Hi, I am trying to install Open EMR 4.2.0 on an Amazon Web Service Server. Already have Apache, PHP & MySQL setup. Someone else has installed Open EMR (that works) but I wanted to setup one as well to gain knowledge on how to do it on a server. I have done this with XAAMP on windows.

This generally indicates MySQL server connectivity issues or timeouts. Can generally be solved by changing wait_timeout and max_allowed_packet in my.cnf or similar.

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If you are using the 64Bit WAMPSERVER, please search for multiple occurrences of max_allowed_packet because WAMP uses the value set under [wampmysqld64] and not the value set under [mysqldump], which for me was the issue, I was updating the wrong one. Set this to something like max_allowed_packet = 64M.

I was wondering what the difference is between mysql-server and mysql-client and came upon this stackoverflow post explaining the difference. I was curious if installing mysql-server also included mysql-client. So, after creating a fresh AWS Ubuntu instance, I ran which which mysqld and which mysql to confirm nothing came preinstalled with the AWS instance, and sure enough both commands returned nothing. However, after running sudo apt install mysql-server, when I ran which mysql and which mysqld they both returned something: which mysqld returned /usr/sbin/mysqld and which myself returned /usr/bin/mysql, suggesting that my installation of mysql-server installed both the client and the server. Is that accurate? As I mentioned, the stack overflow post I visited earlier indicated they were distinct pieces of software, so I'm wondering why installing mysql-server would install the client as well?

They are separate pieces of software, but installing mysql-server installs mysql-client as well, because you can use mysql-client to connect to the server, even over localhost. If you look at the package listing for mysql-server, you will see it depends on mysql-server-8.0, which depends on mysql-client-8.0, causing apt to install the client as well.

I'm trying to connect from alteryx to an external MySQL database (I have standard information such as the number of the server, the port, username, password and the name of the database). I know that there is the possibility to do so by "input tool" and the MySQL ODBC connector, but I have no idea how to configurate it in order to read the databases.

Hi! I have the same error when i'm trying to connet to the remote server with mySQL database. I've tried different variations of server name, but it doesn't work. Does anybody know how the string with server name should look like?

I'm getting the very same error. I try to connect MySQL server running on my laptop with Power BI Desktop edition also on my laptop. Of course I have already installed the 64bit MySQL connector. My OS is Windows 7.

I would like your comment on whether the above approach is correct or not and in case it is correct where do i need to install "Personal gateway" on Azure server (Since database is on cloud) or my personal desktop or any machine?

I figured I'd share my question here and then answer, as there seems to be many people stuck in my position - but no definitive answer. The problem is, if you apt-get remove mysql-server, it does not clean up the configuration and database files, so if you've somehow screwed them up, then installing again, will not replace them. So there seems to be many people asking "how do I completely remove mysql-server, so that I can re-install a fresh?" -- everyone answers with apt-get remove --purge mysql-server -- I'm not sure why, but this does not fully uninstall. My answer follows...

MySQL will handle this no problem. I would recommend running a server class computer with either Server 2008 R2 or a flavor of Linux. In my experiences, MySQL works better in Linux however. Also, MySQL loves RAM, so the move the better. You might want to do a case study of MyISAM vs InnoDB vs InnoDB 1.04+ vs Archive tables types and see what works best for you.

I have setup a workflow that uses circleci next-gen convenience images, primary is openjdk and secondary is mysql. Everything works perfectly and I can talk to the secondary image via to do what I need via mysql client.

The only problem is I cant work out/find a way to configure mysql server settings (that I would normally my adding/changing my.cnf) such as setting lower_case_table_names or explicit_defaults_for_timestamp that we need set. I know there are limitations to how docker images can communicate so understand if this may not be possible.

This tells the MySQL server to grant permissions to database to the user, but ONLY if they are from localhost. So if your MySQL server isn't on the same host as the Webserver localhost would need to be the FQDN or IP address of where the user is 'from' or rather the where the request is originating from.

Okay, so I tried to bind the mySQL server to a specific IP Address in an attempt to install osTicket, and It doesn't seem to have worked (MySQL server is running, but I can only connect using localhost even though is specified in the config file).

