Scan speeds on Windows are generally comparable to those onUnix, though the latter often has a slight performance edge. Oneexception to this is connect scan (-sT), which isoften much slower on Windows because of deficiencies in the Windowsnetworking API. This is a shame, since that is the one TCP scan thatworks over all networking types (not just ethernet, like the raw packet scans).Connect scan performance can beimproved substantially by applying the Registry changes in thenmap_performance.reg file included with Nmap. By default these changes are applied for you by the Nmap executable installer. This registry fileis in the nmap-directory of the Windows binary zip file, andnmap-/mswin32in the source tarball (where is theversion number of the specific release). These changes increasethe number of ephemeral ports reserved for user applications (such asNmap) and reduce the time delay before a closed connection canbe reused. Most people simply check the box to apply these changes in the executable Nmap installer, but you can also apply them by double-clicking onnmap_performance.reg, or by running the commandregedt32 nmap_performance.reg. To make the changes by hand, add these three Registry DWORD values toHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters:

Every stable Nmap release comes with Windowscommand-line binaries and associated files in a Zip archive. Nographical interface is included, so you need to runnmap.exe from a DOS/command window. Or you candownload and install a superior command shell such as those includedwith the freeCygwinsystem available from Here are the step-by-step instructions for installing and executing the Nmap .zip binaries.

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Some of Nmap's dependencies on Windows are inconvenient to build. Forthis reason, precompiled binaries of the dependencies are stored inSubversion, in the directory /nmap-mswin32-aux.When building from source, whether from a source code release or fromSubversion, check out /nmap-mswin32-aux asdescribed below.

Download the latest Nmap source distribution from It has the namenmap-.tar.bz2 ornmap-.tgz. Those are the same tar file compressed using bzip2 or gzip, respectively. The bzip2-compressed version is smaller.

Uncompress the source code file you just downloaded. Thesource code directory and the nmap-mswin32-aux mustbe in the same parent directory.Recent releases of the free Cygwin distribution can handle both the .tar.bz2 and .tgz formats. Use the command tar xvjf nmap-version.tar.bz2 or tar xvzf nmap-version.tgz, respectively. Alternatively, the common WinZip application can decompress these files.

Nmap releases now include theZenmap graphical user interface for Nmap.If you used the Nmap installer and left the Zenmap field checked,there should be a new Zenmap entry on your desktop and Start Menu.Click this to get started. Zenmap is fully documented inChapter 12, Zenmap GUI Users' Guide. While many users love Zenmap, others preferthe traditional command-line approach to executing Nmap. Here aredetailed instructions for users who are unfamiliar with command-lineinterfaces:

Change to the directory you installed Nmap into. You can skip this step if Nmap is already in your command path (the Zenmap isntaller adds it there by default). Otherwise, type the following commands.

First, you need to determine which phase of the Nmap scan is slowing you down. nmap -p4730 target will do a single-port TCP scan, but it will also do name resolution (if necessary), host discovery ("ping"), and reverse DNS name lookup. It's important to know whether you are running as administrator, too, since Nmap uses different approaches to all of these steps if it doesn't have sufficient privileges to use the best and fastest ones. Run these single-phase scans to determine which phase is the slow one:

You can improve connect scan performance by double clicking the nmap_performance.reg file located in the Nmap directory, which will make three registry changes in order to increase the number of ephemeral ports reserved for applications such as Nmap, and decrease the amount of time before a closed connection can be reused.

In order to temporary fix it, you have to manually modify the shortcut in a way that the correct Python binaries are referenced by the shortcut. On several machines I installed the tool, the fix is just changing the Start From property of the shortcut to point to the path C:\Program Files (x86)\Nmap\zenmap\bin.

Did you try pinging from the Windows machine to the BT machine? Are the two NICs working in bridge mode? As a test, try to run a scan on the Windows machine as localhost and run "nmap -sV -vv". Try to use wireshark and see what it gets. If the Windows machine is generating any traffic It would be captured. By the way why use NAT just bridge it?

