiny creature that just days or weeks before was inside of you. Babies live completely in the moment and can teach you a lot about how important it is to appreciate the now rather than lingering on the past or worrying about the future. There is something very spiritual and mysterious in a very primal way about a baby, and the experience of becoming a mother (I can't speak for fathers). They are also all ephemeral - every mother loses her baby just by the process of time.

A particularly enchanting moment unfolded as Streisand reminisced about a charming episode of pillow talk with Brolin. As the couple lay together, Brolin expressed, "I don't want to fall asleep because then I'll miss you." Streisand, amused and touched by the sentiment, recounted the sweet exchange, admitting, "OK, yes, I'll marry you."

In Streisand's new memoir, "My Name Is Barbra," she addresses this history of the mega Aerosmith hit, explaining how it was inspired by the words of her husband, James Brolin. Reflecting on the early days of their relationship, she recalled lying in bed with him when Brolin told her, "I don't want to fall asleep." When Streisand asked why, Brolin replied, "Cause I'll miss you." 0852c4b9a8

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