We are using Windows 2022 Multi-session VDAs and HP Thin Clients. The issue we have run into is that the Text Select cursor completely disappears in the text select boxes unless it is changed to something other than the default Text Select cursor. It shows up when a person uses a PC to log in to Citrix, but not a Thin Client. I would like to make it so that all users profiles get changed so that Beam_R.cur is used.

I've had an employee say that the changing the text selection cursor fix doesn't work properly in Word with italics, so seems it's only sort of a half fix. I wonder if this is a HP ThinPro issue, a Citrix Workspace issue or an issue with the 2203 CU2 VDA itself combined with Windows Server 2022? This issue did not exist on WS2019. The latest versions of Workspace for Linux mention support for 32-bit cursors, but I cannot see any improvement with installing those, either

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This library contains computer mouse cursors for Microsoft Windows systems.There are two types of cursors supported directly by Windows operating systems:static (.cur) and animated (.ani). Both types are present in this library.Learn how to download cursors.

If you change your cursors frequently, consider using a free tool that allows you tochange cursor from Windows Explorer context menu. Beside changing cursors one by one, the tool also allows exporting and importing cursor schemes.

If you do not want to install any software, just click on Control Panel in Start menu, then double-click the Mouse icon andswitch to Pointer tab. Here you can change the cursors used by Windows in differentsituations to the downloaded ones.

Important: only cursor authors or copyright holders may add cursor to the library.If you are using pictures downloaded from internet to create cursors, you must make sure the author of the picturesallows this use of their work.

Important: always create 32x32 pixels cursors unless you have a serious reason not to. While it is possible to make cursors of non-standard size, Windows will automatically resample them decreasing image quality.

A cursor is a small picture whose location on the screen is controlled by a pointing device, such as a mouse, pen, or trackball. In the remainder of this overview, the term mouse refers to any pointing device.

As far as I know, Windows 10 automatically changes the size of mouse pointers (cursors) depending on the DPI settings of the display. The relations between DPI and the size of cursors are roughly as follows:

If you'd like to change the modifier key for applying multiple cursors to Cmd+Click on macOS and Ctrl+Click on Windows and Linux, you can do so with the editor.multiCursorModifier setting. This lets users coming from other editors such as Sublime Text or Atom continue to use the keyboard modifier they are familiar with.

The Go to Definition and Open Link gestures will also respect this setting and adapt such that they do not conflict. For example, when the setting is ctrlCmd, multiple cursors can be added with Ctrl/Cmd+Click, and opening links or going to definition can be invoked with Alt+Click.

When the Find Widget is opened, it will automatically populate the selected text in the editor into the find input box. If the selection is empty, the word under the cursor will be inserted into the input box instead.

As in other editors, commands such as Cut and Copy apply to the whole wrapped line. Triple-click selects the whole wrapped line. Pressing Home twice moves the cursor to the very beginning of the line. Pressing End twice moves the cursor to the very end of the line.

We've been having this issue for the past week. When the HubSpot Sales window is open and we start writing, the cursor immediately starts jumping around the email making it impossible to write. When the window is closed there are no issues, but then the emails don't log into HubSpot, and we cannot track them. It only works if we open this window, wait for the BCC to appear, and then close the window and start writing. This is, however, easy to forget...

FIX!! For me anyway, if I click OFF 'Track Email' on the Hubspot Sales tool window (using Outlook for Web), then the cursor immediately stops jumping to the end. If I want to track the email, I will just re-click it once I'm ready to send. Hope this works for everyone else.

Describe the bug

When I move the window under cursor with my BTT shortcut (fn + cmd in my case) it is working fine, until I try to move my cursor from one monitor to another. Then the window kind of tries to stick to my MacBooks display while the cursor is moving to my external monitor. If I move the cursor faster the window eventually moves to the other monitor.

I am still experiencing this same issue. Dragging windows under cursor is not smooth, and in some cases it is not possible to drag a window to the second monitor. I have upgraded to the latest version of BTT, but the problem remains.

With NICE DCV servers running on Windows Server 2012 or Windows 10 and later, the mouse cursor always appears as an arrow. This happens even when pausing on text entry fields or single-click navigation items. This could happen if there is no physical mouse attached to the server, or if there is no mouse device listed in Device Manager.

The Tab key is your friend when there's no cursor. It lets you move through the various parts of a program with just your keyboard. When you land on something you want to enable or disable, use Spacebar or Enter. Arrow keys can also move you between tabs.

Try this even if you don't think it'll work. Restarting fixes many problems and could very well be the solution no matter why the cursor isn't showing, whether it's completely gone from the screen or only intermittently disappears when it runs over a specific program.

To change your mouse cursor scheme, find Mouse Settings > Additional mouse options > Mouse Properties > Pointers tab. You can also adjust the size and color.

Support for the dynamic cursor is provided in Connector/ODBC 3.51, but dynamic cursors are not enabled by default. You can enable this function within Windows by selecting the Enable Dynamic Cursor check box within the ODBC Data Source Administrator.

Windows allows you to set up your displays to either extend or duplicate state. After your displays are set to duplicate, you will have the same thing displayed on both screens, including the mouse cursor. Here, you should ensure that your Windows display is being extended to the second desktop and not merely duplicated.

If monitors in the dual monitor setup run different resolutions, your mouse cursor sometimes can hit an invisible wall. This issue usually occurs when your mouse cursor goes into the corner of the display with a larger resolution in a setup with mismatched resolutions.

The mouse pointer in the Oracle ILOM video remote console might not track well. The cursorposition might be out of sync with the Xorg server on the Oracle Solaris host, a condition thatmakes mouse navigation and selection difficult. 0852c4b9a8

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