I am trying to connect my Galaxy S5 to my computer running Ubuntu 14.04 so I can do some android development. I have recently downloaded and installed Android Studio and the SDK and my device is detected when it's connected via USB but the device either appears as 'unauthorized' or 'offline'. I know I should be expecting the RSA key prompt but this never appears.

ADB saves a key file in one of multiple places on a Windows computer, the first is in the location where adb.exe is (C:\android), the second is in the user's >profile (C:\Users*username*.android), the third place is in the Windows system files (C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile.android), the file is >simply named "adbkey" with no extension. If there is no key file when ADB runs, it will generate one automatically.

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Mine was located in my user folder (C:\Users*username*.android). All I had to do was delete the adbkey file (there was also a file named "adbkey.pub" which >I deleted as well), restart the adb server in command prompt (adb start-server) and plug my phone in. I instantly received the RSA Fingerprint Key window on my >G3 allowing connection between the two devices. Then typing "adb devices" returned my phone's serial number followed by "device" showing it was available. >I went back to the C:\Users*username*.android\ folder and sure enought there were new "adbkey" and "adbkey.pub" files.

In my case (same problem - that Nexus 5 is connected but with "offline" status) the problem was solved by "Invalidate caches and Restart" in Android Studio.Suppose that problem was in adb and restarting Android Studio causes to adb restart.

Been getting this error message in my app notifications an awful lot recently. It usually happens after I've added a new file via the share function on my Android tablet, though there may have been other circumstances too. (The most recent one was such a file, but this time the error occurred when I manually set the file to be available offline.) (Clarification--when I share the file/upload it to Dropbox, that part works okay. But it for some reason then says offline files failed to download although that wasn't what I was attempting to do.)

It may be a false alarm message, as when I then force a sync to update my offline files, I never notice it downloading anything new, and that function always seems to work okay (so far). I haven't been offline yet to prove if files are actually available or not, though.

I can't find a "Use data for offline files" option. I have "Allow background data usage" (this is turned on) and "Allow data usage while Data saver is on" (turned off). I don't think I use data like that anyway...? I'm on a tablet (not phone) and use a private home WiFi connection. (Sorry if I'm misunderstanding, I don't really understand roaming and data and how all that works.) I've never fiddled around with those settings.

1. The specific error message. I created a test file in an HTML editor app, shared it to Dropbox (successful), refreshed my Dropbox homepage so it appeared, then selected the option to make it available offline via the three dots menu on the file. I then got the error message.

I'm getting the error message when selecting the option to individually make files offline, from the three dot menu. I then go to the "Account: Offline" part of the app to force a sync of all offline files just in case. That gives me no error.

I know this question has been asked a million times (I've googled it), but I still can't find where my offline files are stored on my phone. I've looked in SD card>Android>data>com.dropbox.android>files, but it's empty. However, in the Dropbox app, I've marked a file as "Available offline", it shows the little green icon on the right indicating that it's been downloaded, and I can open it. So where is it?

I don't see them in the cache folder (SD card>Android>data>com.dropbox.android>cache) either. (Dropbox seems to be using the SD card, not the internal memory. There is a cache folder on the SD card, but it's empty.)

I also understand that files aren't stored locally by default on a mobile device, in order to conserve space. But that's what the "Available offline" switch is for, isn't it? Again, as I said in my first post, even though I've turned this option on for some files, I can't find where they're stored.

Recently, Android users came across a certain issue that said their smartphone is offline. They started to acomplain and ask questions like: "why is my Android phone offline?" or "why does my phone say I'm offline?" If you are one of those users who want to figure out the reasons of Android offline, then this article will definitely help you. Read below to know more about what to do when your phone goes offline.

In case the Android phone offline issue is related to bugs in Google apps, you can also try uninstalling the app and reinstalling it again, and check if the problem is solved or not. All you have to do is follow the below methods to know how to uninstall the app.

If none of the above solutions work and your phone keeps showing offline, you can always use Tenorshare ReiBoot for Android. The program is one stop solution to fix any problems related to Android OS, such as apps keep crashing on Android devices, mobile network not available on Samsung S20/S21, and even black screen issues.

By the time you have finished reading this article, we hope you have stopped complaining "why is my Android phone offline". Among the above 5 different solutions can be used when Chrome says your smartphone is offline, Tenorshare ReiBoot for Android is your best choice, since it can solve not only the Android offline problem, but many other issues related to Android OS easily.

I just got an android tablet and installed Evernote on it. This tablet does not have Cellular data, so I'm stuck with Wifi. Because of this I download my important folders so I can use them when I do not have access to Wifi.

Hi - welcome to the forums. You'll have to manage the data that you store somehow - some versions of Android can't use an external memory card for anything other than music or video; the latest (I'm on 4.3) can. Use a separate notebook if you need to cut down on storage - move notes to which you need to have access into that notebook and make that an 'offline' notebook on the tablet.

So, I'm new to both android and offline notbooks. I'm running android 4.2.2 if that matters. How do I find the offline notebook location and then move it? I have a app called "my files" that lets me move folders, but where are the offline notebooks and where on the memory card do I put them? I am very confused with the entire process. Does evernote have a standard file save location for offline notebooks that I can find? If I find the location and move the folders, would evernote recognize them still and would I be able to access the folders within the evernote app?

As best I can tell, Evernote stores its data for a particular account in the directory /sdcard/Android/data/com.evernote/files/user-/ (there's a set of files and directories under this that hold the note databases). Son't let the "sdcard" name fool you; this is where I found the data on my Nexus 7, which has no external SD card. As far as I know, there's no way in the Evernote Android UI to change this location to another device / directory. I believe that if you do move them, Evernote will not find them. There may be some tricksy way of relocating then and pointing to the new locations using symbolic links (I think that that's what they call them), but that's way past my expertise with Android. This subject has been discussed before in these forums; this topic might be of interest, as it includes input from Evernote employees: -selectable-offline-folder-path/. It's a longish thread, but the upshot is that there is no officially supported way to put your note data on an external card.'

We are also having this issue. i have a team member using android and his app is not syncing even when connected to to wifi. we have deleted the app and reistalled but it keeps having sync issues. anyone else have these issues or have some tips?

Spotify only ever reports me as Offline using the Android app. I know I have an active internet connection on the device (The Transformer TF101 if you're interested), so that's not the problem. I can (sort of) solve the issue by reinstalling Spotify. But that solution only works for about 5 minutes, and then the Spotify app reports me as offline again. 

This is the primary reason that I upgraded to Spotify Premium, so unless the app is fixed in the very near future, or I receive some sort of compensation, I'm going to have to drop Spotify Premium from my account. 

P.S.: I have Spotify Desktop connected to teh same wi-fi that the Android device is connected to, and I have no problems with it.

Same issue here - Spotify works perfectly well on the desktop and an iPhone, but using the Asus Transformer Prime TF201 it continously reports me to be offline. Synching seems to work, but I am still unable to play any of the songs in offline mode...

it appears that spotify on android is completely broken, really not worth paying for and there arent even any vague reassuring noises from developers about it getting fixed soon, let alone actual evidence.

I also have a tablet (Acer A500) and the app is always offline - I also use a samsung S2 which works great so Spotify just need to resolve for tablets. Outside of this issue its a great service and all we need is folders to be able to be used on mobile devices

I have had this problem for six months, when i first signed up for premium. I'm not quite sure why I've paid anyone I dime, but I keep doing it in hopes that it will start working. I upgraded to the new version of the android app and I'm still having the same problem that everyone else is. 0852c4b9a8

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