I have been using Affinity Photo since 2016. It is an excellent program for developing photos, but it does have some limitations.

Sometimes I need to manipulate my photos in ways that cannot be done by AP without creating a softening effect, or other distortions.

I read that vector images don't have this problem so I recently purchased Affinity Designer in the hopes it will do certain work that cannot be done with AP.

However, I discovered that some of the vector related tools in AD simply don't work on rasterized images.

What I need is to convert an AP Document into a true vector so that the vector tools in Affinity Designer will work on it without creating the softening or distortions I encountered with AP.

One tool I needed in AD is the Fisheye Warp, but it won't work unless the image is a true vector.

So before I pick one of the programs in your list, which one of these is good for converting a raster image, such as an Affinity Photo Document, TIFF, or PNG, to a true vector so that I can then work on it with Designer?

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None of the vectorizers/tracers is really meant to give you a really good, or outstanding vector representation of high resolution camera bitmap images. Meaning no one of these tracers is initially meant to be a useful tool for developing high res photos as vectors. However, some of them can still do some fair job of vectorizing photo images as far as they can, as they have also their limitations in terms of color quantisation (...not detecting and handling an endless amount of possible image pixel colors and finer tonal color region shifts etc.). - Thus I would first at all try and test them out here for what you are after, before buying anything. I would start testing first out image vectorization with ...

The primary reason I want to convert raster images, such as photos, to vectors, is so that I can scale, warp, and liquify them while preserving the details.

Some of the illustrations I create involve combining digital paintings with photographic components.

Here is an example of what I mean.

The following image is my current work in progress.

The girl was digitally painted using the paint and smudge tools in Affinity Photo. That was the easy part.

The hard part was when I tried to put clothing on her.

It is too difficult to paint the fine details in clothing from scratch, so I searched for photos of women in costumes to use as reference.

However, many of them were low resolution. When I tried to scale the reference photos to the same resolution of my digital painting a lot of fine details in the fabric was lost.

When I tried to warp, shear, and liquify the parts of the photos I needed to fit the body of the girl in my painting it got worse. The details almost became blurred.

It took a lot a work to manually correct this problem. Although the sample image I uploaded might look alright the clothing still does not have the original details I wanted.

I have read that vector formats are much easier to scale up than raster images and will preserve most if not all of the original details. That is why I was investigating the possibility of converting the reference photos to vectors in order to scale them up to the resolution I needed before editing them with the other tools in AP or Designer.

However, you mentioned that vector conversion programs have issues with complex colors and gradients.

I need to preserve the various shades of colors, so do you know if any of the programs you listed can preserve the original colors to at least the equivalent of 16 bit color depth?

I would like to find out as much as possible before downloading and playing around with programs I have never tried before.

... so this should give you a good visual idea about what I said before about color quantisation. Further most tracers do not have specific features to convert bitmap gradients to gradient vector shapes (instead they do convert these to bands of constant colors).

I can see what you mean.

This rendering is terrible. The original Affinity Photo document is in 32 bit HDR. The version I uploaded here was converted to 8 bit sRGB, and the vector tracer could not even preserve that.

I can use Affinity Photo, or Designer, to do the digital painting, but in order to do the warping or liquifying of the reference images I got off the internet I need to upscale them to the same resolution of my illustration so that the details are preserved.

Before I came here I sent the Affinity Team an email posing these questions.

It was they who referring me to this thread since one of my questions had to to with converting a raster photo to vector format.

But there is still an issue I have with Affinity Designer.

There are some effects I wanted to do with some of my photos that cannot be done with AP. That is why I got Affinity Designer.

But when I tried to use the vector related tools in AD on my photos, such as the warp group, it would not work. That is why I contacted the Affinity Team.

They told me they were still working on vector conversion tools for raster images and didn't know when they would be ready. So I asked them about 3rd party conversion tools to convert my photos to vector so that I could then do the manipulations with Designer. That was when they referred me to this forum.

I have used the warp mesh in AP. But it doesn't always work the way I want with certain images.

There are some instances where I needed to create some pretty unusual curvature effects in a photo, but when I used AP's warp mesh it would cause some softening of the photo.

When I watched the video tutorial about using the fisheye warp tool in Designer I thought that maybe that would enable me to create the effects I need without losing the details of the photo.

But it didn't work.

That is why I wanted to see if there was a way to convert a raster photo into a vector object.

This is first of all mainly a resources thread, so more a list & overview for available vectrorization and vector tracing tools, as workaround tools for the missing vectorization feature in the Affinity suite. This place is usually not meant to be a place to discuss certain in detail work procedures etc., as other forum categories are better suited for such questions, like Affinity on Desktop Questions (macOS and Windows). - Since otherwise, this resources overview thread will be unnecessarily confusing filled with questions and answers, which are initially not the intent of this overview thread about vectorization and tracing tools!

I sent Nathan at the Affinity Team an email explaining that this forum thread he originally referred me to did not provide all of the information I was looking for. He replied to my email and sent me a link to their official site Help Page that explains all of the tools and features in more detail.

I bookmarked that page so that I can refer back to it in the future.

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