The film's working title was For God and Country.[8] The title Zero Dark Thirty was officially confirmed at the end of the film's teaser trailer.[9] Bigelow has explained that "it's a military term for early morning before dawn, and it refers also to the darkness and secrecy that cloaked the entire decade-long mission."[10]

New York Times critic Manohla Dargis, who designated the film a New York Times critics' pick, said that the film "shows the dark side of that war. It shows the unspeakable and lets us decide if the death of Bin Laden was worth the price we paid."[33]

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"Confusing depiction with endorsement is the first step toward chilling any American artist's ability and right to shine a light on dark deeds, especially when those deeds are cloaked in layers of government secrecy and obfuscation," Bigelow wrote. "On a practical and political level, it does seem illogical to me to make a case against torture by ignoring or denying the role it played in US counter-terrorism policy and practices."

But you cannot watch this movie at home without the opening audio from September 11th reminding you of sitting in front of a television and watching in shock as those events unfolded years ago. You cannot watch the sequences of a man dragged to a secret, dark place and being tortured without experiencing a disconnect with your own comforting surroundings and feelings of safety. You cannot see Maya's despair at realizing she has nowhere left to go, without looking around your room and out the window and wanting to cry a little at the understanding that we're all adrift with her.

In simple aesthetic terms, the Blu-ray is excellent as you probably would expect. It looks terrific and sounds terrific, and the dance from dark to light sequences benefits from the higher quality of Blu-ray -- I don't imagine the interplay of brightness and shadow appears nearly as crisp on regular DVD, and the sometimes harsh glare of the desert sun needs to instantly break against the darker shots that inevitably immediately follow in order to get the best impact. The audio transfer is as good as the visual, and it really needed to be in order to do justice to just how remarkably well assembled this film truly is -- I'm reminded again that the film was denied several Oscars that it should've easily taken, but at least won for Sound Editing.

When U.S. Navy SEALs raided a Pakistan compound on May 2nd, 2011 and killed Osama bin Laden, it was an almost moonless night. So when director Kathryn Bigelow sought to re-create the raid in Zero Dark Thirty, she and DOP Greig Fraser had a very clear mandate to film the scene in almost pitch darkness. The result is an authentic re-telling of the hunt for the Al Qaeda leader, but also one that posed a significant challenge for the visual effects crew from Image Engine, called upon to create photorealistic stealth helicopters used in the daring raid, as well as several other key effects in the Oscar-nominated film. 0852c4b9a8

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