The client tool is an optional software component that runs on users' workstations. It is not required to track printing because PaperCut tracks printing at the server-side. The user client provides services to users that enhance the print tracking experience.

Raw sequence files, typically stored as BAM or FASTQ, make up the bulk of data in the GDC. The size for a single file can vary greatly depending on the specific analysis; However, some of the whole genome BAM files in The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) reach sizes of 200-300 GB. In such cases, a high-performance data download and submission tool, such as the GDC Data Transfer Tool, is essential.

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Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.

Can someone recommend a good, open source, standalone developer tool for querying SQL databases using JDBC and exporting the results to a file? I know a lot of database vendors provide their own tools, but I need one that will allow me to plug in my own custom JDBC driver and work against any database. A GUI is preferable, but not required.

Oracle's SQL Developer is disqualified because it seems to work only with a pre-canned set of JDBC drivers. I have also looked at the list of tools at, but I'm hoping someone can help me narrow down the list based on personal experience. And it needs to be standalone so non-developers can use it, too, which disqualifies Eclipse plug-ins. Thanks!

I've been using Workbench in the browser to run SOQL but its very cumbersome.. the closest thing I've seen to what I'm after is something like Cloudingo, but the price is not justifiable for just wanting to run SELECT queries. If I want to run updates or inserts I can manage with Data Loader, I just want a user friendly interrogation tool.

The Emissions Collection and Monitoring Plan System (ECMPS) is a desktop tool that sources must use to submit monitoring plans, QA test results, and emissions data to EPA to comply with the Acid Rain Program, Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR), and the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS). For general ECMPS questions, contact Chris Worley or Craig Hillock.

To work with NuGet as a package consumer or creator, you can use command-line interface (CLI) tools and NuGet features in Visual Studio. This article briefly outlines the capabilities of the different tools, how to install them, and their comparative feature availability.

You can also install the Package Manager separately or verify your installation. Run the Visual Studio installer and check the option setting under Individual Components > Code tools > NuGet package manager. For more information, see Install and manage packages in Visual Studio by using the NuGet Package Manager.

You can use either the dotnet CLI or the nuget.exe CLI to support NuGet features in the Visual Studio IDE. The dotnet CLI is installed with some Visual Studio workloads, such as .NET Core. The nuget.exe CLI must be installed separately as described earlier. For a feature comparison of the tools, see the feature availability section.

The dotnet SDK is the .NET Core 2.0 CLI tool, which works on all platforms (Windows, Mac, and Linux) and provides core NuGet features such as installing, restoring, and publishing packages. The dotnet CLI provides direct integration with .NET Core project files (such as .csproj), which is helpful in most scenarios. This CLI is also built directly for each platform and doesn't require installation of Mono.

Developers working on Windows can also explore the NuGet Package Explorer. This application is an open-source standalone tool that lets you visually explore, create, and edit NuGet packages. It's helpful for many scenarios, such as making experimental changes to a package structure without rebuilding the package.

JMX authentication is supported by some dsetool commands. Other dsetool commands authenticate with the user name and password of the configured user. The connection option short form and long form are comma separated.

You can provide authentication credentials in several ways, see Credentials for authentication. The dse client-toolsubcommands use DSE Unified Authentication, like the Java and other language drivers, not JMX authentication like dsetool.

RPC permissions over the native protocol leverage DSE authentication and role-based access abilities.To configure external client access to DataStax Enterprise commands,see Authorizing remote procedure calls (RPC).

DSE proxy authentication can be used with dse client-tool, and delegation tokens can be generated for the proxy authenticated role.If the role alice is authenticated, and alice uses proxy authorization to the role bob, alice's delegation token can be used authenticate as alice and authorize as bob.If bob loses login permissions, the token can still be used to login as alice, because the token reflects alice's authentication.If alice loses authorization permissions for bob, the token cannot be used to login .

Keystore type for connection to DSE when SSL client authentication is enabled.JKS is the type for keys generated by the Java keytool binary, but other types are possible, depending on user environment.

