I have Filezilla server running on a Windows 7 machine with a few users created. Right now I am forced to create a separate user for each of my three drives on that machine (C:, E:, and F:) because I cannot figure out how to change between drives while using filezilla client. I can traverse directories normally but I can only get to the drive that is set as "Home Directory" in the user settings on the server. How can I change drives without changing user?

7. Download and install Filezilla.

Host: if you're local, you can put your internal IP address you use to access the OMV gateway (such as If you plan on accessing remotely, you will need to put your public IP address.

Username: the username you already had or created for FTP.

Password: obviously, the password for this username

Port: The main port you created in Step 1.

Click Quickconnect (note, after you have used Quickconnect, it saves your info in the drop-down list next to the Quickconnect button).

Upon successful connection for the first time, you will see the certificate pop up. Make sure you check of "Always trust certificate in future sessions." Then click OK.

You should be able to see your Shared Folder on the right. Your files on your local drive are on the left. Just drag and drop files/folders from left to right to get files/folders onto your OMV server.

**Note: If you add another Shared Folder after this point, and see that it's not showing up in Filezilla, hit F5 to refresh the Filezilla windows. Your Shared Folder should show up after this.

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8. (Optional)

If you have a dynamic DNS address, you can enter that under "Host" in Filezilla, as an alternative to your public IP address. If you wish to either create a dynamic DNS, I suggest using Duck DNS. I have two suggestions on how to use it. Either use Duck DNS under the DDNS settings in your router, or if you already are utilizing the DDNS section in your router, you can use a different DNS just for your OMV server. You can watch Techno Dad's tutorial on how to do this. It's actually for Nextcloud, but start at 3:35 (and end at 6:00) to follow the directions for only DuckDNS (not Letsencrypt or anything). You will need Docker for that tutorial, so if you don't have Docker, start here.

Om glad to hear its working & BTW get rid of FileZilla and install WinSCP. FileZilla can be fully remote controlled by the server version of the app. WinSCP cannot be remotely controlled & you can configure passwords on the sites just to be able to open them.

Sorry Admin at the moment I was a little confused, its actually the client version that can take over the server and remote control it.

I think FileZilla has many security issues, for example you can brute force or buffer overflow the listening server and gain access to the user names & passwords. When you export the sites to file, the default file name is filezilla.xml. The files passwords are encoded in Base64 (at least for me it is) so go to and click decode, the passwords should be there.

Amongst IT security people the general consensus is that FileZilla is a total POS, and WinSCP by design is a much more secure client to use.

Here is some good info. regarding the pitfalls that come with using FileZilla. How do you remotely control the Server - FileZilla Forums


FileZilla is a free and open-source, cross-platform FTP application, consisting of FileZilla Client and FileZilla Server. Clients are available for Windows, Linux, and macOS. Both server and client support FTP and FTPS (FTP over SSL/TLS), while the client can in addition connect to SFTP servers. FileZilla's source code is hosted on SourceForge. FileZilla was started as a computer science class project in the second week of January 2001 by Tim Kosse and two classmates.[who?] Before they start...

The main problem behind that is that FileZilla used SourceForge to distribute their software. Before that happened, SourceForge was a trusted platform used by many open source projects such as GIMP and Open Office. But then the owners of SourceForge decided they wanted more money and started distributing malware along with the installers for software they hosted. This may have resulted in some users of FileZilla who wanted to install or update their favorite FTP client installing malware.

FileZilla is a free and open-source, cross-platform FTP application, consisting of FileZilla Client and FileZilla Server. Clients are available for Windows, Linux, and macOS. Both server and client support FTP and FTPS (FTP over SSL/TLS), while the client can in addition connect to SFTP servers. FileZilla's source code is hosted on SourceForge.

