I am restarting FF. I am on 76 and the install is for 77. A window pops up asking for my credentials to install a new helper tool. I don't recall seeing this before and it looks a lot like Oracle's Java installer that tries to install a bunch of crud. In that case cancel continues with the Java install. In this case, Cancel stops the FF upgrade.

I took the advice to delete the MacOs App and reinstall the latest (77.0.1). This installation went fine without further prompts. I suspect that the "helper tool" ended up being installed but at least it did not require my password.

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Before the delete and reinstall, I had user ownership on Firefox.app and below from what I could see and Group was 600. After app delete and reinstall I see that the group ownership is now "Admin" on Firefox.app. 600 is my personal GID, though I am also a member of Admin. I "think" I installed Firefox originally before the Catalina update but I am fairly certain that I have had at least one Firefox update after the Catalina upgrade. It is possible that the same helper prompt came up then and I went ahead instead of questioning it.

It is misleading that the pop up says that Firefox wants to install the helper tool. It would be much more helpful if the pop up indicated that FF is being asked to install the helper tool, or even better what extension specifically, if that it is in fact due to an extension update.

I downloaded Firefox 50 via the built in update. When I hit restart to install the update, I get a window saying that Firefox wants to install a "new helper tool" and that I need to enter an admin password to complete the update. I can't find anything about this "helper tool" in the release notes or through a google search. I was wondering just what is it? Running OSX 10.11.16. Thanks.

I have seen - aushelper@mozialla.com - listed on the Extensions page in a few Crash Reports I have. I have no idea what that extension is used for; but installing "mozilla" extensions seems to be coming the norm this year - don't ask the user just install it and don't provide a remove button.

It happens if I click "Restart to update Firefox" in firefox. I would guess that it is a legit thing from firefox, but, I've never heard of a "helper tool" before. I would rather know what a helper tool is before I allow one to install.

But then in the plugin does not work (tried restarting firefox, reinstalling plugin, etc.). If you go into the plugin configuration, there's a Recheck button in the "Verifying Companion App..." section, but clicking it does not seem to do anything.

For me, the installation of firefox beta version via snap was the solution ( -for-testing-native-messaging-support-in-the-firefox-snap/29759).

In this version, you get native massaging support inside the firefox snap package.

I found over the weekend that there is also a "Download with Web Browser" option that can work instead of using the companion app. Just proceed as normal, when the download begins, a dialogue window will popup prompting you to download the helper. But next to this is a button marked "Download with Web Browser" (or suchlike). Just click that.

Unfortunately Firefox doesn't have a keystone update service like Chrome does, so I have just been building new packages each time, though we aren't using ESR.

perhaps this script may help you? -nation/third-party-products/files/764/firefox-install-update

Here is a script from 2015 for Firefox ESR -nation/discussions/12956/firefox-update-script#responseChild76205

@msoti Firefox is an example of an app in dmg that can be installed or upgraded using our install-update-app-in-dmg script with the following parameters in a Jamf Pro policy:

- Parameter 4: =firefox-latest&os=osx&lang=en-US

- Parameter 5: Firefox.app

- Parameter 6: CFBundleShortVersionString

For local files and other files for which Mozilla does not get acontent type from the server, you can use a helper application entry togive a specific MIME Type to files with a specific extension. To dothis, just create an entry in Edit/Preferences/Helper Applications,enter the MIME Type that you want in the Type field, and enter theextensions in the extension field. The rest can be left at the defaultvalues.

Usually, you can only assign one application to one MIME type.However, if your files have a type of application/octet-stream,this is different: You can make use of the fact that Mozilla does notsave settings for this type, and that Mozilla will lookup a helperapplication by extension if it doesn't find one by MIME type - justcreate a helper app entry (with a type other than application/octet-stream)for extension ABC, and another entry (again, not with type application/octet-stream)for extension XYZ.

I have a problem with a jQuery UI 1.7.2 sortable list in Firefox 3.6, IE7-8 work fine. When I'm scrolled down a bit, the helper element seems to have an offset of the same height that I'mscrolled down from the mouse pointer which makes it impossible to see which item you originally started dragging.How do I fix this or work around the issue? If there is no fix what is a really good alternative drag-able plugin?

You also need to account for the fact this is specific to firefox, here is the snippet I'm using - I got directed the right way from Harris' solution. I encountered this problem w/o using the helper when the sortable was in a relatively positioned container.

Basically, you need to listen for the sortable's "start" event to add the browser's current scrollTop() value to the helper's position, and then you need to listen for the sortable's "beforeStop" event, to remove that offset before the item is officially placed back into the list at its new position.

For future readersI ran into a similar problem where the helper element has an offset when dragging inside the scrolled div of a bootstrap dialog. When releasing the dragged object, the animation sends the dragged helper element towards it's new position without considering the scrolled portion of the page, which gives a confusing feedback to users.

What did help for my use case was just dragging with a clone (helper: 'clone' in the draggable constructor). To make it look like the clone wasn't there, I added start and stop methods that just set the visibilty to hidden and then back.

NPAPI plugin support has largely been discontinued by browser manufacturers. Functionality that was previously installed with NPAPI plugins is now handled by helper applications, which are installed on the user's machine, and handled with protocol handlers. We install an Endpoint Check application and a Network Access application. These clients can be downloaded from the APM administration console and can be distributed for download by users, installed by group policy, or installed by device management solutions.

On my laptop, whenever trying to click on the 1password extension, it says that it failed connecting to the 1password helper.

In Internet Explorer the extension works. Opening 1password works also without any issues

On my PC it works essentially with same software installed.

I also tried to connect via websockets to the 1password helper from a file:/// page. 

1. on my pc, the connection worked when 1password helper was running and not working when not running (as expected)

2. on my laptop, the connection did not work at all, strange that connecting to ws://localhost I am getting

WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:6263/4' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

and when to ws://

WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED

(different error code, on the PC the error code is the same)

But I am always getting error 60002 ins log generated which maps to Execute-Process error as per doc. The log says C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall\helper.exe is a valid qualified path

but then it throws this error:

Native messaging support is being added to the firefox snap. Can you test that extension with the snap in the beta channel? See Call for testing: native messaging support in the Firefox snap for instructions, and please share your observations there. Thanks!

An Iterator object is an object that conforms to the iterator protocol by providing a next() method that returns an iterator result object. All built-in iterators inherit from the Iterator class. The Iterator class provides a @@iterator method that returns the iterator object itself, making the iterator also iterable. It also provides some helper methods for working with iterators.

Note: These methods are iterator helpers, not iterable helpers, because the only requirement for an object to be iterable is just the presence of a @@iterator method. There is no shared prototype to install these methods on.

Among these methods, filter(), flatMap(), map(), drop(), and take() return a new Iterator Helper object. The iterator helper is also an Iterator instance, making the helper methods chainable. All iterator helper objects inherit from a common prototype object, which implements the iterator protocol:

The iterator helper shares the same data source as the underlying iterator, so iterating the iterator helper causes the underlying iterator to be iterated as well. There is no way to "fork" an iterator to allow it to be iterated multiple times. 0852c4b9a8

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