This works on a desktop but I don't see a play all button within the app. Is there any other way to do it ? I've been frustrated by silly things like this for years. I also would like to be able to search for a specific song within my "all songs" folder but it only shows results for the names of the individual playlists within that folder. So frustrating.

But is it capturing all songs from all playlists in the folder? I'm using this feature currently, but I don't believe it's queuing all of the songs, or does spotify not display all of the songs in the queue but seems to be a smattering from across the folder.

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As an example, I'm doing this with a folder of "This is" playlists totaling >15 artists and their collections. There's a decent number of the artists reflected in my queue, but not all of them and maybe 50 songs total when there's certainly hundreds in the folder.

Check Settings > Library > Music Folders. You need to ensure that either the upper folder that contains all of your other music folders is ticked (which will automatically select all of its subfolders too), or every sub-folder enabled or disabled manually if you only want a few folders scanned.

I tried a re install with a restart of the phone several times : everytime the same issu; even by selecting the songs folders (Music folder on my Egde 10+ last u^pdate  few week ago) and doing a full resacn each time.

When I choose a song from the Music folder and double tap on it Android asks me if I want to play it with android music or Poweramp, and everything works fine with Poweramp, but from powermap no music can be played because no music: 0 folder, 0 song finded.

Music folder checked, each sub folders checked. (the only thing: is it normal that each time I go back to the folder menu, the Music folder is unchecked, even if I checked it a few minut before and tride a scan or full scan?)

@Daveav09p there is no issue with Samsungs on Android 10 and SD Cards. If sd card is mounted and works (e.g. you can access files in system Files app), you can add (give permission and check subfolders) sd card in Poweramp Music Folders dialog - it works just fine. Files are not blocked or anything.

To Poweramp there is no difference between storages as soon as permission is given via Music Folders. The permission can be given per specific folder (and just that folder and its subfolders will appear in Poweramp Music Folders for further optional sub-selection) or whole storage can be checked as well.

I added music on my sd card and started a full rescan. The result of the scan showed that the new folder and songs were added. BUT the songs don't appear in the library. Not under artists, not under all songs, nowhere. I cleared the app data , did a full rescan, still not there. This seems to be a problem that a lot of users have and yet no solution seems to have been found.

Are there any unnecessary CUE files in the folders, alongside the actual music files? If so, try enabling Settings > Library > Lists > Show CUE Disc Image Files. Or just delete the CUE files; if your music is saved as separate audio files, and they are all correctly tagged with metadata, CUE files are unnecessary.

Installed Poweramp and the unlocker on my S21. Gave Poweramp full permissions in the apps folder. Directed it to the relevant folders on the phone (no SD card) and it continually come up 0 when rescanning or full rescanning. I've been using this app for years on my old S7 with no issues. Any ideas?

In Android 11, you first need to use Settings > Library> Music Folders and Grant Access to the specific folder where you are storing your music - ideally something like 'Music' in the root of your internal storage, rather than trying to grant access to the whole of the storage area. Then once that's done, use the Music Folders screen again to tick that same folder for PA to scan.

If your device has recently been updated to Android 11, please ensure Settings > Misc > File Access Legacy Mode is not enabled. Then revoke any existing app permissions for PA in Android Settings (you may even want to uninstall and reinstall PA) and then re-enable access permissions in Settings > Library > Music Folders. Make sure you grant access to the specific folder you want to use on Android 11, not to the root of the storage location. Then go back in to Settings > Library > Music Folders and tick that same folder to tell PA to scan it.

Android 11 is a little different to previous versions, you can't select the root of storage any more. In your example, first grant access permission to DEVICE/Music/ using the 'Enable' request page. Then go back into the Music Folders list again and tick either the whole Music folder, or just some particular subfolders within it - maybe XXX and YYY.

My question is the following, even having all my songs analyzed and imported to the collection, I can't find songs in other folders through the search field until I browse the folder where it is, so traktor seems to analyze all the songs in folder and adds them to the database for searching.

This is very important, because after that, Traktor knows where to look for music (it is best if you have one major folder, for example D:\Music -or whatever you like).

Thanks for the help, but that's not the point. My question is about traktor not finding my songs by searching different sub folders until I browse them. Example: My music collection has 10 folders, I am currently in folder "A", and if I type the name of a song in the search that is in folder "F" traktor doesn't find it until I browse the folder through the left menu , because it does that quick scan through each folder and it seems like it adds the songs to the search database. I don't know if I was clear now

The iMac that all of my iTunes songs were on is dying, so I backed them up on an external hard drive and then transferred to my Macbook. Now all of the songs are in the iTunes Media folder, but they aren't showing up in the Library when I launch iTunes. If I play one of those songs, it will add it to the Library, but with several thousand songs, that will take way too much time.

I moved my iTunes folder to a different hard drive. Unfortunately, while iTunes recognizes the new folder, all of the songs in my library are grayed out and I cannot play them. How do I make them playable again?

I first copied the iTunes folder to the new hard drive, then I tried changing the iTunes folder location in iTunes by going to Edit > Preferences > Advanced > iTunes Media folder location. That worked so long as iTunes was open, but as soon as I shut down iTunes and restarted it, it would revert to the old folder location. Okay, that's weird and unhelpful. Strike 1.

Next, following a tip I started iTunes by clicking on the iTunes icon while holding the shift key. That brought up a new dialog asking for the new library location, but the problem was that the iTunes dialog was insisting that I point it to an *.itl file. There was no file with the *.itl extension in the new location (even though I copied the entire iTunes folder from the old location the new. Strike 2.

The "missing file" issue with exclamation marks happens if the file is no longer where iTunes expects to find it. Possible causes are that you or some third party tool has moved, renamed or deleted the file, one of its parent folders, or the drive it lives on has had a change of drive letter, or you've moved a non-portable library to a different path (see Make a split library portable for details). It is also possible that iTunes has changed from expecting the files to be in the pre-iTunes 9 layout to post-iTunes 9 layout, or vice-versa, and so is looking in slightly the wrong place, or that you've been too aggressive when deleting duplicates. See Getting iTunes & Windows Media Player to play nicely if you're trying to access your media with any other media players.

Select a track with an exclamation mark, use Ctrl-I to Get Info, then click No when asked to try to locate the track. Look on the file tab for the location that iTunes thinks the file should be. Now take a look around your hard drive(s). Hopefully you can locate the track in question. If a section of your library has simply been moved, a folder renamed, or a drive letter has changed, it should be possible to reverse the actions. If the difference between the two paths is an additional Music folder in one path then this is a layout issue. I can explain further if that is the case. If everything is where it is supposed to be try Repair security permissions for iTunes for Windows.

Thank you for the suggestions, turingtest2. Much appreciated. Note that none of the grayed songs had exclamation marks, they were just gray. That said, I appear to have resolved the issue. My solution:

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iTunes is just crummy software. It lacks features and ease of use that have been common on freebies like Winamp for years, like automatically updating the library from watch folders, ease of deleting dead files, duplicates, etc.

Creating a folder hierarchy is done with a File Naming Script - please read the documentation and try it out (start with a copy of a part of your music files rather than the actual files, because mistakes in the file naming script can scatter your files around your hard drive).

Thank you fort the reply; I may not have been clear on my question.

What i am hoping for is a way for MusicBrains to create folders. I understand the idea of the application creating a file naming convention but I am looking for a way to have a folder created without having to manually create them. I have a myriad of songs that i want my music manager to be able organize properly but having them clumped into a singe folder doesnt work. 0852c4b9a8

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