It appears that my Unix VM (what I SSH to) was delaying login and because plink.exe is in silent mode I imagine that HeidiSQL does not wait for the login proccess to finish before it fires off the MySQL connect command thus HeidiSQL returns a "can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)".

I did find some conclusions that "reverse DNS lookups" or "GSSAPI authentication" were causing the delayed login to the Unix server. However I'm not a Unix specialist and decided its not worth the effort to try and fix that since I have a work around that works.

I use Raspbian on my Pi with mySQL running.

The Problem was, that the mysql database only accepted data from localhost. I had to change the bind_adress in the config files. If you Google that, you will find the steps to configure mysql in that way, that it as well accept data from other hosts than localhost.

By default remote access to the MySQL database server is disabled for security reasons. However, some time you need to provide remote access to database server from home or a web server. This post will explain how to setup a user account and access a...

In "Activity Monitor" there is a search field on the top right. Search for "mysqld". In the search results kill this process by clicking on the left top icon in the toolbar (Forces process to quit). Restart MAMP and check if it now works.

This error message indicates that the Ruby MySQL client is trying to connect via a local, file-based "Unix socket", which won't work in Bitbucket Pipelines. The MySQL server is running in a separate container, so the client needs to use a TCP/IP connection for it to work.

I hit the same problem when using the command-line 'mysql' client in Pipelines, which connects via Unix sockets instead of via TCP if the hostname is 'localhost'. I'm guessing that the Ruby guys copied this logic into their client.

How does one run temporal.io with a MySQL back-end database that is not running in Docker? i.e. it runs on a separate host than temporal.? For example, how is the MySQL endpoint made known to the temporal server? How is the schema defined?

Ok, but why not put out a simple yml for this case. The link points to a cassandra config. Most developers using mysql will already have it on their machine, and would like to use that, and simply start the temporal server separately. Also, the script to setup the schema which temporal needs. All of this would be really helpful to get going, rather than spending time figuring out config.

MySQL has received positive reviews, and reviewers noticed it "performs extremely well in the average case" and that the "developer interfaces are there, and the documentation (not to mention feedback in the real world via Web sites and the like) is very, very good".[21] It has also been tested to be a "fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server".[22]

A movement against Oracle's acquisition of MySQL AB, to "Save MySQL"[78] from Oracle was started by one of the MySQL AB founders, Monty Widenius. The petition of 50,000+ developers and users called upon the European Commission to block approval of the acquisition. At the same time, some Free Software opinion leaders (including Pamela Jones of Groklaw, Jan Wildeboer and Carlo Piana, who also acted as co-counsel in the merger regulation procedure) advocated for the unconditional approval of the merger.[79][80][81] As part of the negotiations with the European Commission, Oracle committed that MySQL server will continue until at least 2015 to use the dual-licensing strategy long used by MySQL AB, with proprietary and GPL versions available. The antitrust of the EU had been "pressuring it to divest MySQL as a condition for approval of the merger". But the US Department of Justice, at the request of Oracle, pressured the EU to approve the merger unconditionally.[82] The European Commission eventually unconditionally approved Oracle's acquisition of MySQL AB on 21 January 2010.[83]

In January 2010, before Oracle's acquisition of MySQL AB, Monty Widenius started a GPL-only fork, MariaDB. MariaDB is based on the same code base as MySQL server 5.5 and aims to maintain compatibility with Oracle-provided versions.[84]

MySQL is offered under two different editions: the open source MySQL Community Server[85] and the proprietary Enterprise Server.[86] MySQL Enterprise Server is differentiated by a series of proprietary extensions which install as server plugins, but otherwise shares the version numbering system and is built from the same code base.

Though MySQL began as a low-end alternative to more powerful proprietary databases, it has gradually evolved to support higher-scale needs as well. It is still most commonly used in small to medium scale single-server deployments, either as a component in a LAMP-based web application or as a standalone database server. Much of MySQL's appeal originates in its relative simplicity and ease of use, which is enabled by an ecosystem of open source tools such as phpMyAdmin.In the medium range, MySQL can be scaled by deploying it on more powerful hardware, such as a multi-processor server with gigabytes of memory. 0852c4b9a8

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