Exact same issue, pretty sure it comes from Microsoft, their tools are so user notfriendly. My solution is to open the word document in text edit. Or even better, upload the word document to google docs, it works perfectly. Makes me really think it comes from Microsoft.

Hello guys! I found this bug: When copying text from MS Word to Figma, a picture is inserted instead of text. This problem is in the desktop application (latest update) on Mac M1. Everything is fine on Windows.

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Have just started experiencing the the same problem about two weeks ago (at least that's when I noticed it). Hate to think I sent something to a client w/ missing headings and/or text. As you pointed out, the suggestion about just doing file print to Adobe pdf doesn't help with a TOC and lists of tables and figures. Made sure my Acrobat is up to date (it is/was) and "create Adobe pdf" still doesn't work from a Word document. Ugh!

I started checking meticulously each document that I'm converting into a PDF. Of course by doing so I realized that it is happening even with less complex and shorter documents. Found a few things that sometimes work. If there is an image around the text that disappears on conversion to a PDF, try changing the wrapping option from In Line with Text or don't use a soft return. I've had to insert a hard return (and reduce the size of it) in order to make the text appear in the PDF. Perhaps if more people report this issue, then Adobe will be able to advise on what to do or why this is happening.

I have just had the same problem. It did work when using the Save As function within Word but not using the Acrobat tab or the pint to file using Adobe PDF as the printer. With mine I was missing text after 2 pictures. I tried copying and pasting as a picture, inserting the pictures as png then jpg, the same text was missing when converting to PDF. The last thing that I tried was I changed the text wrapping from 'In Line with Text' to 'Top and Bottom' and then it worked. Luckily this was only a 20 page document but unfortunately I have a 400 page document with around 80 figures or so to convert in the next week or so. It is going to be very, very painful having to go back through the document and change the text wrapping of them all.

Thank you for this. The solution of changing from inline to top and bottom worked for me. Even though I like that less I much rather have the end-result look as I needed. I was getting pretty annoyed. If I used Adobe (whether from within Word or Acrobat) to transform the word document to a PDF I had whole chunks of text missing. From within Word I could go to Save As > PDF and bypass Adobe altogether. But, for some reason the images were pixelated/blurry this way. I went through the Options under Save As > PDF and adjusted anything related to images to try to get a clear picture, but no luck. I felt like I was stuck with having missing text but crisp images or no-missing text and blurry images. Sigh. I was banging my head since both were necessary for my project. Thanks again.

Having the same issue with a resume. The text was there in the pdf previously and it is now missing a job title in the pdf. Tried everything to fix it in word and re-save. Nothing seems to be working.

My manager suggested a workaround that works every time, to my surprise. Before making a PDF, I save a copy of the Word document in the old .doc format (as opposed to .docx) and make the PDF from that. Works every time, with all jumps and links intact and working and with PDF bookmarks made correctly.

I've been having this same issue lately. It started with an application letter that was in table format. I tried merging cells and formatting the table differently but some text would always be missing from one part of the document. The weird thing is the same file converted to PDF just fine some weeks earlier. The only solution I could find at the time was using Word's own print to PDF option, but it doesn't render the icons in the document as well as Acrobat so it's not ideal.

THANK YOU! This EXACTLY fixed my issue. I, too, am making a step-by-step guide and was using soft returns to include the screenshots in the steps. Once I used a hard return to separate the images from the paragraphs, all my text showed up in the PDF conversion. Not sure if the glitch is a fault of Word or Adobe, but hope it gets sorted out soon.

This is slightly off-topic, but we use SVG instead of JPG and PNG graphics for all of our simple graphics (specifically logos, symbols, smaller infographics, etc.) which is supported in Office 365. In other words, if the native file is already in vector format (as an AI or EPS in Illustrator format for example), we export to SVG and then that stays as vector through the entire conversion process from Word to PDF. Those elements can be scaled up to any size without loss in quality (unless of course there is a photo (bitmap) inside the graphic in which case that will degrade as it gets enlarged). But for simple graphics and client/partner logos, it works great. If you have a lot of these in the document, the resulting Word file will also be much smaller (if those graphics don't contain a lot of text).

