Recently, a friend of mine gave me his slightly used PDA/cell phone combo device. Instead of carrying two electronic tools, I can now carry a single unit to handle my appointment schedule and phone calls.

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Holy Bible mobile app is an interactive app guide for Catholics. It features an intuitive admin dashboard and a handy prayer book at the same time. The idea of creating an application arose from a desire to share the content of the Bible with Catholics spread across the world. The application was created as an internal project. While creating the application we want to provide the opportunity to read the Holy Bible on your phone or another remote device. Regardless of where you are. End-users of the app are people who want to have the Holy Bible always at hand.

It comes with audio features, allowing you to hear the holy bible online readout, and also in multilingual translations. Alexander Scourby, the voice behind the Scourby app has been lauded as having one of the best and most engaging voices by the Chicago Tribune.

Holy Bible Daily is a typical browser hijacker, which promotes the address of a fake search engine ( by modifying certain browser settings. This app might also be designed to collect data relating to users' browsing habits.

Holy Bible Daily promotes by assigning it as the default search engine, homepage, and new tab URL. In this way, it ensure that users visit when they open a browser, new tab, or enter search queries into the URL bar. Note that is classified as a fake search engine, since it does not generate unique results.

When used to search, simply redirects to (displays results generated by Yahoo). This makes fake and useless. To remove it from the browser settings, Holy Bible Daily must be uninstalled, otherwise this browser hijacker will reassign the settings after each attempt is made to change/undo them.

After uninstalling the potentially unwanted applications that cause browser redirects to the website, scan your computer for any remaining unwanted components. To scan your computer, use recommended malware removal software.

Click the "gear" icon (at the top right corner of Internet Explorer), select "Internet Options", in the opened window remove hxxp:// and enter your preferred domain, which will open each time you launch Internet Explorer. You can also enter about: blank to open a blank page when you start Internet Explorer.

To change your default search engine in Google Chrome: Click the Chrome menu icon (at the top right corner of Google Chrome), select "Settings", in the "Search engine" section, click "Manage search engines...", in the opened list look for "hxxp://" and "hxxp://", when located click the three vertical dots near this URL and select "Remove from list".

To reset your homepage, click the Firefox menu (at the top right corner of the main window), then select "Options", in the opened window disable "Holy Bible Daily" or "Protect My Search Daily", remove hxxp:// or hxxp:// and enter your preferred domain, which will open each time you start Mozilla Firefox.

If you continue to have problems with removal of the redirect, reset your Microsoft Edge browser settings. Click the Edge menu icon (at the top right corner of Microsoft Edge) and select Settings.

Unless otherwise indicated, all content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. Copyright 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Contact me: openbibleinfo (at)

The KJV - King James Bible, Audio Bible, Free, Offline app makes it possible to access the entire King James version of the Bible directly from your mobile phone. The app is the ideal way to read the Bible from your mobile phone.

The app contains the entire KJV Bible and gives users mobile access to the Bible from their mobile phones, making it ideal for digital Bible study activities. The app also comes with other tools such as text annotation and highlighting that makes it easier to study difficult passages or make notes. The app works on most mobile devices and can also be used on other devices such as tablets.

When:You are sad, phone John 14You have sinned, phone Psalm 51You are facing danger, phone Psalm 91People have failed you, phone Psalm 27It feels as though God is far from you, phone Psalm 139Your faith needs stimulation, phone Hebrews 11You are alone and scared, phone Psalm 23You are worried, phone Matthew 8:19-34You are hurt and critical, phone 1 Corinthians 13You wonder about Christianity, phone 2 Corinthians 5:15-18You feel like an outcast, phone Romans Romans 8:31-39You are seeking peace, phone Matthew 11:25-30It feels as if the world is bigger than God, phone Psalm 90You need Christ like insurance, phone Romans 8:1-30You are leaving home for a trip, phone Psalm 121You are praying for yourself, phone Psalm 87You require courage for a task, phone Joshua 1Inflation's and investments are hogging your thoughts, phone Mark 10:17-31You are depressive, phone Psalm 27Your bank account is empty, phone Psalm 37You lose faith in mankind, phone 1 Corinthians 13It looks like people are unfriendly, phone John 15You are losing hope, phone Psalm 126You feel the world is small compared to you, phone Psalm 19You want to carry fruit, phone John 15Paul's secret for happiness, phone Colossians 3:12-17With big opportunity/discovery, phone Isaiah 55To get along with other people, phone Romans 12ALTERNATE NUMBERSFor dealing with fear, call Psalm 47For security, call Psalm 121:3For assurance, call Mark 8:35For reassurance, call Psalm 145:18ALL THESE NUMBERS MAY BE PHONED DIRECTLY.NO OPERATOR ASSISTANCE IS NECESSARY.ALL LINES TO HEAVEN ARE AVAILABLE 24 HOURS A DAY.FEED YOUR FAITH, AND DOUBT WILL STARVE TO DEATH.

Flashlight apps are the go-to choice for hackers who want access to your phone. Unsuspecting users are kept in the dark as a seemingly helpful and innocuous flashlight app infests their phones with malware.

The paper Bible has fallen on hard times over the last decade as smartphones have made a surge in appeal and Bible apps have become ubiquitous and (finally) usable. But there are still very good reasons why Christians should seriously consider giving the paper Bible the priority it once had. Let me explain.

