The exhaustion of recording Slippery When Wet and New Jersey back to back and going on highly paced world tours took its toll. By the end of the New Jersey tour, the band had 16 months of concerts under its belt. The bandmates were exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally. Following the final tour date in Mexico, and without any clear plans for their future, the members of the band simply went home.[36] The band has since stated that there were few if any goodbyes between them. During the time they took off from the scene, members of the band retreated to their own projects and showed no desire to make another album.[17]

In February 2023, former guitarist Richie Sambora noted that he was in talks about potentially rejoining the band: "We're talking about it. I don't think there's any reason not to [return] at this point. I mean, [Jon and I] we did something... there's not a lot of bands that did what we did. [...] We have to get out there and do it for the fans really."[84]

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3) There's a third thing! There's a reason we call it music "theory." No matter what Vox tries to tell you, this is not science. The mechanics of music theory are much more akin to grammar (unless we're talking 12-tone rows & set theory, and I would pay all of the money to hear a serial Bon Jovi composition) and the larger scale theoretical analysis can be compared to literary theory. And we all know there's a lot of that out there. This is my interepretation. From a teaching perspective, I think this song is a great one to analyze, to really dig into, because a couple of different theories regarding THAT key change in THIS song could all be correct.

Bon Jovi is one of the longest-running and most commercially and financially successful rock bands out there. From their start as the quintessential 1980s "hair band" to their mid-90s reinvention to their incredibly lucrative and successful tours of recent years, the band has always managed to reinvent itself, stay current and keep making hit songs. Whether it's early staples like "Livin' on a Prayer," later anthems like "It's My Life," country music crossovers like "Who Says You Can't Go Home," or ballads like "Always," the sounds of Jon, Richie and company are never far from your ears.

Bryan Reesman: I was streaming the album today. I was wondering what was going to happen after Richie left [guitarist Richie Sambora left the group in 2013], because he had a very soulful kind of playing. He's a bigger part of the band than some people think. But it's a mixture of the rock stuff of [the group's 2009 album] The Circle with a lot of the adult contemporary stuff that was on the 2013 album] What About Now. It's pretty good, but it's not quite the same. I wish Richie was there, for his soulfulness.

I've heard that Jon is not contemplating a whole tour yet with the band, which is rather telling. Their 2013 tour was sold out. It grossed $260 million, and was the number one tour in the world that year. But Richie quit a quarter of the way through. So you sit there thinking, well, it didn't affect the tour at all, because they sold out all the shows. But they sold most of those tickets prior to Richie leaving. So people might have thought he was coming back. You don't really know. Now he's not in the band.

Reesman: That's a good question. People think "Living on a Prayer," for example, is the biggest hit they've ever had. But there's an argument that "It's My Life" is actually a bigger hit overseas. More people knew about that song.

Once they did the These Days album in 1995, there are a lot more ballads, and they started to deal with more mature themes. By the time 2000 comes around, a lot of the lyrics are about regular, working-class people, which is where Jon came from in Sayerville. So even though he's not living like that anymore, he can still tap into it.

Reesman: I think they tried to keep up with the times. If you listen to Keep the Faith, the lyrics are more mature and they have songs that reflect realities, but there are still plenty of party songs. It seems like they did it gradually. Even though Jon cut his hair, he didn't cut off all his hair [laughs]. He still has plenty of hair there.

They've been very smart about adapting to the times, but also adapting to the age of their fans. You probably listened to some of the metal I listened to growing up. A lot of those bands haven't changed. Maybe it's cool that there's all these bands that are still doing it. But is it really the same being a 50-year-old guy writing raunchy rock and roll about doing drugs and getting laid? It doesn't make sense. And yet, Jon can get away with doing things like that. "Bad Medicine" feels like a raunchy song, but lyrically, it's not that raunchy. You could still kind of relate to it as a 40-year-old.

With "Wanted Dead or Alive," they were playing up the macho thing a bit, but it wasn't like Mtley Cre or Ratt, who were overtly party bands. There was a little bit of substance underneath. It was still kind of fluffy and critics hated it, but they I think they were a group that came off as a real band of brothers. A lot of lyrics, particularly on New Jersey, reflected that comaraderie and that view of us-against-the-world. So it wasn't just about parties. Yeah, there was that aspect to it, but it was also about being together and trying to work together. It was slightly different.