There does not seem to be a consesnus on this. I Run Mac OS 10.12.5 and When I copy and past it picks up the text but not the impages. I can import the document but then it is a word document in confluence. Client wants content in confluence. Can anybody help with this ?

Another option would be to attach the word document ot the page and then use the Office Word macro to render the page out as if it were a Confluence page ... images and all. It will give you and edit link as well that will automatically open the attachment is Word allowing you to hit save and have the changes "pushed" back into Confluence without having to do the whole dowload a local copy, make your changes, and re-upload.

I have a situation when I need to copy some into from Word document to google docs document without uploading the whole word document into google. I can copy everything (text with styles and other stuff) until I pick image with it. Not only image doesn't appears in Google docs but it also breaks all styles in other texts (in copy/paste text of course). Not working with only picture copy/paste either (nothing happens). But, I can copy paste pictures from Google docs to docs (or simply copy paste image in internet) without a problem.

However, if you upload a Word document as a new Google Doc, then styles and images seem to work more or less correctly. I realize you said you don't want to upload the full word document to Google and I also have that use case sometimes myself. Here is one way I've found to work around this issue:

Need to send a quick status? Copy data from Project and paste it into an Outlook, Word, or any Office program. The formatting you created in Project, including the column headings, comes over with it.

I'm having a doozy of a time trying to import a few beautiful tables from Word to Canvas - every time I try, they get messed up, the colors and other formatting are gone and the hyperlinks no longer work. Am I supposed to create a new table each time I want one in Canvas? Is there a demo or video around to help us with creating tables?

I've never been a huge fan of copying text from Microsoft Word to the web using tools like the RCE (Rich Content Editor) that Canvas uses. There's just too much "junk code" that seems to creep into Canvas that requires lots of clean-up on my end. But, there are some ways that you might be able to make life a bit easier. Have you tried using a Word to HTML cleanup tool such as Convert Word Documents to Clean HTML or Word to HTML - Easy to use & Instant Conversions? Those tools might help clean up the underlying code and make your tables look nicer in Canvas.

Bibliographies in word processing documents like MS word generally do not have field labels that allow for importing into RefWorks. However, there is a workaround. This requires converting the references into BibTex, then importing the BibTeX file into RefWorks.

Word models (natural language descriptions of molecular mechanisms) are a common currency in spoken and written communication in biomedicine but are of limited use in predicting the behavior of complex biological networks. We present an approach to building computational models directly from natural language using automated assembly. Molecular mechanisms described in simple English are read by natural language processing algorithms, converted into an intermediate representation, and assembled into executable or network models. We have implemented this approach in the Integrated Network and Dynamical Reasoning Assembler (INDRA), which draws on existing natural language processing systems as well as pathway information in Pathway Commons and other online resources. We demonstrate the use of INDRA and natural language to model three biological processes of increasing scope: (i) p53 dynamics in response to DNA damage, (ii) adaptive drug resistance in BRAF-V600E-mutant melanomas, and (iii) the RAS signaling pathway. The use of natural language makes the task of developing a model more efficient and it increases model transparency, thereby promoting collaboration with the broader biology community.

User input, INDRA modules, and external tools form a sequence of events to turn a natural language sentence into a model and simulation. The natural language description from the user is passed to INDRA's TRIPS Interface, which sends the text to TRIPS (1). The TRIPS system processes the text and creates an Extraction Knowledge Base graph (Results column; yellow box). INDRA receives the results from TRIPS and constructs two INDRA Statements from it, one for each phosphorylation event (Results column), which are returned to the user (2). The user then instantiates a PySB Assembler and instructs it to assemble an executable model (3) from the given INDRA Statements (a schematic biochemical reaction network shown in Results column). Finally, the user calls an ODE solver via PySB's odesolve function to simulate the model for 300 s (simulation output shown in Results column). 0852c4b9a8

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