I am just getting started as a user of Concur. I have a Chase Ink Business card which I have added under my profile via Expense Credit Cards. When I added it, I selected Chase, entered my username/password for Chase and was presented with all of the accounts tied to that login. I picked the one I wanted from that login, OK'd through the prompts and got returned to Concur Expense where all of the transactions were ready for use.

Two days later, I logged back in to Concur and saw the exact same transactions still waiting for me, but not the two that had hit the card since I linked the card. I looked online and there was some reference to a Refresh Link, which I don't have anywhere on any screen.

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@msdiv So, I found out the answer to your question. With our new user interface, there is no Refresh link. What happens is every time you log in to SAP Concur, the new interface calls out to Yodlee (the third party that allows linking personal cards) to pull in any new transactions automatically. I don't think you would see transactions the same day they occur though.

@msdiv The refresh link is found when you click Expense at the top of your screen, which takes you to the Manage Expenses screen. Next to the Available Expenses section, there should be a link to refresh.

when a card is added to list "New project" by anyone, find a card titled "Current Projects" in list "Misc" on board "Projects", add item "{triggercardname}" to checklist "Current Projects", and link the card with the item

The main goal here is to provide a list of the current Project cards. I am using the checklist Current Projects to mirror itself to another card in another board for them to see the current projets. I'd like those items in the checklist to reference the Project card so people in the otherboard click the item link to see the actual card. The mirror part is working great. I'm just missing the link from the original rule above. Since it's not working, I am not even sure I will be able to get the item with the link mirrored to the other board. I'm not sure the link will follow as [{checklistitemname}]({cardlink}) or only as {checklistitemname}.

Instead of {triggercardname}, try adding {triggercardlink} to the checklist, and then eliminate the linking action. This will add the link as the checklist item in one step, and Trello will see that this is a Trello card, and show the item as the card name!

Allow for the ability to create links to groups. I would be okay with however this might be accomplished. I imagine there may already be some existing syntax in other software for similar functionality that might be a logical choice, but I am unaware of them.

Here is a relevant request that specifically asks for this same functionality but from within notes. Technically, I guess if that request were implemented, in the canvas you could embed notes with the group links, and utilize them. Canvas: Ability to link to a specific group / a selected section / a card of a Canvas

Every object on Canvas board will have an ID assigned to it so it can be found enyware on teh board as well as you can create a hyperlink from other card/object and skip/jump between them without draging (Space + Hold) manualy or changing the zoom level

I like this one. I hope canvas can be used in my notes page with [[Note.canvas#group]], If there is less canvas content, the words on the card can be directly displayed (images and links can use icons).

Anyone having trouble linking to a Bank of America debit card? I've had Square several years and linked various debit cards but now that I am trying to link to a Bank of America debit card, it will not verify. It keeps saying that the card does not support square. I am wondering if this is because BOA tries to get all their biz customers to use Clover? To confirm, the account itself was able to recieve regular deposits from Square, just not instant with a debit card. The card number has been input multiple times in different ways, once with my name, once with business name. Ugh. SO very frustrated.

I made sales yesterday and they were not put in my account because square said my credit card was denied. I can't find ANY WAY to contact a real person. This really worries me. Do you have any suggestions? Gayle

im having the same issues! i have $295 just sitting and i cant transfer funds to mu bank account OR get a bank card threw square! its very aggravating and im to the point where im about to close both of my business accounts threw square and go somewhere else

That's a great question! Before you are able to set up instant transfers, you will need to have a bank account linked to your Square Account. Sending money instantly to a separate debit card is currently a feature request if you already have a supported account and routing number linked.

Hi there, Helen. I just got off the phone with both Bank of America and with Square's live chat. I'm still not able to connect my card and definitely need help. Bank of America is seeing my attempts and each of them are for $0.00 and not $1.00 which I was told is the amount they take out for verification. Please help.

I have one debit card (personal) currently linked but I just had a notice saying it was "declined"(?), ...It's asking me to link another card, not sure why . When I tried to link my other B of A small business debit card, it says not supported.

Is this because on one occasion I needed an Instant Transfer, many months ago? I remember my business debit card not being supported, so that one occasion, I linked my personal bank acct. debit card.

Hey @mm143. Unfortunately at this time, Bank of America business debit cards aren't supported with Instant Transfers. Sorry for the trouble this causes! We're working on supporting more business debit cards for Instant Transfer, but in the mean time, you'll want to use a different debit card to retrieve your funds.

I can't connect my card to my Paypal account. It made me confused because i have an former account and i tried to link it both in my phone and PC but it doesn't work. I also tried creating a new account but i tried linking it again it doesn't work. I tried to link it in an family member's account it worked! Why did it worked for him? What am i doing wrong? I already added my passport, my bank, profile picture, my phone, right billing adress but it still doesn't work.

@TheRealChipAI am trying to link my square checking/debit to quickbooks online, is this possible? I don't want to have to do the download from square checking then upload to QB - if I wanted to do that I would have stayed on desktop instead of paying for monthly online service :(.

I tried calling with that argument and even though it accepts a card_uri param, that value is invalid and I get a 400 with The card URI provided is invalid. . Is there any way I can enforce to not have preview links from the API v2?

A card from a link is defined on the html meta tags on the URL itself, not in the tweet. there is no way to stop a card from being rendered unless you remove the meta tags from the html, or upload some media with your tweet, or make your tweet a quote tweet (uploaded media and quoted tweets always override a card)

Just to clarify your ideas: a note is what you edit, which has fields, templates, and that generates cards (ie. in the note editor you have a small cards button, that allows you to edit the templates). A card is a single Question/Answer object. The thing presented to you when you are studying is a card.

Now, the answer. No, it is not possible to link cards together (there is an old post where the dev explains why). However, when studying, you can bury (ie. remove it from cards to be studied for today) or suspend (ie. remove it from cards to be studied until un-suspended) if you think you there is no point in studying it.

If you make the cards from a single note (e.g., you have {SimpleQuestion} and {ComplicatedQuestion} fields and appropriate card templates, rather than multiple notes, then you might be able to use the Trigger and actions add-on to accomplish your goal. However, that feels rather unwieldy to me.

So, I like how Anki shuffles the cards, but Id love knowing how to make that when the card from Note 1 is shown, the next one would be the card from Note 2, and so on, in I way I wind up learning the whole paragraph as a whole.

However, be aware that both add-ons do not enforce any particular order for the card review (even if, as in your example, both can provide context). This means that you could be asked to learn something whose context is something you have not seen yet. It does not matter.

When that group its delivered, youre first asked the card of the first note, then the second, and finally the third one. The score of the group would be the worst of the three notes, so they go always together.

I think that would be a quite useful feature for Anki.

@ALCIIAAZV I'll have to think about the best way to handle the user filtering. To hide the chart from the dashboard, you can uncheck the Chart option under the card's display settings when editing the dashboard.

Using a combination of grid and utility classes, cards can be made horizontal in a mobile-friendly and responsive way. In the example below, we remove the grid gutters with .g-0 and use .col-md-* classes to make the card horizontal at the md breakpoint. Further adjustments may be needed depending on your card content.

Use card groups to render cards as a single, attached element with equal width and height columns. Card groups start off stacked and use display: flex; to become attached with uniform dimensions starting at the sm breakpoint. 0852c4b9a8

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