Well, it's been almost 6 months since my last post...this pandemic thing has been occupying lots of time and energy, so much so there's little left at the end of the day for even simple, everyday things like baking bread. I am trying to stay optimistic as things continue to unfold but admit to being more discouraged than encouraged these past few days what with the growing social unrest, ongoing disruption of the way things used to be, ever increasing pressure on front line/first responders and economic/financial hardships all around. It seems things are falling further and further out of balance, natural harmony and synchrony giving way to chaos, feels like we are all on a very narrow edge right now.

We are under a new temporary social lockdown here with mandatory face masks now for all indoor spaces, strict social distancing rules. People are being encouraged/advised to stay home, minimize unnecessary travel. So these are my lockdown breads for this week, two for the neighbours and one for us...amazing what all ingredients can be found stashed away in various cupboards if one is sufficiently motivated to find them again - "motivated" as in not wanting to go out for more! These loaves were made with sifted organic Red Fife and organic all purpose flours; some toasted millet, sesame, sunflower and pumpkin seeds; a bit of hemp hearts, cracked flax and chia; and cold rolled organic oats. Cold proofed overnight and baked in covered cast iron pots. The scoring on the "Yin/Yang" loaf came to me in a moment of optimism, sort of a bread graffiti - daring to carve out a symbol of balance in a time of chaos.The other two were scored same old, same old...maybe that too comes from an optimism there will be a return to a more predictable everyday life. And yeah, maybe it's no big deal in the scheme of things, just bread, a little thing...but keep doing the little things, do what you can, be safe, be well.

Because there was less "supercharging" of the music entertainment schedule-wise, I actually found more time to unwind on this cruise versus many of the others. Most Sixthman cruises have such jam-packed schedules that you have to really schedule where you want to be and when, because there are so many good activities in the same time slots on different parts of the ship. Usually there is NO NCL house entertainment or shows of any kind going on during these music cruises, but with Bon Jovi, the ship's house magician had a show, and one day they played NCL Deal or No Deal. That made it seem almost more like a regular cruise with some extra music entertainment.

If you are interested in drinking Jon's Hampton Water wine, it flowed like a river throughout the entire cruise. I think there were free wine tasting every day, and they handed out larger than expected glasses of it during Jon's two shows.

For the launch of the iPhone 3G, I decided to wait at the kinder Apple Store at the Rockaway Commons Mall in Rockaway, NJ. There are many malls in New Jersey, so I had plenty of options to choose from. The store was opening around 8am, so I decided to get there at 5am.

This was the second iPhone launch, and there had been very long lines for the first one. The very first Apple iPhone in 2007 went on sale at 6pm in the evening, so we waited all through the day. The second iPhone, the iPhone 3G in 2008, went on sale in the morning, and I thought that by then Apple would finally catch up to its demand predictions and this would be an easier iPhone launch with a much shorter wait time. I was partly mistaken.

I was both working that morning and attending the line as a smartphone enthusiast. I would have been there either way. It just happened that I had a boss who was thrilled I was there, so no need to take the day off of work.

The Jovi Patch was designed to help cure menstrual cramps so that is what it works best for, but there are hundreds of reviews (mine included) that would testify to this patch providing relief for all kinds of pains (headaches, muscle aches, back pain and more!)

Hi!- there are two sticky sides. You peel one side to put it on the patch. Next you have to peel the other side to stick on your skin. The clear film might be a bit hard to see but it does peel off. Hope this helps!

This song seems to be an admission of guilt for Jon as he seems to be feeling bad for not being there for his wife. It is something deeply imbedded in him that drives him to be on the road all the time. He feels she would probably do better finding someone else that can give her what she needs because he feels he is failing at that task. And as much as he lived that rock star lifestyle, I would say he failed quite a bit at giving her what she needed. In the end, we know how the story ends in real life as he and his wife are still together after all these years. 0852c4b9a8

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