By default JBoss AS Adapter uses .metadata/.plugins/ folder to deploy your project and then registed this temp folder in JBoss AS throug JMX. It might not working properly for JBoss 6.0.0. I would try direct publishing to server deploy folder:

I now need to do the same thing with JBoss AS 7. There is, however, no ROOT.war directory. How do I use the default ROOT with AS 7? I tried creating a ROOT.war folder in jboss-home\standalone\deployments, but that didn't work. There must be more to it. Can someone please tell me what I need to do?

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Additionally I've also tried creating a jboss-deployment-structure.xml file, but then I encounter the previous errors like "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;"

Regarding my question I am still not totally convinced. I don't want to be annoying, but perhaps you mixed two aspects of transactions in JBoss when writing the book or discussing with the jboss engineers. I did a lot of research to get the whole picture and right now I guess the following:

If you use xa-datasources you need a transaction manager to coordinate the resources (with 2PC). This wiki page and this -US/JBoss_Enterprise_Application_Platform/5.0.1/html/Administration_And_Configuration_Guide/transaction.html#id2524403 guide state, that there are two different implementations or modules for this transaction manager. The JBossTS JTA module for local-only transactions and the JBossTS JTS module for distributed transactions. Both are capable to handle multiple XA resources but JBoss JTS can handle distributed transactions spanning multiple VMs and JBossTS JTA can only handle transactions in a single VM. In case of jboss clusters I'm not sure if every cluster configuration needs JBoss JTS. I would guess that in a homogenous cluster JBoss JTA is sufficient because a transaction startet by a transaction manager on a certain cluster node does not leave this node and thus stays in a single VM.

In Netbeans 8.0.1, select "Services", right click on "Servers" and select "Add Server...", pick the option "WildFly Application Server", point "server location" to the root of your JBoss EAP 7 install (e.g. c:\jboss7) and then point the server configuration option to c:\jboss7\standalone\configuration\standalone-full.xml and that's it.

The security domain still needs to be defined. You can either define security domain directly in jboss-web.xml or you can define default one in Undertow subsystem (/subsystem=undertow:write-attribute(name=default-security-domain, value=`@NAME_OF_YOUR_SECURITY_DOMAN@`). Note in case of elytron you need to have defined application-security-domain in undertow with the given name.

The original question is: Do you need to modify BOTH web.xml and jboss-web.xml to get Elytron working. In my case, I only need to modify jboss-web.xml. My jboss-web.xml has the following line:

I had worked on jboss for a year and on weblogic for more than a year now, my experience with the web logic is good compared to jboss as weblogic is more stable and robust, it can handle more than 3000 concurrent requests without throwing a single exception where jboss failed to do so and admin console for the weblogic is excellent, but I think weblogic is more complex then jboss. As far as client is investing money on application server, my choice will be weblogic for sure.

There is a get out of course. JBoss Modules can be told to delegate lookups for Byteman classes (so can OSGi) and indeed to do the same for your helper class. You just need to set the approprate system property e.g. run with -Djboss.modules.system.pkgs="org.jboss.byteman.*,*" So, the real classloader diagram is more like this

I've pushed some initial stuff up to doctau/byteman at module-system  GitHub, as a proof of concept. I just ran a rule which intercepted a class in the '' module of JBoss which used referred to a class in the 'org.hibernate' which fails if you don't add a "IMPORT org.hibernate" line and append "sys:$PATH/byteman-jboss-modules-3.0.1.jar,modules:org.jboss.byteman.modules.jbossmodules.JBossModulesSystem " to the agent options

For one customer POC, we were able to create recognition rules by looking for the following patterns to identify that JBoss Enterprise Application Server was installed. For example, we mapped the following File Evidence patterns to identify that JBoss Enterprise Application Server 7.2 was installed:


I am unable to install unzip command to ubuntu image, so in base context I extracted the files and copy to image, now I can create base jboss image, now i want to explore more this by doing customizations.

