Faith was '90s drama queen Kim Hee-sun's comeback project, her first TV appearance in five years after her marriage and childbirth.The production of Faith was riddled with problems. The initial budget was 10 billion won (about US$10 million) but the series got its budget slashed, and was pushed back multiple times because of the leading actor. The drama was announced in 2009 with Lee Joon-gi as a main lead. However, the actor had to be replaced because he was drafted in the army. Born in 1982, Lee would normally have time to enlist until the end of 2010 but he received his papers early, shortly after beginning his new film project. This forced him to drop Faith, as well as his horse-racing movie Grand Prix, which had already begun shooting. Lee had tried to postpone enlistment to finish these two projects by the end of the year, but was unable to do so.[17]

He was replaced by Kang Ji-hwan (Coffee House) who, however, had to withdraw after a request by the Entertainment Management Association because of his ongoing contract dispute and legal fight with his former and current management companies.[18] The antagonist, Kim Seung-soo, also left, with the majority of the original cast at that time. This was a severe blow to the budget, as 10 million won had reportedly been spent on promotion with Kang as the lead.[19]Actors like Oh Ji-ho and Lee Sang-yoon were considered for the main role, before finally deciding for Lee Min-ho.[20] It seems that at that time the story itself was rewritten to some extent. A released trailer with Kang Ji-hwan showed a different atmosphere, much darker, more epic and dramatic than what was finally filmed.[21]

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On October 19, a little before the end, the news was published that Lee Phillip (who played Dr. Jang Bin), sustained an eye injury and had to pull out of the drama. The injury did not arise during drama filming, but because he was scheduled for surgery next week he would not be able to continue shooting. Many viewers agreed that "It's too bad that he leaves so close to the drama's finale without getting to be a part of it. On the other hand, it's both fortunate for the drama and a damn shame for him that he's barely a presence in the show to begin with, despite the setup hinting at a much meatier role".[22]

The writer Song Ji-na uploaded the original script on her website and it was obvious that there were considerable changes in the final product, some of them because of lack of money. However, Faith had financial problems almost from its start and they did not finish after the drama wrapped. Six months after the end of its airing, many of the cast and crew of that drama had not been paid. The acting, editing, and producing salaries which had not been paid amounted to 1.7 billion won. Drama producer and direction Kim Jong-hak, whose credits include Eyes of Dawn, Sandglass, Daemang (2002) and Legend (2007), was accused of double-contracting the Faith OST rights (to two separate companies) in the fall of 2012 became the subject of a police investigation for embezzlement and breach of trust. Kim was sued in February 2013 under the charge that he had embezzled 2 billion for personal use and summoned by police for ongoing investigation. He took his own life on July 23, 2013, by carbon dioxide, in a gositel room.[23][24][25] This tragic death and many of the "ills" of Korean dramas have been attributed to the outsourcing of production to independent companies which struggle to cover the exorbitant cost of writers and stars.[26]

Thanks @CallieP for the info above. Read from wiki that there was some scandals involved but there were not much to read on how the casts and crew were affected. I thought LMH was happy with CY's role as I remembered in one of his interviews (The Originality of LEE MIN HO?), he mentioned fondly of drama the Great Doctor.

@H0ney you are so funny - the prince and his moustache and how not to feel sexy and happy sharing a room / bed with Daejang. 

thanks to everyone for joining in and posting -- @H0ney , @msdot, @syntyche, @Min2206, @Aleumdaun, @CallieP, @Missprincesa, @mademoisellesia @leeminhosny, @Thong Thin @kdyes, (if I missed anyone, sorry!)... it was fun to re-watch a drama from many years ago. hope to catch you on another thread. 