Before they started to write the code, they discussed under which license they should release it.[4] They decided to make FileZilla an open-source project because many FTP clients were already available, and they didn't think that they would sell a single copy if they made FileZilla commercial.[4] Since its initial development in 2001, FileZilla has been released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).[5] The FileZilla client is currently released under GPL-2.0-or-later, and the server package under AGPL-3.0-or-later.[2]

FileZilla Client allows file transfer using both FTP and encrypted FTP such as FTPS (server and client) and SFTP,[7] with support for IPv6. One of its most notable features is its capability to pause and resume file transfer processes, even for files larger than 4GB. Users can chose to overwrite existing files based on the age or size of the file. It also allows the preservation of timestamps on transferred files, provided there is support from the local system when downloading or from the target server when uploading.[8]

FileZilla Client uses a tabbed user interface for multitasking, allowing users to browse more than one server or transfer files simultaneously between multiple servers. It also features a Site Manager to manage server lists and a transfer queue for ordering file transfer tasks. It has bookmarks for easy access and supports drag and drop for downloads and uploads. The software provides directory comparison for comparing local files and server files in the same directory. If there is a difference in the file details, such as a mismatch in name or size, the software will highlight the file in colour.

Other features include configurable transfer speed limits, filename filters, a network configuration wizard, remote file editing, keep-alive command to prevent disconnections when idle, HTTP/1.1, SOCKS5 and FTP-Proxy support, and logging events to a file for debugging. Additionally, users can export queues into an XML format file, browse directories synchronously, and remotely search for files on the server.

In May 2008, Chris Foresman assessed FTP clients for Ars Technica, saying of FileZilla: "Some friends in the tech support world often recommend the free and open-source FileZilla, which offers a Mac OS X version in addition to Windows and Linux. But I've never been thrilled about its busy interface, which can be daunting for novice users."[10]

Writing for Ars Technica in August 2008 Emil Protalinski said: "this week's free, third-party application recommendation is FileZilla.... This FTP client is very quick and is regularly updated. It may not have a beautiful GUI, but it certainly is fast and has never let me down."[11]

FileZilla Server is a sister product to FileZilla Client. It is an FTP server supported by the same project and features support for FTP and FTP over SSL/TLS.[32] FileZilla Server is currently available for Linux, MacOS and Windows platforms.

The remote path is not the path as the server is using internally. Instead you start most likely with the root, which is simply an empty path. The local path on the server is not part of what you need to enter in the FTP request.

I would guess, since you use the FTP Store Multiple.vi it tries to enumerate the files in the directory passed in as location to upload to the server. Only that path is obviously not a directory but a file, so the directory enumeration must fail on that.

Also to fully mimic the way you did with your command Filezilla test, you should use "/" as remote path. This is the root of the FTP server. But you really should be able to single step into the relevant VIs and find for yourself where things go wrong. It's not that hard.

I found out the reason is because my vi is running on PC server, it cannot get file from cilent PC, I switch my device running on cilent PC then it works (send and receive). But it is not as my wish, I am looking for another way to do my problem without having to run VI on cilent PC.

FTP obviously only can provide you with files on the computer your FTP server is running and the FTP client only can access files on the computer it is running on. That's what FTP was designed for. It would seem that what you want to do is rather a file sharing problem, in that you need to make the directory on your computer available to the server. So you need to look into creating a share. Windows networking allows that, but you should probably consult with your network administrator if you are allowed to do that.

If you are using Amazon S3 for your server's storage, and if your client contains an option to use multiple connections for a single transfer, make sure to disable the option. Otherwise, large file uploads can fail in unpredictable ways. Note that if you are using Amazon EFS as your storage backend, EFS does support multiple connections for a single transfer.

If the endpoint type for your Transfer Family server is VPC, identifying the endpoint to use for transferring files is not straightforward. In this case, use the following procedure to find your Amazon VPC endpoint.

Some SFTP file transfer clients can attempt to change the attributes of remote files, including timestamp and permissions, using commands, such as SETSTAT when uploading the file. However, these commands are not compatible with object storage systems, such as Amazon S3. Due to this incompatibility, file uploads from these clients can result in errors even when the file is otherwise successfully uploaded. 0852c4b9a8

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