You can run a script which will check the jboss status on the machines and index the output of the command in Splunk. Then you can set up an alert on when you get the status as "jboss is not running".

Save the script in the bin directory of your app and then create an index like you create index normally which will store the result of your script. Then create the inputs.conf in the local directory of your app and give the path to your script. This complete thing is going to index the output of your script. Post the indexing you can set up alerts which will be triggered once it finds "jboss is not running" in your events. I hope this sounds clear. Do let me know if you find any trouble in doing that.

1) You can use front end web server with proxy plugin to do the redirection to the backend jboss. Here you would need to install normal web agent on the front web server and protect the web application.

Finally with the proxy plugin, you can do the redirection to the backend jboss application.

2) If you want to enable security check at your web application then you would need to install Web agent for Jboss application server. You can use front end web server with proxy plugin to do the redirection to the backend jboss.

Here you would need to install both normal web agent on web server and Jboss web agent on Jboss application server.

1. In my setup, i am going to use web agent and webserver(proxy) in order to protect web application on jboss, please provide how to configure to establish the connectivity between proxy webserver to the Jboss agent. Also let me know proxy-plugin that is to be installed webserver will be available during the installation of web agent itself or do we need to install it separately. if need to be install separate , pls provide the link for platform matrix. Because the link i have given in the previous paragraph doesnt give much detail about the how Web agent is configured to create SMSESSION cookie and how it is transferred to the Jboss agent to use it.

--> You can choose any proxy plugin, we dont mention it in PSM. if it IIS web server, You can use ARR and if it is apache, you can use mod_proxy.

Version 2.2.4 of jboss-remoting.jar (built with jdk 1.6 and targeted at jdk 1.4) may be found in the maven repository at -jboss/org/jboss/remoting/jboss-remoting/2.2.4/. 


 The distribution zip file may be found at . 

The jboss-as-maven-plugin is used to deploy, redeploy, undeploy or run your application. You can also deploy or undeploy artifacts, such as JDBC drivers, and add or remove resources. There is also the ability to execute CLI commands.

Each project also contains Eclipse .project and .classpath files that allow one to develop from within eclipse. The easiest way to setup an Eclipse workspace is to start with an empty workspace, and the use the File/Import/Existing Project into Workspace... and select the jbossmc svn working directory.

Depending on your server setup (particularly when using the remote+http JMX scheme), you may need to specify a custom JAR to connect to the server. Place the JAR on the same machine as your Agent, and add its path to the custom_jar_paths option in your jboss_wildfly.d/conf.yaml file.


Returns CRITICAL if the Agent is unable to connect to and collect metrics from the monitored JBoss/WildFly instance, WARNING if no metrics are collected, and OK otherwise.

Statuses: ok, critical, warning

In addition, the org.jboss.modules.Version.Iterator class may be used to iterate the parts of a version, whichmay be useful in certain dynamic or plugin based systems, or for the introduction of a local versionverification policy, in order to extract semantic information from a given version string.

Within the Modules API, a module identifier with a slot was represented by theorg.jboss.modules.ModuleIdentifier class, which has the ability toparse identifier strings as well as assemble a name or a name plus aversion slot identifier into a module identifier.

As of JBoss Modules 1.8, there is a system module loader which can be used to load JDK modules aswell as the special org.jboss.modules module. It can be acquired by calling theModule.getSystemModuleLoader() method.

You can customize the class loader name used by your module loader by extending the ModuleLoaderclass and overriding its org.jboss.modules.ModuleLoader.getModuleDescription method. The namecan be set to any arbitrary string.

This functionality is provided by the FileSystemClassPathModuleFinder class. The constructorfor this class accepts Supplier instances which yield module loaders for "regular" moduledependencies (like org.jboss.modules) and "extension" module dependencies (which are specifiedin the JAR file specification, but are not presently supported by any JBoss Modules module loaderor module finder implementation). These module loaders are used as delegates for the correspondingdependencies. Class path dependencies are always resolved internally. 0852c4b9a8

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