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On this web page you could find a large list of hidden object games that can answer to your appetite for discovering and adventure. For reminding, the main task in these games is to find hidden objects or pictures on the screen. You are usually given a list of names, shapes or other object descriptions, so you should find out these items, if you want to go to the next level.

Maybe it seams easy for you, you concern yourself as a person that has discerning eye but these games are not as easy as they look. Some details are hidden so good that you need hours an hours of detective work. Sometimes they are about finding differences in 2 almost identical pictures, but some hidden object games are about searching for very tiny clues that lead to solving a great mystery.

Generally speaking, Enscape should show exactly what the view shows in Revit when switched to "Realistic". Is there something special about the object being shown? Can you post comparison screenshots or even better, you send a small project that reproduces this behaviour to support@enscape3d.com

mattendler I guess you are speaking about the limitation of former Revit versions. It was not possible to execute any API calls when a perspective view was active. This has changed with Revit 2017.1 and Enscape should update itself when working in perspective views.

To answer your question: I was beginning to put something together to show you and discovered a bug in the per object overrides for Object Display and Hidden Object Display in section viewports. The viewport setting work, but not the per object overrides.

I somehow still can't grasp what effect has changing 'Hidden Line' to 'Dashed Hidden Line' or visa versa at the top of Object/Hidden Object Display menu under Class name field in section viewport settings.

Another thing that confuse me is when lets say Hidden line is active for given class in Object/Hidden Object Display menu for viewport will settings in same dialogue for dashed hidden line pen attributes have no effect on result ?

I have placed an extrude on the outside of the room, before the cut plane. Half of the extrude is visible through an opening in the wall. The other half is obscured by the wall. So what you see through the opening should be governed by the 'Object Display...' settings + the part of the extrude that's behind the wall by the 'Hidden Object Display...' settings.

I lose the dashed line representing the back edge of the extrude which is what I'd expect to happen but I also lose part of the hidden object geometry, the vertical blue line representing the front edge of the extrude. Why has this happened? Why would the settings governing the Object Display impact on the hidden object display??? Is this another bug @Matt Panzer?

That setting is how you want to render each object in that class unto itself. In most cases, you probably only want to see the object as rendered in Hidden Line so you see only visible edges facing the cut plane. Dashed Hidden Line will show the back faces (hidden edges) of each object in that class.

When the "Display" setting is not set to "None" the setting will override the Background Render setting (if different). However, if the background Render is "Dashed Hidden Line" the dashed pen attributes of the render mode will be used.

The only difference the Background Render setting will make is that setting it to "Dashed Hidden Line" will cause the hidden edges of objects and hidden objects beyond the cut to use the dash line attributes defined in the render settings. Typically, you would want to use a Render Background of "Hidden Line" because these Object/Hidden Object Display settings provide much more control.

I agree about the terminology confusion. It stems from the existing "Hidden Line" vs "Dashed Hidden Line" terms. As you know, "Hidden Line" render means the back face edges are not shown and "Dashed Hidden Line" means they are shown. The terminology is not explicit enough in stating to "show" or "not show" these edges. It's not that hard to grasp when you have them as just two settings for a viewport render mode, but expanding it like we have has compounded the problem.

I don't believe there's a way for you to check the status aside from asking a VW employee. I took a look and all I can tell you is that it's priority level is set to "Major". However, I cannot tell you when you might see the issue addressed.

However, I am now trying to use the same feature to add dashed lines, showing overhead elements, again generated from the actual model geometry, onto conventional plan drawings. Until now I've tended just to do this in annotation space manually. It's conventional to show overhead elements in dashed line on floorplans.

I can get this to happen, but have hit a problem, which is that the dashed line gets shown at a very small scale, so you can't actually tell it's a dashed line uness you zoom right in. I'm guessing it's getting drawn at 1:1 scale instead of the viewport scale. I've attached the very simple VW file which the screenshot below is from. I think you should be able to see what I mean from this.

That is perhaps more a "wishlist" item than "troubleshooting" - however, I noticed just now looking at the diagram posted further up this page, here (the five tablet model) that it doesn't seem to match reality, at least in VW2023.

When you press the "object display" button under the "Extents above cut plane" section of the Horizontal Section OIP, it doesn't take you to a dialogue like the one shown in that diagram - it takes you to an "object display by class" dialogue and you have to choose one or more of those classes, and press "edit" before you eventually get to the "object display" dialogue like what is shown in the "5 tablet model" diagram.

Right. That illustration was purely to show where (from which OIP button) the attributes are defined. It was created for internal use and the intermediate dialogs were left out to simplify the illustration.

The issue seems to be that if I have an extrude in class B, made by extruding a shape that's in class A, the resulting object fails to get shown in the desired line type even if I have asked for that linetype to apply to both of class A and class B. Is this what's supposed to happen?

Right. That illustration was purely to show where (from which OIP button) the attributes are defined. It was created for internal use and the intermediate dialogs were left out to simplify the illustration.

I'd be interested to hear whether you agree that all of these linetypes ideally should be definable in the same way as "objects below" currently is? Of the ten different definable linetypes that one is an exception because you choose it under "advanced properties".

How would I like it to be done? I think there should be one dialogue box, with a preview image, that lets you set all 10 linetypes in one place. And perhaps it is necessary for some workflows to have the ability to set it all per class of object being drawn, but it ought also to be possible to set each of them using a linetype that will apply regardless of the object class. 152ee80cbc

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