hello. I have just switched from windows 8 to 11. I opened my old document (Japanese/greek) to work on my project which is learning New Testament Greek. However, I now am not able to type any breath/accent mark. For example, I used to press [:] and [a] to type a with breathing mark on the top of the letter [a]. Now. all it comes out is ['].

I have a very, very strange problem. I bought a dell laptop with windows home 11 and downloaded the retail version of office pro plus 2021 which I activated successfully. However, while windows 11 is in Greek, the display language option of office is in Greek, greek is not displayed as a language in the menus. Has anyone encountered a similar problem? I can't find a solution anywhere. I would very much like a help. I've done all the updates of both windows and office, I restarted countless times, I shuted down, I reopened it. Nothing. Please help. Thank you in advance

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Microsoft Office competed with a number of other office suites including Lotus Smartsuite, Borland/WordPerfect/Corel Office, and Star Office. Also see a complete list of Winworld's Word Processors, Spreadsheets, Databases, and Presentation programs.

Each font you install takes some RAM while the computer is running. If you

install 2,000 fonts on a computer, you can actually run out of RAM, so the

computer starts shedding fonts to make room for programs.More likely: You have updated the font you used with a font of the same

name that is encoded using a different system. The codes in the document

are now pointing to places in the font where there are no characters.A computer file does not contain "characters", it contains "numbers". Each

of the numbers is the number of a row in a table in the font you used. If

all goes well, that row contains the formula for a character, and that's

what you see printed on the paper. But if you change an old-style font

using the MacRoman character set, for a new one using the Unicode character

set, the numbers in the document may point at rows in the table that are

blank in the new font.That's what has happened to you, I think.You need to re-insert those characters using a font you have now.Cheers

On 19/09/09 3:34 AM, in article 59b7c...@webcrossing.caR9absDaxw,

"jman...@officeformac.com" wrote:

On my system, ~/Library/Fonts is empty. I am the main user on this system,

and I intend for the fonts to be useable in ANY user ID, so I keep them all

in the main system fonts folder.No sense in confusing things unless you want different fonts for different

users on the system.Users of Office 2008 will find a "Microsoft" folder in the system fonts

folder. The system will first load anything in the main system fonts

folder, then check to see if there is anything in the Microsoft folder that

it hasn't got. That prevents the system trying to load two copies of

anything :-)Cheers

On 14/10/09 10:29 PM, in article 59b7c...@webcrossing.caR9absDaxw,

"astr...@officeformac.com" wrote:

Course purpose: Word courses preparing you for typing documents and learning a wide breadth of what the software is capable of in an office setting. Understanding the wide capabilities of the Microsoft Word software helps develop efficient office administrator skills making employees quicker and more organized with their workload when dealing with the written communication in an office setting.

Course purpose: You are introduced to word forms, pre-fixes, suffixes, and root words. You will analyze medical terms through the knowledge of the Greek and Latin roots, prefixes, and suffixes. You will practice pronunciation and spelling of medical terms. You will learn how to utilize medical dictionary and other references, as well as the formation of nouns, adjectives, and plurals of medical words. Knowledge of medical terminology is beneficial to the medical office administrative assistant when communicating with patients and medical clinicians. This course is broken into two 5-credit courses that cover all of the systems of the body.

Course purpose: Knowledge of medical terminology is beneficial to the medical office administrative assistant when communicating with patients and medical clinicians. This course is broken into two 5-credit courses that cover all of the systems of the body.

Course purpose: You will gain a comprehensive study of the human body, its structure and its function. A non-lab course appropriate for non-science majors. Knowledge of anatomy and physiology is beneficial to the medical office administrative assistant when communicating with patients and medical clinicians.

Course purpose: Teaches you the lifecycle and management of paper and electronic records in an office setting. You will learn to manage records to keep an office organized and for individuals to retrieve records quickly and maintain integrity of data.

Course purpose: This course is an option for students in lieu of the Cooperative Work-based Learning Experience (BTECA 246). This course is designed to prepare students for a job in their specific field of study whether it be a medical office or a general office. Students will implement a variety of the skills they have learned throughout their degree such as job searching skills, teamwork, communication skills, goal setting, time management, and leadership. 0852c4b9a8

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