I am trying to build Nmap from source code, and I think I am incorrectly installing/compiling/using OpenSSL, but I'm not sure it is the first time using many of the tools found in the instructions for nmap compilation.

I follow everything, including the instructions found at -mswin32-aux/OpenSSL-upgrade.txt; which is required since the OpenSSL folder that comes with the nmap source distribution does not include some header files from configuring OpenSSL.

I have nmap working perfectly on my Windows 7 Professional 64 bit machine, so I do not believe it is the OS that is preventing nmap from properly scanning your server. Either it's a problem with your system configuration, server configuration, or network configuration.

I would recommend as a first step trying to figure out where the problem lies (workstation, network, or server). Running some form of network sniffer (e.g.: wireshark, tcpdump) on your workstation and server while the nmap scan is running might be a good first step. This will help you determine whether the network traffic from nmap is even leaving the workstation or arriving at the server. Obviously the nmap program thought it executed the scan without error, so it must have received TCP traffic back from somewhere.

I always forget that my local firewall can block outbound traffic. I think I hit this same issue with nmap. Try disabling your local firewall or creating a policy that allows all traffic out which originates from localhost.

what OS are you running nmap from ?

And, yep, check it's the right IP on the target. But, also, if nothing is actually listening, nmap won't find anything, so make sure samba / print and filesharing is working or whatever you're targeting, and you can actually see the machine..

I was moving DHCP from a Cisco Router to a windows server recently. The customer set up the Windows server and I shut down the DHCP server on the router. But when we rebooted a couple clients got an address from another site!

Nmap ("Network Mapper") is a free and open source utility for network discovery and security auditing. Many systems and network administrators also find it useful for tasks such as network inventory, managing service upgrade schedules, and monitoring host or service uptime. Nmap uses raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what hosts are available on the network, what services (application name and version) those hosts are offering, what operating systems (and OS versions) they are running, what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use, and dozens of other characteristics. It was designed to rapidly scan large networks, but works fine against single hosts. Nmap runs on all major computer operating systems, and official binary packages are available for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. In addition to the classic command-line Nmap executable, the Nmap suite includes an advanced GUI and results viewer (Zenmap), a flexible data transfer, redirection, and debugging tool (Ncat), a utility for comparing scan results (Ndiff), and a packet generation and response analysis tool (Nping).

I have connected to another laptop via the LAN cable, i am able to access the services running on the other laptop via Ip & Port. When i Ping that Ip, the machine is successfully responding. But when i run nmap on that Ip, nmap failed to detect the host. Any one knows why this can happen?

As such, Windows PowerShell acts much more like its *nix counterparts. I suspect (but can't confirm since I don't have a Windows machine with nmap installed to test) that Windows PowerShell without escalated privileges acts much like the unprivileged *nix shell.

I have confirmed via packet capture that using nmap with an unprivileged *nix shell behaves as indicated in the documentation. Further, I confirmed that in this case you will get the exact experience you describe, where ICMP ping works and nmap (no options specified) considers the host down if TCP/80 and/or TCP/443 are not open on the host in question.

To install the Windows version of Nmap download the executable installer and click through the wizard. It is your standard Next | Next | Next | finish... all done. By default, the Nmap installation directory will be added to the system path. With Nmap in your system path, you can run nmap or ncat from any command window.

During a default installation of the Nmap Windows package, the installation path will be added to the system path. Simply fire up a command prompt and launch nmap. If you installed from the standalone zip file, you need to add the installation folder to the system path manually through system properties.

Zenmap is an excellent GUI front-end to the Nmap core scanning engine. It has some pretty nifty features that are not available with the command line version, in particular the network topology map. This rivals commercial mapping tools that perform a similar function and is a nice feature.

It is also intuitive to browse through results from different hosts using Zenmap, there are options to save the results in standard Nmap format (.nmap) or as XML (.xml) for further processing. There does not appear to be the option to save in the standard Grep format (-oG). 0852c4b9a8

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