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These tables group related activities or the activities from a specific service. The tables include the friendly name that's displayed in the Activities drop-down list (or that are available in PowerShell) and the name of the corresponding operation that appears in the detailed information of an audit record and in the CSV file when you export the search results. For descriptions of the detailed information, see Audit log detailed properties.

The following table lists group administration activities that are logged when an admin or a user creates or changes a Microsoft 365 group or when an admin creates a security group by using the Microsoft 365 admin center or the Azure management portal. For more information about groups in Microsoft 365, see View, create, and delete Groups in the Microsoft 365 admin center.

The following table lists the activities in content explorer that are logged in the audit log. Content explorer, which is accessed on the Data classifications tool in the Microsoft Purview portal and the compliance portal. For more information, see Using data classification content explorer.

The following table lists the activities from Microsoft 365 Copilot that are logged in the audit log. Copilot can be accessed across Microsoft 365 services. Activities include how and when users interact with Copilot. This includes the Microsoft 365 service where the activity took place and references to the files accessed during the interaction. For more information about Copilot interaction events and a schema example, see Copilot interaction events overview.

Content Search and eDiscovery-related activities that are performed in the Microsoft Purview portal and the compliance portal, or by running the corresponding PowerShell cmdlets are logged in the audit log. Includes the following activities:

Access logs are available for encrypted messages through the encrypted message portal that lets your organization determine when messages are read, and forwarded by your external recipients. For more information on enabling and using encrypted message portal activity logs, see Encrypted message portal activity log.

Exchange administrator audit logging (which is enabled by default in Microsoft 365) logs an event in the audit log when an administrator (or a user who has been assigned administrative permissions) makes a change in your Exchange Online organization. Changes made by using the Exchange admin center or by running a cmdlet in Exchange Online PowerShell are logged in the Exchange admin audit log. Cmdlets that begin with the verbs Get-, Search-, or Test- aren't logged in the audit log. For more detailed information about admin audit logging in Exchange, see Administrator audit logging.

To get information about what cmdlet was run, which parameters and parameter values were used, and what objects were affected, you can export the search results by selecting the Download all results option. For more information, see Export, configure, and view audit log records.

You can also use the Search-UnifiedAuditLog -RecordType ExchangeAdmin command in Exchange Online PowerShell to return only audit records from the Exchange admin audit log. It may take up to 30 minutes after an Exchange cmdlet is run for the corresponding audit log entry to be returned in the search results. For more information, see Search-UnifiedAuditLog. For information about exporting the search results returned by the Search-UnifiedAuditLog cmdlet to a CSV file, see the "Tips for exporting and viewing the audit log" section in Export, configure, and view audit log records.

You can also view events in the Exchange admin audit log by using the Exchange admin center or running the Search-AdminAuditLog in Exchange Online PowerShell. The audit log is a good way to specifically search for activity performed by Exchange Online administrators. For instructions, see:

The following table lists the activities that can be logged by mailbox audit logging. Mailbox activities performed by the mailbox owner, a delegated user, or an administrator are automatically logged in the audit log for up to 180 days. It's possible for an admin to turn off mailbox audit logging for all users in your organization. In this case, no mailbox actions for any user are logged. For more information, see Manage mailbox auditing.

In audit records for some mailbox activities (especially Add-MailboxPermissions), you may notice the user who performed the activity (and is identified in the User and UserId fields) is NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM or NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM(Microsoft.Exchange.Servicehost). This indicates that the "user" who performed the activity was a system account in Exchange service in the Microsoft cloud. This system account often performs scheduled maintenance tasks on behalf of your organization. For example, a common audited activity performed by the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM(Microsoft.Exchange.ServiceHost) account is to update the permissions on the DiscoverySearchMailbox, which is a system mailbox. The purpose of this update is to verify that the FullAccess permission (which is the default) is assigned to the Discovery Management role group for the DiscoverySearchMailbox. Ensures that eDiscovery administrators can perform necessary tasks in their organization.

In audit records for some file activities (and other SharePoint-related activities), you may notice the user who performed the activity (identified in the User and UserId fields) is app@sharepoint. This indicates that the "user" who performed the activity was an application. In this case, the application was granted permissions in SharePoint to perform organization-wide actions (such as search a SharePoint site or OneDrive account) on behalf of a user, admin, or service. This process of giving permissions to an application is called SharePoint App-Only access. This indicates that the authentication presented to SharePoint to perform an action was made by an application, instead of a user. This is why the app@sharepoint user is identified in certain audit records. For more information, see Grant access using SharePoint App-Only.

The following table describes the folder activities in SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business. As previously explained, audit records for some SharePoint activities indicate the app@sharepoint user performed the activity of behalf of the user or admin who initiated the action. For more information, see The app@sharepoint user in audit records.

The following table lists the activities in information barriers that are logged in the Microsoft 365 audit log. For more information about information barriers, see Learn about information barriers in Microsoft 365.

The following table lists the activities for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint general settings that are logged in the Microsoft 365 audit log. For more information about the settings Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, see Configure general Defender for Endpoint settings.

The following table lists the activities for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint indicator settings that are logged in the Microsoft 365 audit log. For more information about Microsoft Defender for Endpoint indicators, see Manage indicators.

The following table lists the activities for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint response actions that are logged in the Microsoft 365 audit log. For more information about Microsoft Defender for Endpoint repsonse actions, see Take response actions on a device.

The following table lists the activities for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint role settings that are logged in the Microsoft 365 audit log. For more information about roles in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, see Create and manage roles for role-based access control.

The following table lists the activities in Microsoft Defender Experts that are logged into the Microsoft 365 audit log. For more information about Microsoft Defender Experts, see Learn about Microsoft Defender Experts for XDR and Learn about Microsoft Defender Experts for Hunting

The following table lists the custom detection activities for Microsoft Defender XDR that are logged in the Microsoft 365 audit log. For more information about Microsoft Defender XDR custom detections, see Create and manage custom detections rules. 0852c4b9a8

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