after /bin/ls is linked to /bin/busybox. This works because the first argument passed to a program is the name used for the program call, in this case the argument would be "/bin/ls". BusyBox would see that its "name" is "ls" and act like the "ls" program.

Technical background: The co-existence of some GNU utilities (some findutils, coreutils) and busybox are not perfect, as they try to use the same paths for executables. (Busybox could be patched to place it's utils into /bin, or Makefiles should have "alternatives" definitions)

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that is my issue exactly.

I don't actually need to remove busybox as I suspect it is needed for the openwrt script defaults and so on(maybe).

I just cant install any packages that have the same executable names and that frustrates me.

You might be able to do a little trick with imagebuilder: instead of selecting the package, download its .ipk installation package, extract the binary and include it in the image as "custom file". Custom files are placed last to the image, so they would override the symlink from busybox.

It seems like its skipping the first line (the busybox info line you get every time you invoke the command) and not catching the rest of the data. Ive tried all variations I can think of to get this working right :/

I would need pgrep and less with options that are not supported by the busybox versions. My problem is that if I add less or procps into my environment.systemPackages I'm still stuck with the busybox ones.

Little offtop. I just wonder if it is possible to replace with busybox not only init subsystem but also other parts of core. Does anyone succeed or have experience with it? I tried long time ago but with no luck :-(

Here nice wiki poage with PKGBUILDs links

Users have reported slower than normal detection of SATA hard drives on systems with Intel D945 motherboards in Ubuntu 9.04. This may cause the system to drop to a busybox initramfs shell on boot with a "Gave up waiting for root device." error. Wait a minute or two and then exit the initramfs shell by typing exit. Booting should proceed normally. If it doesn't, wait a bit longer and try again. Once the system boots, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add rootdelay=90 to the kernel stanza for your current kernel. (Bug 290153)

Wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction as to how I can install freepbx on busybox. Its a synology device. I have asterisk installed already but im in desperate need of features only available in freepbx. So can anyone give me a hand in installing this on busybox? I have googled high and low and have no idea where to start. I am familiar with linux but not busybox and ash. So anything I have found has always been for full versions of debian or centos.

Part of the appeal of BusyBox is its minimalism. All of its commands are compiled into a single binary (busybox), and its man page is a mere 81 pages (by my calculation of piping man to pr) but covers nearly 400 commands.

I saw that the reason of this error is that my IP command version does not implement the bitrate option, and the people recommend to install the "iproute2" package on Busybox (as it is said in this old post: Yocto busybox menuconfig). My IP command only displays:

It returns an error that basically says I'm using cpio wrong. I can't find anyone using the busybox cpio to do things like this, does that mean i can't do it? I've looked at using rsync as well but again, it doesn't do what i would expect.

Busybox is intended for very limited environment with basic networking needs and is kept as small as possible. So yes, busybox is not going away because such systems are not going away. For normal systems there are other, more feature rich, tools which also get extended with new features. Old tools are deprecated not to make you personally unhappy - but because they lack support for new features in Linux networking stack and cannot be extended due to their design.

Since busybox vi is so simple, this tutorial is aiming to document allof its possible features (at least as of this writing). If some featureis not documented, please report a bug. All of the things documentedhere should also work in Vim (I will try to add notes if there aresome noticeable differences between the two) so I believe this could beused as a quite good intro to using Vim too.

Another argument against using arrow keys is that since busybox vi isused mostly on embedded devices, chances are your terminal is notconfigured correctly to use them. In this situation you will be veryannoyed each time you press an arrow key.

Each run time option can be set using :set {option} command. Note thatin case of a boolean options (all options except tabstop in busyboxvi) you can disable them prefixing them with no. So in order toenable autoindex option, you should use :set autoindex. If you wantto disable it, use :set noautoindex. 16 Remember you can alwayscheck all the current values using :set command (without arguments).

Default values for the options are hard coded in the source code. You canchange them in two ways - using -c command line option when runningbusybox vi, or using EXINIT environment variable. But that will onlyallow you to change one one option.

Luckily, this question helped me out. Quite sceptical at first, I installed a file manager from external USB and moved busybox from /system/xbin/ to /system/bin/, and surprisingly, the problem was gone.

I tried this already dozens of times -> -not-boot-initramfs-error#214042

Edit: I also used gparted CHECK function several times.

after that it boot normally for 2-3 times and again goes into busybox.

Can anyone please help?

The small size of the image is due to the busybox release image. The docker registry has the latest busybox image weighing in at 651KB. Busybox is uses uclibc which is not compatible with standard cargo-built binaries. You can make cargo compatible by using a musl-powered rustc but that's a custom build. Fortunately Andrew Dunham has published some work on github: GitHub - andrew-d/docker-rust-musl: Docker container containing a Rust compiler that uses the musl libc on Linux . This provides a suitable rust build environment targeting musl! He even published it to the docker registry so you can skip straight to a working image: docker pull andrewd/rust-musl.

To understand more about BusyBox let's download it, compile it, and replace all of the utility programs in the Virtual Platform file system with newer ones that we compiled ourselves using a single busybox executable and maintaining all of the other links to the common program names.

From the screen shots in previous posts it's clear the version of BusyBox is 1.1.2 from sometime in 2006. Let's update to to version 1.10.1 which is the newest on the BusyBox Downloads page. I downloaded busybox-1.10.1.tar.bz2 and compiled it using the same cross compiler we used to build the Linux kernel and the simple hello program.

Now we can replace the busybox in the file system with the new one. If you still have the fs/ directory you are ready, if not extract the file system again as described in Part 4 using gunzip and cpio. The busybox executable is in the bin/ directory. If you cd into the bin/ directory you will see that all of the files there are actually links to busybox. Another thing you notice is that doing ls in the bin/ directory will not work if you have . in your path because ls is a link to busybox and now this means it's for ARM so it cannot be run on the host.

One other note about the panic. It implies that busybox was being invoked during the boot. Indeed this is true as one of the many programs that BusyBox can provide is init, the first process run during the boot and always process id 1. Since init is started automatically by the kernel this was the source of the panic.

One of the commands in this script is mdev which populates the device nodes in /dev automatically on boot. Again, mdev is provided by busybox and hence the reason for new error messages. This newer implementation of mdev is looking for a file /etc/mdev.conf You can read the details of mdev on the BusyBox man page. To fix the errors create an empty file in the target file system by going into the etc/ directory and using touch mdev.conf This will eliminate the errors. ff782bc1db

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