Btw, thank you for my faith chingus who enjoy this event together with me @msdot min min @Min2206 chingu, @Thong Thin @CallieP and everyone that I forget to mention. Thank you @Lmangla and @partyon for helping us to organize this re watch event. Love you all guys

Btw, thank you for my faith chingus who enjoy this event together with me @msdot min min @Min2206 chingu, @Thong Thin @CallieP @kdyes and everyone that I forget to mention. Thank you @Lmangla and @partyon for helping us to organize this re watch event. Love you all guys

I really loved this drama, and I'll try to explain why. First of all, the story was gripping and overall it made sense. The period in which it takes place is very interesting, the historical moment in which a Goryeo king decides to do something about the Yuan protectorate/domination and claim national pride for the first time. Almost all the characters were very-well written. The coming-of-age of the young king was beautiful to see, as he struggled to claim his and his country's dignity, he struggled to understand who was really on his side and whom he could really trust, he struggled to keep his humanity and his responsibility as king. His love story with his queen, a quiet and loving woman with a very strong personality, was one of the most endearing.

Thinking about it, all the ladies in the show have strong personalities. Think of court lady Choi, and the Fire Lady. The two villains, while equally cruel, were nicely diversified as personalities. One extremely intelligent, a driven man with a burning thirst for discovery and knowledge. Born in a different situation, he could have become a great explorer or scientist. The other one, a lazy hedonist who just thinks of how to make life easier for himself. The pace was just right, the flashbacks kept to a minimum, where really needed, the excitement didn't stall, and you kept wanting to see what comes next. The explanation was clear and the ending very satisfying, although brief. So this is one of the very few dramas with a good, clear and satisfying ending. Yes, there were flaws. First of all the super-powers. They were not really needed, the drama would have been exactly the same without them. But seeing that they are there, they are not properly exploited, we aren't told how they work and why they are not used when they are not used, what are the side-effects and so on. Choi Young used his power very sparingly, so we are left to wonder, but even the villains didn't use them and just duelled with swords when they could have finished everything in two seconds using the superpowers. This brings me to the manga minions. Apart from the poor acting, the roles themselves were not well-written. Their presence was very repetitive: they just did their thing and left. Therefore, even if the actors were good, they weren't given a lot of scope and I'm not sure they would have been able to redeem their characters or make them more interesting. The love of the white-haired flutist for his fire companion was hinted at in the very beginning, and then at the very end, but that's about it. The biggest waste was the role of Royal Doctor Jang. It could have been a lot more interesting, but he served almost no purpose. So was the mute girl. Back story? Motivation? Important role? Was this written originally and cut? Were these two roles the remnant of a first draft? The fight scenes were not always good, you could see that someone did a really acrobatic thing without even touching the opponent. The armors looked very obviously rubber. I get it that leather and metal would have been much more expensive and the drama already cost too much. Obviously because of financial problems, the troops towards the end always consisted in ten people at the most and I suspect that if I watched closely, I would find out that they were always the same ten extras, playing the good troops and the bad troops alternatively. The opening bird's-eye view of the palace, which was the same all the time. How much trouble was it to shoot two or three different ones and alternate for variety? And there were a couple of things which were quite illogical. Small things, such as... why did the lady have a film roll with her? Who uses film rolls today anyway, who uses analogical cameras with actual film except for professional photographers? An aspirin bottle could have been more logical. There were some sloppily convenient little details like that, which I won't list right now, as they are not that important. As a side note, I would have liked some more passionate kissing between the leads. It wouldn't need to be a real one shown in detail: they could show it from afar, just to suggest they are kissing. There were some scenes where any normal couple would kiss, and yet they restrained from it, and it seemed very weird. But well, now the drama is finished - since a long time ago - so it is what it is, take it or leave it. As it is, I think it's one of the very good ones, a keeper. Do watch it.

First, my most sincerest and special thanks to Softy who helped create this community and enthusiasm with her live recaps and tireless updating. I have always admired her for how much heart she puts into her dramas, how unafraid she is to love and praise and wear her heart on her sleeve. I have always considered myself to be very lucky because I always meet the best people and with Softy, I know this luck continues. She is like my very own Young whose loyalty to her readers and drama fans always amazes me and makes me want to follow in her footsteps. I feel incredibly privileged to have recapped this drama with her. Beyond what I can express with mere words. 0852c4b9a8

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