
 - Pick any clothing model and texture available for your ped

 - Pick any prop model and texture(!) available for your ped (hats, glasses, wrist items, etc.)

 - Access the MP Player Model menu while in-game

 - Apply your Multiplayer model at any time

 - Save/load up to 256 outfits


Time & Weather

 - Set time to any hour and minute (including negative)

 - Change timescale

 - Set weather to any weather including unused ones and undefined ones (with interesting results as they're likely read from random memory)

 - Set colors without changing time

 - Freeze time & weather


Trainer Options

 - Move the trainer anywhere on screen

 - Change speed of middle mouse fly, slide run and airbreak

 - Toggle keybinds

 - Toggle Middle Mouse Fly

 - Enable mouse cursor to interact with menu

 - Disable controls while in menu

 - Toggle drawing of underscores in menu

 - Save current state of trainer settings to .ini


Object Spawning

 - Spawn any object, including addon ones with manual input

 - Cunning Stunts IV object support (stunt track parts are the first objects in the list if the mod's installed)

 - Change spawned objects' coordinates (absolute or relative to their rotation) (Use Update Collision afterwards)

 - Set spawned object on ground properly

 - Change & reset spawned objects' rotation (Pitch, Yaw & Roll)

 - Mark spawned object as no longer needed (will despawn after a while)

 - Set spawned object as dynamic (for physics objects and destructible objects)

 - Set spawned object as pickable (can pick up with E, needs to be set as dynamic first)

 - Set spawned object as invisible

 - Set spawned object as damageable or undamageable

 - Set spawned object as solid or non-solid

 - Clone spawned object

 - Change spawned object's model but keep coordinates and rotation

 - Attach selected object to player (with attach bone changeable), player's car, or another spawned object, with customizable attach offset

 - Teleport to selected object

 - Delete all spawned objects

 - Move spawned object with camera

 - Save all spawned objects to an .ini (fully compatible with Simple Native Trainer's .ini format)

 - Load spawned objects from an .ini (compatible with Simple Native Trainer objects.ini)

 - Load spawned objects, cars & peds from a Menyoo V .xml file (can be used for Cunning Stunts tracks)



 - Play any animation, including addon ones with manual input

 - Set animations to loop, disable player movement, stop on the last frame and keep the new position (e.g. for run anim)

 - Instantly stop all animations playing



 - Play any speech, with manual input support

 - Set player's voice, with manual input support


SCO Loader

 - Load any .sco file (e.g. computermain to open a PC, roman1 to start The Cousins Bellic), including custom ones e.g. other mod menus

 - Stop any currently running .sco file, including ones that the game started



 - Object Spooner with a freecam similar to Menyoo

 - Call any native with any parameters

 - Check any loaded .gxt entry's string

 - Play any cutscene from IV and episodes, including custom ones with manual input

Code:Result:needperformance1Unlock Performance Parts Level 1needperformance2Unlock Performance Parts Level 2gimmevisual1Unlock Visuals Level 1gimmevisual2Unlock Visuals Level 2regmebabyUnknown EffectordermebabyUnknown EffectregmybankUnknown Effect Unlock Sponsor Cars

These codes are entered the same way and will unlock SPONSOR cars that can be selected by switching the car selection option to SPONSOR CARS from ALL CARS (using the right/left arrows on the menu).Code:Result:opendoorsThe Doors GTOgimmechingyChingy NavigatortunejapantuningJapan Tuning G35davidchoeartDavid Choe CorollashinestreetbrightShine Street Lexus IS 300wannacaponeCapone H2wantmyd3D3 Eclipse Unlock Sponsor Vinyls

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For these reasons, autonomous detection of substations is an important goal for future HV mapping work. We did map substations as part of this project, but our ML model was not built to explicitly detect them. We relied on the Data Team to trace HV lines to their end points, and they generally terminate at a substation. Building an ML model explicitly capable of detecting substations would accomplish two major goals. First, it would facilitate the mapping process as these substations represent important hubs within the grid's network. Knowing their location is especially useful in crowded urban environments or where HV lines run underground near residential areas. Second, substation detection would provide a much needed tool for integrating renewable energy projects into the larger electricity network. Now that our team has mapped about a thousand substations across three full countries, we expect that we can use this data to train a ML model capable of automatically detecting substations.

DOD did not begin to track the amount of funding spent on environmental compliance activities until FY1990. DOD allocates funding for compliance fromseveral accounts, including Operation and Maintenance, Military Construction, andProcurement. DOD's budget for environmental compliance peaked at $2.23 billionin FY1996, and there has been an overall downward trend in compliance costs sincethat time. DOD attributes this decline to the success of its pollution preventionefforts to reduce the generation of waste, lessening the need for treatment anddisposal and other compliance actions. However, DOD estimates that it will need toallocate more funding for compliance in FY2005 to meet wastewater andunderground storage tank requirements and various requirements applicable to Navytraining ranges, as well as the need for greater funding to pay increased manpowercosts. For FY2005, DOD estimated that it will need to allocate a total of $1.67billion to comply with applicable pollution control requirements at its installations,$104 million more than in FY2004. (11)

DOE has proposed to speed the closure of the tanks at these three sites by classifying some of the waste as "incidental to reprocessing," and to dispose of it aslow-level waste by mixing and immobilizing it with a cement "grout" inside the tank. DOE issued this proposal under an internal agency "order" (Order 435.1). (24) SomeMembers of Congress, states, environmental organizations, and communities opposed DOE's proposal, arguing that none of the tank wastes should be allowed toremain in place because of the possibility that the grout might not mix thoroughlywith the waste to contain it safely and prevent leaks. However, others asserted thatmethods to remove all of the tank residues would generate a new hazardous wastestream that would need to be managed properly to prevent exposure. There also couldbe significant risks of exposure to workers who would remove the residues.

A cleanup provision relevant to base closure sites was not adopted in the conference agreement on H.R. 4200. The Senate bill would haveauthorized DOD to reimburse private owners of former military property for cleanupactions taken after the transfer of the land. CERCLA generally requires DOD toclean up contamination on base closure sites prior to transfer of the land, and DODis retroactively liable for any cleanup actions that are needed after the transfer toremediate contamination that was not originally addressed.(33) The pace at whichDOD performs post-transfer cleanup on former military properties has been an issueamong private owners of these lands, who must wait for the completion of thecleanup before the property can be used for its intended purpose. The authority thatwould have been provided in the Senate bill would have allowed DOD to reimburseprivate owners who wish to pay for the cleanup themselves, in order to speed thepace of remediation.

As discussed earlier, the Administration's request for the legal authority to leave some of the radioactive wastes in the tanks and seal them in place has beencontroversial. The Administration and some Members of Congress argue thatproviding authority for the grouting of radioactive tank wastes would save costs andspeed the closure of the tanks, while sufficiently protecting the environment byimmobilizing the waste to prevent it from seeping into soil or groundwater. OtherMembers, states, and environmental organizations have expressed concerns aboutlong-term risks to the human health and the environment, if the tank grouting did notmix thoroughly with the waste to contain it safely and prevent leaks. Concerns aboutenvironmental risks have been strongest in the state of Washington, as over one-thirdof the underground storage tanks are known or suspected to have leaked radioactivewastes into groundwater at the Hanford site, which is located adjacent to theColumbia River. As noted above, the tank waste disposal authority provided in P.L.108-375 excludes the state of Washington (and Hanford). 0852c4b9a8

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