I think it is the same with your old monitoring system as it is with CMK. You can define need checks if you know what data you need to fetch.

The only problem with CMK can be that it is not enough to have a MIB file like some other monitoring tools do it. You need to define a check. I had one customer with some Eltek devices not supported by CMK out of the box and it was possible to add the needed checks for this devices.

Statistical profiling tools like Streamline (or perf) work by requesting to be called periodically from a timer interrupt (in our case typically at 1kHz) and then inspecting, or 'sampling', the current state of the machine to determine things from the fairly basic, such as 'Which CPUs are active?', 'What application or service are they running at that moment?', 'How much memory is free?' to the more exotic 'How many CPU branch miss-predicts have occurred since the last sample?' or 'How much energy has the GPU consumed since the last sample?', but the most fundamental of all is 'What is the current value of the Program Counter (PC)?'.

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High priority APIs use a separate thread pool thus can help in eliminatingproblems with stuck VMs. Marking the close callback API as high priorityallows virsh to properly connect to the daemon in case the normalpriority workers are stuck allowing other high priority API usage.

When the daemon is restarted it tried to create domain private paths foreach mounted hugetlbfs. When this failed, the corresponding domain waskilled. This operation is now performed during domain startup and memoryhotplug and no longer leads to sudden kill of the domain.

The presence of the socket files is used by our remote driver to determinewhich service to access. Since neither systemd nor the daemons clean up thesocket file clients were running into problems when a modular deployment wasswitched to monolithic libvirtd.

In split daemon scenario, a client connected to a hypervisor driver andusing sparse streams (e.g. virsh vol-download --sparse) would make thehypervisor daemon enter an infinite loop without any data transfer. This isnow fixed.

If libvirtd (or any other daemon) hit the ulimit for maximum number of openfiles but there are still client connections pending then libvirtd (orcorresponding split daemon) would enter an endless loop from which it wouldnever recover. This behaviour is now fixed.

Embedded mode for the QEMU driver, as well as the virt-qemu-run toolsaw improvements in handling of domain life cycle, temporary directoriescreation (important when using disk secrets) and other minor fixes.

If a guest with emulated TPM was started and the daemon was restartedafterwards, the security context of the per-domain swtpm.log file wasnot restored on domain shutdown leaving it unable to be started again.

When libvirt is running on host with systemd we register every VM withmachined which creates the VM root cgroup for us as well. Before this fixwe were directly modifying files in the VM root cgroup which was incorrectbecause all the files are managed by systemd. The implication was that anychange done by libvirt to cgroup attributes supported by systemd could beremoved which happens for example by running systemctl daemon-reload.

Clients connecting to the read-write socket with limited ACL permissionsmay be able to crash the libvirt daemon, resulting in a denial of service,or potentially escalate their privileges on the system. CVE-2020-25637.

Libvirt now provides a virt-ssh-helper binary on the serverside. The libvirt remote client will use this binary for settingup an SSH tunnelled connection to hosts. If not present, it willtransparently fallback to the traditional nc tunnel. The newbinary makes it possible for libvirt to transparently connectacross hosts even if libvirt is built with a different installationprefix on the client vs server. It also enables remote access tothe unprivileged per-user libvirt daemons (e.g. using a URI such asqemu+ssh://hostname/session). The only requirement is thatvirt-ssh-helper is present in $PATH of the remote host.

After renewing TLS certificates, it was usually necessary to restartlibvirtd for the new ones to be loaded: now the same result can be obtainedwithout restarting the daemon by using virt-admin server-update-tls .

So far libvirt shipped systemd unit files for sub-daemons. With thisrelease, init scripts are available too. Package maintainers can choosewhich one to install via --with-init-script configure option.

If libvirtd or any of the sub-daemons is started with socket activationthen objects might be autostarted more than once. For instance, if a domainunder qemu:///session URI is mark as autostarted and the session daemonis started then the domain is started with it. If user shuts the domaindown and the session daemon is started again, the user's wish to keep thedomain shut off is ignored and the domain is autostarted again. This is nowfixed.

