Hello. I am currently using a 32GB iPod Touch (software version 12.0) which I have owned for over a year without previous problems. The iPod is connected to an iMac, running OS X El Capitan (ver. 10.11.6). In the past 10+ years, I have purchased over 3,000+ songs through iTunes.

Currently, I have identified several songs that appear in my iPod playlist with grey text and these songs will not play from the device (see attached image.) However, these songs play fine from the iTunes playlist on the iMac computer. I have no idea what caused this problem initially.

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Looking at the difference between the four songs that have now inveigled their way onto the iPod, compared to those that haven't, just look at the screenshots below. The first one is now on the iPod, the second one still isn't:

The difference is that the missing songs do not have the encoded with field on the File tab. (Yes, I know, channels is missing too, along with the artwork. I think that might be a red herring, so for now, I'll regard that as not relevant.)

Of the 17 songs that should be on the iPod, only three are actually there. Although the complete album was copied from CD into my Library in the same session (check the Date Added column), only those three display the encoding information when I check for it. Every other song in that screenshot is missing the encoding information.

I'll tell you one thing though: I suspect this problem has been present for years - look at how many times the "missing" songs have been played, compared to the ones that are now on the iPod. Nearly all my listening is done on iPods, a now-deceased Classic, a lent-to-a-friend nano, an unloved 2nd generation Touch and two 6th gen Touches, rather than in iTunes. So if a song has not managed to get onto my iPods, that's why its play count is significantly lower than the other songs. In addition to my findings, I have seen several posts in this forum about greyed out songs and songs missing from an iPod, all I think, with no satisfactory resolution.

Hi, I've posted this question hours earlier and no one has gotten back to me. I'm trying to get rid of some songs on my iPod, but I can't right click and hit "remove" (as we were able to in the older versions of iTunes) nor can I just hit the "Backspace" key. I'm rather confused about this, and it's downright annoying. Any help is greatly appreciated.

same problem here.....I have itunes 11.0.1 and couple of ipod classics (120GB and 160GB). I can see the devices in the itunes interface when connected but cannot see the contents (so cannot delete songs). Any ideas anyone????

I've been trying this and it still won't work for me! I can not drag the song that I select, and nothing happens when I hit the 'delete' key (equivalent of backspace on Mac). Also, when I put a CD onto my iTunes, I usually like to change the cover art so that it doesn't look blank. But when I put all of my albums on my iPod, I can only see the artwork for a few of them when I'm scrolling through the "albums" section of my iPod and even the ones that I bought straight off of iTunes with the cover art don't have any until I click on it. So I tried to delete them and put them back on, but it didn't delete because now I just have two of the same. It seems literally impossible to delete any songs. Please help?

I did this on mine and have now have my iPod containing only the songs I want it too. Apple really needs to update their 'Help' menu to contain this information. It is a bit tricky till you know how. Good luck.

I see that you're looking to remove some songs on your iPod to make room for new content to sync over. I'd like to help you remove these songs from your device. To easily manage your content, I'd recommend using the "Manually manage music and videos" setting.

Once you've done this, select your iPod from the iTunes sidebar. If you need to enable the sidebar in iTunes, you can do this using View > Show Sidebar. Click the disclosure triangle next to the iPod, then choose "Music" from the indented list under the iPod. This will show you all of the songs that you're currently storing on your iPod. From here, you can select the songs that you no longer want on the device, then press the delete key on your keyboard to remove them.

After deleting the songs, my device is still showing the same amount of free space i.e. the songs seem to not be physically removed - only taken out of the playlists - see below. And it doesn't matter how much i delete, the remaining space is still the same.

A playlist is an ordered list of track references. The same track can be added to multiple lists without taking up more space. Deleting a playlist from a manually managed device won't delete the songs it is comprised of. You should be able to select On My Device > Music and then delete individual items from that location. If that really isn't working to reclaim used space then that would suggest that something has gone with the file management system on the device. The usual approach would be to wipe out the device and reload the content, but that presupposes you have all of the content in your main library. If you don't the link I have provided shows how to recover all of the media into the library so that you are in a position that wiping the device and reloading it becomes a practical proposition.

I've found a lot on the web about being able to manage your iPod through Ubuntu. Is it possible to take songs off the ipod onto disk in a usable form, as my song drive has crashed1 and that's the only back up I have.

The standard Ubuntu music player, Rhythmbox, is able to do that. Just select all the songs/artists you want to copy from your iPod and drag them to the Music tab under Library (all on the left hand side). Once it's done, you can find them in the folder that's under "music library" (edit > preferences > music). Rhythmbox also syncs. I don't use that myself but that might be even easier.

Thanks, Kirk.I unchecked sync music, synced, rechecked sync music and resynced. At first that seemed to solve my problem. But then I started to see iTunes syncing songs again, and the same number I was seeing before on each sync, 141 (out of around 7500 synced to iPod Classic out of 84,000 songs in my iTunes library. There are also 15,000 podcast episodes. (I'm all set if I find myself stranded on a desert island with my Mac, iPod, and a power source)

I next deleted a number of smart playlists that were variations on "new last xx days" After several test syncs, songs are not being resynced each time now. So maybe something got broken in one of those time-based smart playlists or they were conflicting with each other somehow?

Something that I've been noticing happening more and more is that some songs will play just fine but then at some point they'll just stop. The little time counter will jump to where it appears there is two seconds left in the song. And it will just sit there for several seconds and then then proceed to the next song.

The first thing to check is to see if iTunes has marked those specific songs to end early. Next, try re-encoding the song at a lower or different bitrate and syncing it to the device. Often a glitch in the file can cause iPods to skip to the next song, but the same binary file plays through on macs with better code for handling errors. Lastly, it could be error creeping into the filesystem structure on the iPod. Once you're sure you've backed up everything from the iPod, you can enter disk mode and use Disk Utility (on the mac - on Windows there are lots of disk formatting tools) to zero the drive. That will test the actual hard drive for errors and spare out any bad blocks.

Are these by any chance songs you either a) purchased from the iTunes Store, or b) downloaded from iTunes Match? There was a period, a few months ago, when there were lots of downloads from Apple's servers that were truncated. I blogged about it, and got lots of emails from people who had the problem.

I have found a bunch of these songs cut short and I thought maybe because I loaded too many songs at once. I have had a few that I checked on iTunes and they stopped at the same point. I deleted those and reloaded the song to the iPod playlist and that fixed the problem.

Tonight though, I found somewhere the iTunes version wasn't short, just on the iPod. So I resynched and it's fixed a few songs on the iPod, resynched again and fixed some others,... It's a 160GB classic that I got in 2012. I dont have any real answers but here's my experience with it. Frustrating because it seems like random songs to me.

mryrines start off with a hard reset. Here is an answer of mine from a similar question " A hard reset occurs when the iPod reboots. This happens when you hold the play and center button down for a few seconds. The iPod resets, rebooting with the Apple symbol on the screen. Wait a while and then turn it back on. The reset may fix your iPods skipping songs. Music glitches, pauses and skips on your hard drive based iPod can also mean a fragmentation. Do you have a disk utility program? Try a program like Norton Systemworks (PC), Drive Genius (Mac) or Disk Warrior (Mac) and run the defragmentation feature on your iPod, as if it were an external drive. Depending on how badly your hard drive is fragmented, you may need to erase your iPod and start over. You might want to check here -to-Stop-iPod... and here -an-iPo... and here for for more info -ipod-d... Those are of course my 2 cents only but may be worth a try." Good luck to you. 0852c4b9a8

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