"Beta Release" Beta drivers are provided by NVIDIA as preview releases for quick bug fixes and access to new features. Beta drivers are under qualification testing, and may include significant issues. It is the end user's responsibility to protect system and data when using Beta drivers with NVIDIA products. It is strongly recommended that end users back up all the data prior to using Beta drivers from this site. Please ensure that newer Recommended/Certified drivers are not already posted on NVIDIA.com prior to installation and usage of Beta drivers. Beta drivers posted do not carry any warranties nor support services.

DKMS should be installed automatically once you install the nvidia driver using Software&Updates or using apt. Installing the non-dkms driver version requires manual intervention. Please post the output of

dkms status

Otherwise, it might be that the nvidia driver is installed but not added to the initrd:


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I re-checked ubuntu packaging and seems I missed that tey now switched to using pre-compiled, signed modules instead of dkms when using the third party software option or drivers autoinstall. So the modules are now in the packages

I was having a similar issue on my debian machine. Whenever the kernel is updated, the nvidia driver fails to load. I created a script that automates the process of downloading the latest driver and installing it afterwards. You can find it here: GitHub - BdN3504/nvidia-driver-update

Please run nvidia-bug-report.sh as root and attach the resulting .gz file to your post. Hovering the mouse over an existing post of yours will reveal a paperclip icon.

[url] -files-to-forum-topics-posts/[/url]

Yeah, I had to manually download and install the .deb files from that ppa for it to realize it can instead fetch them from the ppa automatically, when I tried installing automatically just from the ppa it kept trying to install the cuda repo drivers instead which are outdated and still on 530.30.02 lol

I am using a mirrored copy of the nvidia ubuntu (focal) repos and trying to figure out how I can bring my install up to the latest possible build that supports my dated GPUs (sm35 and sm37), which have obviously been removed from >R470 drivers, but the documentation makes it sound like the actual cuda libs have only deprecated, not removed support for these keplar generation gpus.

The two things I feel like I should be able to try and do, are either:

A) install R470 drivers with cuda-11-{5-7}


B) install cuda-11.4.4 from the up-to-date repo, which appears to not be possible

I have a similar problem trying to install cuda-10-1 via apt which suddenly has dependencies on nvidia-driver-515. I am running it in a docker container and the image was building fine last week but when I rebuilt the image this week, this issue came up.

Feels like it could included int he documentation somewhere for "If needing to install older cuda/drivers, sudo apt-get install cuda=$cudaver cuda-drivers=$driverver and explicitly state to use the cuda-drivers package, rather than the cuda-drivers-XYZ package, which intuitively feels like the correct package to install to get a specific driver version.

I imagine this could help user163220, so instead of apt-get install -y cuda-10-1, he should be doing apt-get install -y cuda=10.1.243-1 cuda-drivers=418.226.00-1, if I am reading the cuda-copmpatability page correctly.

Starting with CUDA toolkit 12.2.2, GDS kernel driver package nvidia-gds version 12.2.2-1 (provided by nvidia-fs-dkms 2.17.5-1) and above is only supported with the NVIDIA open kernel driver. Follow the instructions in Removing CUDA Toolkit and Driver to remove existing NVIDIA driver packages and then follow instructions in NVIDIA Open GPU Kernel Modules to install NVIDIA open kernel driver packages.

The driver relies on an automatically generated xorg.conf file at /etc/X11/xorg.conf. If a custom-built xorg.conf file is present, this functionality will be disabled and the driver may not work. You can try removing the existing xorg.conf file, or adding the contents of /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-nvidia.conf to the xorg.conf file. The xorg.conf file will most likely need manual tweaking for systems with a non-trivial GPU configuration.

The libcuda.so library is installed in the /usr/lib{,64}/nvidia directory. For pre-existing projects which use libcuda.so, it may be useful to add a symbolic link from libcuda.so in the /usr/lib{,64} directory.

These instructions must be used if you are installing in a WSL environment. Do not use the Ubuntu instructions in this case; it is important to not install the cuda-drivers packages within the WSL environment.

When using precompiled drivers, a plugin for the dnf package manager is enabled that cleans up stale .ko files. To prevent system breakages, the NVIDIA dnf plugin also prevents upgrading to a kernel for which no precompiled driver yet exists. This can delay the application of security fixes but ensures that a tested kernel and driver combination is always used. A warning is displayed by dnf during that upgrade situation:

The reboot is required to completely unload the Nouveau drivers and prevent the graphical interface from loading. The CUDA driver cannot be installed while the Nouveau drivers are loaded or while the graphical interface is active.

If the GPU used for display is an NVIDIA GPU, the X server configuration file, /etc/X11/xorg.conf, may need to be modified. In some cases, nvidia-xconfig can be used to automatically generate an xorg.conf file that works for the system. For non-standard systems, such as those with more than one GPU, it is recommended to manually edit the xorg.conf file. Consult the xorg.conf documentation for more information.

Check that the device files/dev/nvidia* exist and have the correct (0666) file permissions. These files are used by the CUDA Driver to communicate with the kernel-mode portion of the NVIDIA Driver. Applications that use the NVIDIA driver, such as a CUDA application or the X server (if any), will normally automatically create these files if they are missing using the setuidnvidia-modprobe tool that is bundled with the NVIDIA Driver. However, some systems disallow setuid binaries, so if these files do not exist, you can create them manually by using a startup script such as the one below:

Do not install the nvidia-drm kernel module. This option should only be used to work around failures to build or install the nvidia-drm kernel module on systems that do not need the provided features.

To install Wheels, you must first install the nvidia-pyindex package, which is required in order to set up your pip installation to fetch additional Python modules from the NVIDIA NGC PyPI repo. If your pip and setuptools Python modules are not up-to-date, then use the following command to upgrade these Python modules. If these Python modules are out-of-date then the commands which follow later in this section may fail.

The PATH variable needs to include export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-12.4/bin${PATH:+:${PATH}}. Nsight Compute has moved to /opt/nvidia/nsight-compute/ only in rpm/deb installation method. When using .run installer it is still located under /usr/local/cuda-12.4/.

If a CUDA-capable device and the CUDA Driver are installed but deviceQuery reports that no CUDA-capable devices are present, this likely means that the /dev/nvidia* files are missing or have the wrong permissions.

To install a CUDA driver at a version earlier than 367 using a network repo, the required packages will need to be explicitly installed at the desired version. For example, to install 352.99, instead of installing the cuda-drivers metapackage at version 352.99, you will need to install all required packages of cuda-drivers at version 352.99.

Yesterday somehow came to me and checked the BIOS and monitor drivers, I will add that I have the same monitor model as you (Aorus FI27Q).

I updated the BIOS because I had a really old version. The monitor drivers were also outdated, I replaced them with the F08 version, I also updated the OSD Sidekick. I must add that the monitor update had to be done on the nvidia 517.48 drivers because all the others caused the problem with the detection of the monitor.

Reporting the same problem here. 3070 TI, same Aorus monitor connected via Display Port. Reverting to the September game ready drivers everything looks fine. Update to something new and it no longer detects the monitor resolution.


I can confirm after having the same issue, with a RTX 2060 and 3 monitors FI27Q, updating the firmware from F03 to F08, and then updating the drivers again it were no longer an issue.

For the update to be possible you need to have an USB cable connected and only 1 monitor at the time when updating for it to be working correctly, takes about 5 min to update 1 monitor with new firmware.

are some of them.


nvidia* is seen to represent any and all names that start with nvidia, which is why your dnf install command had a problem with nvidia-bug-report.log.gz. Apparently there was a file with that name in the directory where you issued the dnf command. 0852c4b9a8

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