Eclipse can do this really easily File --> Export and create a jar and select the appropriate Main-Class and it'll generate the .jar for you. In windows you may have to associate .jar with the java runtime. aka Hold shift down, Right Click "open with" browse to your jvm and associate it with javaw.exe

EDIT: i believe you are trying to connect to databases in a java application and using jcreator as an IDE. you can get the latest jdbc drivers for MySQL in the link i have provided above. a jdbc driver is basically a jar file that you need to have in your classpath like any other library.Here is a quickstart tutorial

Free Download Jcreator Pro Full Version For Windows 7

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As far as jcreator is concerned i havent used it lately myself. i looked at the feature set and dont think you can connect to a database through it. May be you are comparing it with Visual studio which is a all-in-one package where you can do database development (firing SQL queries, looking at the schema ...), i dont think it does that. if you are looking for such features look at SQL Workbench/J or DBeaver. these are separate application that let you do database development(ONLY) and have built-in support for mysql.

Microsoft wants to replace Command Prompt with PowerShell as stated here: -us/help/4027690/windows-powershell-is-replacing-command-prompt, so for especially for the future it might be simply useful to get used to PowerShell commands.

I built a tool that can do this. I was not able to find a way to have both Powershell and the Command Prompt, but this tool will swap out powershell for the command prompt in the windows 10 explorer folder file menu.

Use Git as the default source control experience in Visual Studio right out of the box. From the new Git menu, you can create or clone repositories from GitHub or Azure DevOps. Use the integrated Git tool windows to commit and push changes to your code, manage branches, sync with your remote repositories, and resolve merge conflicts. 0852c4b9a8

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