JBoss EAP 8 is built to provide simplified deployment and full Jakarta EE performance for applications in any environment. Whether on-premise or in virtual, private, public, and hybrid clouds, JBoss EAP features a modular architecture that starts services only as they are required.

JBoss EAP 8 is built for performance and flexibility in modern application environments. Its modular architecture and services-driven set of components reduces scale-out times and provides flexibility for applications deployed in different environments.

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With the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform expansion pack, developers can use Eclipse MicroProfile application programming interfaces (APIs) to build and deploy microservices-based applications. Eclipse MicroProfile provides enterprise Java developers with enhanced APIs and support for common microservices-based patterns for deployment, configuration, security and observability.

Red Hat offers a variety of options to deploy JBoss Enterprise Application Platform as a fully-managed or self-managed application service. This gives users the ability to reduce costs and expand capabilities while preserving their existing investments.

Configuration in WildFly is centralized, simple and user-focused. The configuration file is organized by subsystems that you can easily comprehend and no internal server wiring is exposed. All management capabilities are exposed in a unified manner across many forms of access. These include a CLI, a web based administration console, a native Java API, an HTTP/JSON based REST API, and a JMX gateway. These options allow for custom automation using the tools and languages that best fit your needs.

WildFly does classloading right. It uses JBoss Modules to provide true application isolation, hiding server implementation classes from the application and only linking with JARs your application needs. Visibility rules have sensible defaults, yet can be customized. The dependency resolution algorithm means that classloading performance is not affected by the number of versions of libraries you have installed.

WildFly takes an aggressive approach to memory management. The base runtime services were developed to minimize heap allocation by using common cached indexed metadata over duplicate full parses, which reduces heap and object churn. The administration console is 100% stateless and purely client driven. It starts instantly and requires zero memory on the server. These optimizations combined enable WildFly to run with stock JVM settings and also on small devices while leaving more headroom for application data and supports higher scalability.

WildFly implements the latest in enterprise Java standards from Jakarta EE and Eclipse MicroProfile. These improve developer productivity by providing rich enterprise capabilities in easy to consume frameworks that eliminate boilerplate and reduce technical burden. This allows your team to focus on the core business needs of your application. By building your application on standards you retain the flexibility to migrate between various vendor solutions.

In this video we are covering the pre-requisites required to interact with your OpenShift cluster from WildFly Glow CLI. Once the environment is setup, we are building and deploying an application to OpenShift cluster.

In this article, Jeff Mesnil shows how it is possible to leverage the WildFly Maven plugin to handle the configuration and deployment of WildFly separately from the application development in a loose GitOps manner.

With numerous deployment options, JBoss EAP supports both modernization and cloud-native application development efforts. Red Hat supports deploying JBoss EAP on-premise, on hyperscalers, and on OpenShift.

Traditional, on-premise EAP deployments on virtual machines continue to be a great option for customers who have the infrastructure and personnel to host and maintain their own application infrastructure.

Moving EAP applications to OpenShift is a great way to reduce operational costs, improve resource utilization, and accelerate development cycles. EAP is supported on any OpenShift platform including Red Hat OpenShift on AWS (ROSA), Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO), and Red Hat OpenShift Google Cloud.

JBoss EAP is optimized to develop, deploy, and manage Java applications on OpenShift so developers can take advantage of OpenShift's cloud-native capabilities, including auto-scaling, clustering support, and flexible deployments Learn more.

JBoss EAP includes a flexible web server, Undertow, as well as enterprise features such as failover, clustering, caching, intelligent load balancing, and distributed deployment performance-tuned for highly transactional applications.

JBoss EAP includes a security subsystem called Elytron, that provides a unified framework to manage and configure access for standalone servers and managed domains. It also includes native support for OpenID Connect (OIDC).

JBoss EAP includes a management console and CLI that provides administrators with a unified view into configurations, deployments, security, and subsystems as well as the ability to manage servers offline. The CLI can be used with popular configuration management tools, such as Red Hat Ansible or Puppet.

