I too cannot record streaming audio from the internet using Audacity. When I try to record, it picks up the noise from the room and just barely picks up the internet stream. The playback is distorted and noisy. I carefully read all the previous posts about this but they did not help me. What am I doing wrong?

In order to fully function, Wyze cams have to connect to WyzeHQ servers (over the internet) when they power up. Even if the camera had been previously configured for continuous recording to the SDcard, they still require internet connection to start up.

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if you take the sd card out, you need to stop the power not to wreck the sd card. then you need internet to restart. you still need internet. can we just remove and replug sd card with power on without damaging card?

if sd card is damaged, no local recording neither.

Most toy can do without internet.

if you take the sd card out, you need to stop the power not to wreck the sd card. then you need internet to restart. you still need internet. can we just remove and replug sd card with power on without damaging card?

From what I am reading then, I cannot setup on my home network, power down and move to a non internet location. I did see one reply using your phone as a hotspot, but when I tried, the setup did not see my hotspot ID. Any suggestions?

Audition isn't recording audio from the internet and I haven't changed the settings on my Focusrite interface. It was recording audio from my studio mic and from the internet last week when I was working. I have reinstalled Focusrite interface, checked my settings and both input and output are set to the focusrite and I updated Windows. Audition shows to be up to date. And it's blurring out the stop button when I'm recording which prevents me from stopping it.

Quite frankly, it sounds as though it's behaving correctly. To record from the internet doesn't involve your sound device at all, and relies on an internal link in your computer. If the input and output are set to be the Focusrite, then that's exactly what will happen - not an internet recording.

When the internet works in my classroom, I have found it convenient to start a meeting (which only I attend), share my screen, and record the presentation. I then upload the recording to a university course website, so students who missed the lecture can hear it while seeing the slides. My only problem is that I am in a class room with unreliable internet, so I often don't have an internet connection, and I can't start a meeting through my normal process (open zoom, click start a meeting).

As an alternative, you could use a screen recording app to produce a video that gets uploaded to your university course website. There are some great options available on the Mac, including the free, pre-installed QuickTime Player that (you can record your screen + audio) and ScreenFlow (a paid and highly functional app that I've been using for years). Telestream also has apps for Mac and Windows that can be used for screen capture and audio/video recording.

While my computer was still converting a recording of my meeting, my internet got disconnected. Can I still recover my recording? If it is possible, how to do it? I have tried using zTscode to no avail. Can somebody help?

I'm sorry, but that is expected behavior for local recordings. I would recommend looking into cloud recordings in the future to prevent this from happening. Here is a more detailed explanation of our cloud recording capability: -us/articles/203741855-Starting-a-cloud-recording

FIrst of all my recording was made on my computer. Ideally there should be a file called double_click_to_convert_01 in my zoom folder, which would produce my recording if I double click it. Since the conversion process was interrupted when my internet connection got cut off, this file was not in my zoom folder.

Finally what I did was, I created another zoom meeting and recorded it in my computer. After the meeting was completed, I did not convert the meeting straight away. Instead I tried to manually recover my recordings from zoom website. Soon after, I noticed double_click_to_convert_01 appeared in my zoom folder, that was previously non existent. After I double click the file, my recordings were saved. So it seems zoom tried to recover all previously not-yet-finished recording

The Internet Applicant rule addresses recordkeeping by federal contractors and subcontractors about the internet hiring process and the solicitation of race, gender, and ethnicity of "Internet Applicants."

When a contractor considers expressions of interest for a position via both the internet or related electronic data technologies and paper applications, the Internet Applicant standard applies to the solicitation of demographic information from all applicants for that position.

For those positions for which the contractor does not consider any electronic submissions, i.e., does not use the internet or related electronic data technologies, the traditional OFCCP recordkeeping standards apply. That is, contractors must solicit demographic information from job seekers who are "applicants" under the definition of applicant contained in Question and Answer 15 of the Adoption of Questions and Answers to Clarify and Provide Common Interpretation of the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures:

No. It is not the method of advertising a job that determines the applicability of the Internet Applicant rule. Rather, the determining factor is whether the expression of interest in employment was made through the internet or related electronic data technologies.

While OFCCP will not provide a precise definition of the term "internet or related electronic data technologies" in recognition of rapid changes in technology in this area, OFCCP does intend this term to include the types of technologies referenced in the preamble to the proposed UGESP Additional Questions and Answers. Those six types of internet-related technologies and applications that are widely used in recruitment and selection today include:

Wikipedia, an online internet encyclopedia, describes Voice over Internet Protocol (also called VOIP, IP Telephony, internet telephony, and Broadband Phone) as the routing of voice conversations over the internet or any other IP-based network. The voice data flows over a general-purpose packet-switched network, instead of traditional dedicated, circuit-switched telephony transmission lines.

While OFCCP does not provide a precise definition of the term "internet or related electronic data technologies" in recognition of rapid changes in technology in this area, OFCCP does intend this term to include the types of technologies referenced in the preamble to the Internet Applicant final rule. Those six types of internet-related technologies and applications that were discussed in the preamble are:

While VOIP may use the internet, VOIP functions to transmit individual voice communications akin to a telephone rather than a high volume of written expressions of interest data like the six examples contained in the preamble. Accordingly, OFCCP would not consider VOIP an internet or related data technology under the Internet Applicant rule.

The Internet Applicant rule requires contractors to maintain any and all expressions of interest through the internet or related electronic data technologies as to which the contractor considered the individual for a particular position, except for searches of external resume data bases discussed below. Contractors also are to maintain records identifying job seekers contacted regarding their interest in a particular position. In addition, for internal resume databases, the contractor must maintain a record of each resume added to the database, a record of the date each resume was added to the database, the position for which each search of the database was made, and corresponding to each search, the substantive search criteria used and the date of the search. Also, for external resume databases, the contractor must maintain a record of the position for which each search of the database was made, and corresponding to each search, the substantive search criteria used, the date of the search, and the resumes of any job seekers who met the basic qualifications for the particular position who are considered by the contractor. These records must be maintained regardless of whether the individual qualifies as an "Internet Applicant" under 41 CFR 60-1.3. Note that the final rule does not specify the form of the record. The format can be as detailed as a system that automatically stores each search or as basic as a simple screen shot printed out and maintained in a file cabinet.

The transcribe feature converts speech to a text transcript with each speaker individually separated. After your conversation, interview, or meeting, you can revisit parts of the recording by playing back the timestamped audio and edit the transcription to make corrections. You can save the full transcript as a Word document or insert snippets of it into existing documents.

You can record directly in Word while taking notes in the canvas and then transcribe the recording. Word transcribes in the background as you record; you won't see text on the page as you would when dictating. You'll see the transcript after you save and transcribe the recording.

Transcription may take a while depending on your internet speed. Keep the Transcribe pane open while the transcription is being made. Feel free to do other work or switch browser tabs or applications and come back later.

Transcription may take a while depending on your internet speed, up to about the length of the audio file. Be sure to keep the Transcribe pane open while the transcription is happening, but feel free to do other work or switch browser tabs or applications and come back later.

Go to the Transcribed Files folder in OneDrive, or at the top of the Transcribe pane, click the name of the recording. When the audio player interface appears, close it to return to the Transcribed Files folder. 0852c4b9a8

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