2 You must use kubectl version 1.19 or later. Also, the version of kubectl should be plus or minus one minor version of your Kubernetes cluster. If you want to install a specific version on kubectl client, see Install kubectl binary via curl (on Windows 10, use cmd.exe and not Windows PowerShell to run curl).

The Nintex K2 Client Tools installer is for customers who need to install K2 Studio, K2 for Visual Studio, or K2 Package and Deployment on developer workstations. If you upgraded from Nintex K2 4.7 to Nintex K2 Five (5.4) or later, or you installed Nintex K2 Five (5.4) or later and need access to these legacy tools, you can use the Nintex K2 Client Tools installer for that version of Nintex K2 Five or Nintex Automation. This installer makes it simple to reinstall Nintex K2 when changing hardware or software in your existing environment without having to first run the old K2 blackpearl installer to get the client tools before running the Nintex K2 Five installer. Now you can install Nintex K2 Five (5.4) or later first then simply run the K2 Client Tools installer.

You can connect to Amazon Redshift clusters from SQL client tools over Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), Python, and Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) connections. Amazon Redshift doesn't provide or install any SQL client tools or libraries. To use these tools or libraries to work with data in your clusters, install them on your client computer or Amazon EC2 instance. You can use most SQL client tools that support JDBC, Python, or ODBC drivers.

Use the following sections to walk through the process of configuring your client computer or Amazon EC2 instance to use a JDBC, Python, or ODBC connection. They also discuss related security options for the client connection to the server. Additionally, find information about setting up and connecting from SQL client tools, such as SQL Workbench/J, a third-party tool, and Amazon Redshift RSQL. You can try these tools if you don't have a business intelligence tool to use yet. You can also use this section to learn about connecting to your cluster programmatically. Finally, if you encounter issues when attempting to connect to your cluster, you can review the troubleshooting information in this section to identify possible solutions.

To start the tools, go to your Windows Start menu, click Oracle Analytics Client Tools, and then select the name of the tool you want to use. For example, if you want to edit your semantic model, click Model Administration Tool.

With the rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT), the MQTT protocol is being widely used by many companies and developers. MQTT client tools are used to connect to MQTT brokers for publishing, subscribing, sending and receiving messages.

The right tool can help developers explore MQTT features and debug IoT applications, shortening the development cycle. Given the variety of MQTT client tools available with different functional focuses, choosing a suitable MQTT client tool is challenging for beginners and MQTT experts alike.

We have selected seven of the most useful MQTT client tools in 2023 and listed them by Desktop, Browser, Command Line, and Mobile categories. We hope this article will help you quickly find a suitable tool for your MQTT development.

MQTTX is an elegant cross-platform MQTT 5.0 desktop client that runs on macOS, Linux, and Windows. Its user-friendly chat-style interface enables users to easily create multiple MQTT/MQTTS connections and subscribe/publish MQTT messages.

MQTT Explorer is an open-source MQTT client tool that provides an easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) with a structured topic overview. It adopts a hierarchical main view and supports a visual chart display of received payload messages.

MQTTX Web is a user-friendly, browser-based tool for online debugging, developing, and testing MQTT applications. It connects to an MQTT broker via a WebSocket client and offers an intuitive interface.

MQTTX CLI is a lightweight and easy-to-use MQTT 5.0 command line tool. With various commands for MQTT publishing, subscribing, benchmarking, and IoT data simulation, it is one of the most powerful tools for MQTT development.

Mosquitto is a widely used open-source MQTT broker with the popular mosquitto_pub and mosquitto_sub command line clients. This CLI tool offers a wide range of options to connect, subscribe to, and publish messages to an MQTT broker.

EasyMQTT is an MQTT client for iPhone, iPad, and macOS, allowing you to interact with any MQTT Broker. Use it to manage your own setup at home, control things like Zigbee2MQTT or monitor a remote broker. It features a simple, user friendly interface, supporting both light and dark modes. 17dc91bb1f

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