JBoss EAP provides tools to boost productivity and innovate faster with features like self-service application provisioning, simplified stack management, and application auto-scaling. It also supports continuous testing and integration technologies such as Arquillian for integration testing, Maven for automated and managed build processes, and Jenkins for continuous integration and continuous delivery.

JBoss Application Server is the open source implementation of the Java EE suite of services. It comprises a set of offerings for enterprise customers who are looking for preconfigured profiles of JBoss Enterprise Middleware components that have been tested and certified together to provide an integrated experience. It's easy-to-use server architecture and high flexibility makes JBoss the ideal choice for users just starting out with J2EE, as well as senior architects looking for a customizable middleware platform.

Because it is Java-based, JBoss Application Server is cross-platform, easy to install and use on any operating system that supports Java. The readily available source code is a powerful learning tool to debug the server and understand it. It also gives you the flexibility to create customized versions for your personal or business use.

You must have adequate disk space to install JDK and JBoss Application Server while also allowing enough space for your applications. Before installing JBoss Application Server you must have a working installation of Java. Since JBoss is 100% pure Java you can have it working on any Operating System / Platform that supports Java.

Applications that run on a 32-bit JVM and do not require more than minimal heap sizes will gain nothing from a 64-bit JVM. Barring memory issues, 64-bit hardware with the same relative clock speed and architecture is not likely to run Java applications faster than their 32-bit cousin.

If you do not want to use SysV service scripts you can install the "self-extracting file" for Linux instead of choosing the "RPM in self-extracting" file. In that case you can skip the next step mentioned here. But it is recommended to use the SysV service scripts for production servers.

Another alternative is to download the jdk6 distribution (jboss-5.0.0.CR2-jdk6.zip) in which case no configuration changes are required. Please refer to the release notes for additional information about running with JDK 6.

Unzip jboss-.zip to extract the archive contents into the location of your choice. You can do this using the JDK jar tool (or any other ZIP extraction tool). In the example below we are assuming you downloaded the zip file to the /jboss directory.

Uncompress jboss--src.tar.gz to extract the archive contents into the location of your choice. You can do this using the tar archiving utility in Linux (or any other compatible extraction tool). In this example we are assuming your source files were copied in the /jboss folder.

You will need to build your JBoss Application Server source files before you can run the application server. Apache Ant is shipped with the JBoss Application Server source files and can be executed from the /tools/bin directory.

A successful build will have the above message. If your build fails, please check the error log and ensure that your configuration files and environment variables are correctly set. The JBoss Application Server files are built under the build/output/jboss- directory as indicated below.

The jboss- directory contains your successful JBoss Application Server files. You can copy this folder to a different location or run the server from this folder after setting the JBOSS_HOME environment variable in your .bashrc file. Next you need to set your JBOSS_HOME environment variables. This is discussed in Chapter 5, Setting the JBOSS_HOME variable .

Before you can run the JBoss Application Server, you need to ensure that you've configured the JBOSS_HOME environment variable in your .bashrc file as follows. In this example the Application Server folder has beeen copied to the /usr/jboss/jboss- folder.The following is a .bashrc file used in this installation. Please ensure that your .bashrc file has a similar configuration.

In order to run JBoss Application Server from the command line, add the jboss-\bin directory to your path, for example: C:\Program Files\JBoss\jboss-\bin. To do this, open the Control Panel from the Start Menu, switch to Classic View if necessary, open the System Control Panel applet, select the Advanced Tab, and click on the Environment Variables button.

After you have installed the JBoss Application Server, it is wise to perform a simple startup test to validate that there are no major problems with your Java VM/operating system combination. To test your installation, open the JBOSS_DIST/jboss-/bin directory and execute the run.bat (for Windows) or run.sh (for Linux) script, as appropriate for your operating system. 0852c4b9a8

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