The big monolithic libvirtd daemon can now be replaced by smallerper-driver daemons. The new split daemons are considered experimental atthis time and distributions are encouraged to continue using thetraditional libvirtd by default.

Starting with QEMU 2.11, the guest can save kernel debug details when thisfeature is enabled and the kernel supports it. It is useful to processkernel dump with KASLR enabled, and also provides various kernel details tocrash tools.

When using thin provisioning, management tools need to resize the disk incertain cases. To avoid having them to poll disk usage this versionintroduces an event which will be fired when a given offset of the storageis written by the hypervisor. Together with the API it allows registeringthresholds for given storage backing volumes and this event will thennotify management if the threshold is exceeded. Currently only the qemudriver supports this.

Red Hat OpenShift provides powerful command-line and Web UI tools for building, managing, and running containers in units referred to as pods. Red Hat allows you to build and manage individual containers and container images outside of OpenShift. This guide describes the tools provided to perform those tasks that run directly on RHEL systems.

Unlike other container tools implementations, the tools described here do not center around the monolithic Docker container engine and docker command. Instead, Red Hat provides a set of command-line tools that can operate without a container engine. These include:

Because these tools are compatible with the Open Container Initiative (OCI), they can be used to manage the same Linux containers that are produced and managed by Docker and other OCI-compatible container engines. However, they are especially suited to run directly on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, in single-node use cases.

Although container engines, such as Docker, let you run Docker commands as a regular (non-root) user, the Docker daemon that carries out those requests runs as root. As a result, regular users can make requests through their containers that can harm the system. By setting up rootless container users, system administrators prevent potentially damaging container activities from regular users, while still allowing those users to safely run most container features under their own accounts.

This procedure describes how to set up your system to use Podman, Skopeo, and Buildah tools to work with containers as a non-root user (rootless). It also describes some of the limitations you will encounter, because regular user accounts do not have full access to all operating system features that their containers might need to run.

When running on the same host, all container tools such as Skopeo, Buildah, and Podman share the same authfile. When running Skopeo in a container, you have to either share the authfile on the host by volume-mounting the authfile in the container, or you have to reauthenticate within the container.

Well this keeps happening at what appears a random interval, it works for days at a time and then pages stopped being served, I then do a gitlab-crl restart and the pages come back as expected. Clearly something is killing the pages daemon, but I am unsure where the logs would be to get an idea of what is happening.

Obviously Gitlab pages daemon was trying to access Gitlab API, but it failed. In my case the reason was that the connection attempt is made on address, and my NginX is not configured to listen there. My NginX config contains:

SolarCapture Pro is a set of tools for capturing, timestamping, processing and injecting network traffic. SolarCapture Pro is able to capture packets received from the network at very high rates, apply filtering in hardware and software, perform custom processing, and write packets to disk in PCAP format.

SolarCapture Pro is a suite of tools for capturing, timestamping, processing and injecting network traffic. SolarCapture Pro can capture network packets at very high rates, apply filtering in hardware and software, perform custom processing, and write packets to disk in PCAP format.

NOTE: The Desktop Experience or Server Core installation options of Windows Server 2016 are supported (Nano Server installations are not supported). The v4.x drivers and tools are certified for Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2012; and Windows Server 2012 R2. The v4.x package will install compatible Windows Server 2012 R2 drivers and tools on Windows Server 2016 systems.

I have a bunch of games I'd like to image the disks for standard reasons, some of them are getting a bit ornery in their old age. Researching this topic I've found that that a drive which supports RAW-DA0 is good, but the site which listed all supported drives is down. I'll likely be imaging them on my win2k so I'd need an older version of either Daemon tools (do I need pro for this?) or Alchohol 120% but they're not readily available---is this a foolish way to go and I should just use my blu-ray reader instead on a more modern machine? Will the images be cross-compatible (possibly a daft question but with copy protection stuff I'm really in the dark here). 0852c4b9a8

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