Adobe Photoshop is a raster graphics editor developed and published by Adobe for Windows and macOS. It was originally created in 1987 by Thomas and John Knoll. Since then, the software has become the most used tool for professional digital art, especially in raster graphics editing. Owing to its fame, the program's name has become genericised as a verb (e.g. "to photoshop an image", "photoshopping", and "photoshop contest")[7] although Adobe disapproves of such use.[8]

Photoshop and derivatives such as Photoshopped (or just Shopped) have become verbs that are sometimes used to refer to images edited by Photoshop,[35] or any image manipulation program. The same happens not only in English but as the Portuguese Wikipedia entry for image manipulation attests, even in that language, with the trademark being followed by the Portuguese verb termination -ar, yielding the word "photoshopar" (to photoshop). Such derivatives are discouraged by Adobe[8] because, in order to maintain validity and protect the trademark from becoming generic, trademarks must be used as proper nouns.[citation needed]

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I will not be using Photoshop anymore either. I hate subscription based. So someone has a version of Photoshop they bought and they need to open a file. Now if they don't want to subscribe to photoshop they have to, to be able to open the file. I still have Photoshop 6 but after I have to upgrade this which won't be for awhile I will be finding another program to use. I am in the Graphic Design field but will make something else work. And it's not just me. My company will be doing the same thing. Sorry but I think this will be what some people will do. It probably won't hurt Adobe because they are so big but hopefully it will make it so other programs are invested in and updated. Adobe shouldn't be the only option out there anyway. Even though I've used photoshop for over 15 years and I love it. I don't love it anymore.

I pretty much agree with everyone's dissatisfaction with the "Cloud" approach. Most of us have been using and paying for Photoshop for a long time, buying incremental upgrades as they became available. I get how we never really "own" the software, we just have purchased the right to use it. The fundamental difference for me and a lot of others is that before Adobe's "cloud" approach the customer got to deciede if we wanted to upgrade to the next version or not. If Adobe didn't innovate or improve on the feature set and performance we could vote with our buying decision, holding off on purchasing the next version (a practice I rarely did). Now we're all paying to continue to use the software regardless and what's worse if we don't feel like the software is worth the monthly/annual fee the software time-bombs. The new approach is ideal from Adobe's point of view but for the consumer or business they run the risk of all the stuff they have created being useless (at least the adobe specific files) unless they continue to pay; before you could still do whatever you wanted with the software but lost out on new features and functionality until you upgraded. Businesses that purchase a significant amount of licenses (along with hardware to run the software from another company) wouldn't be able to treat the combined investment as a capital expense under the new monthly subscription model.

Well I like the cloud approach it means I have a standard monthly amount to pay instead of a big lump sum, I get all the latest updates and I'm able to try other adobe software I probably wouldn't have done otherwise.

Have you ever wondered what was the first photo ever photoshoped? Well, John Knoll, one of Adobe Photoshop's creators took a picture of his wife Jennifer on a beach in Bora-Bora. He later used that picture for demos of Photoshop and even included it in the installation package naming it "Jennifer in paradise". Here is the very first picture ever photoshoped.

Open Notepad, paste the code, save as "PSLaunch.bat" instead of a ".txt", and if you want to make life extra easy, redirect your photoshop shortcut to the file. Please note, that this assumes you used the default install directory, if you installed it elsewhere, you will need to change the directory.

I have just been looking at the photoshop versions for another thread here and you can not buy CS6 on or another couple of sites I checked out. It has to be CC; I am glad I decided to take the plunge and buy CS6 last year.

"Currently, the community on is used as a destination for customers to ask questions and engage in peer-to-peer conversations. IOW, this is a user-to-user support forum. The Adobe Support Community is a place to ask questions, find answers, learn from experts, and share your knowledge. Because we are a community used by people of all ages, cultures, and people at work, we carefully moderate its content".

I've had great success with git, version controlling, sharing and collaborating on my programming projects, and would love to do the same with photoshop .psds, illustrator .ais and maya projects. Maya, as you may know, is a brilliant 3D modelling and rendering kit, but its projects are saved sort of like a programming framework, with various directories for source images and textures and the like.

Obviously all files are just numbers, so in theory git would be fine only updating the parts of the .jpegs or maya binaries that have changed, but do you think in reality this would this cause data corruption and tears? Like I say, I'd like to do the same with photoshop and illustrator files.

what a mess.. ''just re-install'' - its not just reinstall! it's our time and I am always solving some adobe's issues here on PC instead of working and by the way paying money for that! the sollution should be only one - to push some botton and set the app you want as default, but never "just reinstall an 5Gb application" right??!.. tired of that

I believe I've found the solution. In the Windows registry there is apparently a couple entries that define which executable to actually use when "Photoshop.exe" is called. And after installing the Beta, it defines the beta version as 'photoshop.exe', which we want to change back. Of course the usual advice applies to back up the registry before messing with it.

No way I am uninstalling and reinstalling the public version every time the beta updates and decides to hijack the file associations once again. Photoshop Beta updates more often than Photoshop public version. I feel that this is something of a deployment issue, where there is a conflict in how Windows handles things and how Adobe deploys their apps. Can't the development team look into this conflict of file associations? Might critically reviewing their DevOps pipeline for deploying Beta in a way that it can better coexist with the public version solve it? I don't know, maybe it's as simple as renaming some sort of application ID (e.g. "com.adobe.photoshop.xxxxx.beta" interfering with "com.adobe.photoshop.xxxxx" on Windows file associations) or disabling file associations for the Beta version in general.

Thank you for that, I am hating all the changes they are making to the program and want to keep working with what I know. I really don't like how they are changing the way my tools work, and the changes aren't always good. Keep AI out of it, or start a different type of photoshop.

I've been trying to run print studio pro on my mac computer and am currently running Monterey. Not sure what it is, but I am unable to launch PSP through Adobe Photshop 2022. It simply doesn't show up on FILE > AUTOMATE when trying to print from Photoshop. I had it running on an old mac that had Photoshop 2021 with no issues, but since upgraded to a new computer and to the new photoshop 2022, it isn't showing up at all. Any ideas of what i can do to solve this issue? Also, I'm using a PRO-1000 printer.

You have to be willing to tackle the steep learning curve and read a lot of tutorials. The possibilities are endless.

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This version was released in the year 2010 with a lot of enhancements and developments. This version introduced the support of a 64-bit version of Photoshop as well. This version focused primarily on the development of tools only. Some of the newly added tools in this version were Mixer Brush, Puppet Wrap, Auto Image Straighter and Color Picker tool. Moreover, this version introduced the adobe mini bridge, which easily helped the users manage and organize their files and documents.

Photoshop wird generell als eines der funktionsreichsten Bildbearbeitungsprogramme angesehen. In der bildbearbeitenden Branche (beispielsweise Fotografen, Webdesigner, Werbeagenturen) hat es sich als Industriestandard durchgesetzt. Viele Funktionen, die heute regelmig in Bildbearbeitungssoftware verwendet werden, wurden ursprnglich in Photoshop erstmals vorgestellt. Auf Grund der hohen Verbreitung der Software wird photoshoppen mittlerweile im Fachjargon als Gattungsname synonym zu computergesttzter Bildmanipulation verwendet.

Die Ausdrcke photoshoppen und Photoshop als Gattungsname sind nicht allgemein eingebrgert, sondern im Fachjargon derjenigen Branchen verbreitet, die die Software professionell einsetzen. 0852c4b9a8

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