Not only does your phone provide you with email, Facebook, Twitter and other notifications, but even Bible apps have distractions built in. The very nature of the phone beckons us to touch it and interact with it in a way that arouses curiosity and cues activity. These cues are absent in a paper Bible.

tag_hash_117 Bible App (Free) Apple, Android, Kindle Fire Developers, say this is the #1 Bible app in the world. That may be true given the hundreds of Bibles available for you to choose from in more than 1,000 languages. Some of the Bibles are approved Catholic versions like NAB-RE and Douay Rheims. Internet connection is needed to use most content in this app, but some Bibles are imbedded in the app so you can read them off line. Unfortunately, none of the imbedded bibles in English are Catholic editions. Audio Bibles are available but not downloadable. These include Douay Rheims. Study tools include reading plans, search capability, note taking, highlighting and bookmarking capability. Text can be sized for easier reading. Your bookmarks, highlights and notes are saved on which you must log into to use. But this gives you cross-platform use wherever you go with whatever relevant device you use to access the Bible you are in the midst of reading. You will enjoy the added bonus of videos in which portions of the Bible are dramatized in beautifully filmed enactments as the narrator reads from Scripture.

1. Enter your phone number 

 2. Select when to receive your call. Dial-up users, do not select "now" if your phone line is in use. 

 3. Click the "Call" button. Your phone will ring at the specified time.

[verse 1] And the puple wente forthe fro Asse|roth, pite the tentes in the deseert of Pharan. [verse 2] And there the Lord spak to [verse 3] Moyses, seiynge, Seend men that biholden the loond of Chanaan, that I am to yu|ynge the sones of Yrael, eche of eche lynagis, of the princes. [verse 4] And Moyses dide that the Lord hadde comaundid, fro the deseert of Pharan seendynge men [verse 5] princes, of whom thes ben the names. Of the lynage of Ruben, Semmya, the sone of Zeccur. [verse 6] Of the linage of Sy|meon, Saphat, the sone of Hury. [verse 7] Of the lynage of Juda, Caleph, the sone of Je|phone. [verse 8] Of the lynage of Ysachar, Agal, the sone of Joseph. [verse 9] Of the lynage of Effraym, Osee, the sone of Nun. [verse 10] Of the lynage of Beniamyn, Phalti, the sone of Raphu. [verse 11] Of the lynage of Zabulon, Gedi|hel, the sone of Sody. [verse 12] Of the lynage of Joseph, Gaddi, of the septre of Manasse, the sone of Susy. [verse 13] Of the lynage of Dan, Ammyhel, the sone of Gemalli. [verse 14] Of the lynage of Aser, Sur, the sone of Mychael. [verse 15] Of the lynage of Neptalym, Nabdi, the sone of Naphi. [verse 16] Of the lynage of Gad, Guhel, the sone of Machi. [verse 17] Thes ben the names of the men, the whiche Moyses sent to biholde*. [ben biholde BE sec. m. FH.] the loond of Chanaan; and he clepide Osee, the sone of Nun, Josue. [verse 18] Thanne Moyses sente hem to bi|holde*. [ben biholde BE sec. m. FH.] the loond of Chanaan, and seyde to hem, Stye e vp bi the sowth plage; Page 401 [verse 19] and whanne e come into*. [Om. E.] the hillis, be|holde e the loond, what it is; and the puple that is dweller of it, whethir it be stronge, or feble, fewe in noumbre, or [verse 20] many; that loond, good, or yuel; what maner citees, wallid, or with outen wallis; [verse 21] the erthe, fat, or bareyn, wodi, or with outen trees. Be e comfortyd, and brynge e to vs of the fruytis of that loond. It was forsothe tyme, whanne now the be|fore rijp grapes myte be eete. [verse 22] And whanne thei steyden vp, thei enserchiden the loond, fro the deseert of Syn vnto Rohob, hem entrynge Emath. [verse 23] And thei styeden vp to the sowth, and camen into Ebron, where weren Achyman, and Si|say, and Tholmay, the sone of Enath; forsothe Ebron seuen eris before Than|nyn, the cytee of Egipte, is maad. [verse 24] And thei goynge vnto the rennynge watir of the clustre, kyttiden*. [kuttyn of E.] a vyn with his grape, the which two men beeren in a staf; of the powmgarnettis forsothe, and [verse 25] of the figis of that place thei token, the which is clepid Nehelescol, that is, the rennynge water of the clustre, for thi that the children of Yrael brouten thens a clustre. [verse 26] And the spiers of the loond turneden*. [turnede aeyn BDEF.] aftir fourti days, al the regioun [verse 27] goon about, thei camen to Moyses, and to*. [Om. E.] Aaron, and to al the companye of the sones of Yrael, into deseert of Pharan that is in Cades. And thei speken to hem, and to al the multitude thei shewiden the fruytis of the loond. [verse 28] And thei tolden, seiynge, We camen to the loond, to the which e senten vs, the whiche forsothe flowith mylk and hony, as of thes fruytis [verse 29] it may be knowe; but moost stronge dwellers it hath, and greet citees, and wallid; the lynage of Enachym we han [verse 30] seen there; Amalech dwellith in the Page 402 sowth; Etheus, and Jebuzeus, and Amor|reus in the mownteyns; Chananeus for|sothe dwellith biside the see, and about the flodis of Jordan. [verse 31] Amonge thes thingis Caleph swagynge the grucchynge of the puple, that spronge aens Moyses, seith, Stie we vp, and weeld we this*. [the BDEFH.] loond, for we mowen gete it. [verse 32] Other forsothe that weren with hym, seiden, Nay, to this puple we ben*. [beeth E.] not myti to stye vp, for strenger than we he is. [verse 33] And thei mys|seiden of the loond that thei bihelden, anentis the sones of Yrael, seiynge, The loond that we han passid deuowrith his dwellers; the puple the which we han [verse 34] biholde is of huge stature; there we seyen thingis passynge the course of kynde, of the sones of Enach, of the kynde of ge|auntis, to whiche comparysound as lo|custis we weren seen. 0852c4b9a8

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