Hi everyone, I am out of the AutoCAD game now so I have no need for these books. The six books shown I am wanting to pass on to someone. I would prefer all go to one address and you will have to pay postage, which could be substantial. Send inquiries to richrdkent@gmail.com.

I decided to develop an autocad plugin program with C#. However, altough I did big search on the web I couldn t find an Autocad .NET C# book. I have seen the visual basic one and bought it but I want to develop with C# so VB book is insufficent for me. So my first question is is there any Autocad.net C# book I can download. Second question is while I am developing my program I sometimes need someone to explain how to use component of Autocad .NET architecture (i.e. a class or a method of autocad) to accomplish my task. So, do you think Autocad developers network ( gold or other ) subscriptions could help me ?

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i am a newbie to autocad programming. I am plannig to automate the drawing of civil strucutres using C#. Could any one give me the steps, prerequisites and developement tools required to start coding.

I have tried going through the steps you have provided and so far I am unable to duplicate the outcome you describe. I have attached the default color books from my AutoCAD LT 2018 that come form the Program Files\AutoCAD LT 2018\Support|Color folder.

We stored the default color books in a folder on a server. Then we added the path to the folder in the options (in german Farbbuch-Speicherorte, in english maybe "color book store"). The folder to the server is placed on top, and the folder c:\program files\autodesk\autocad 2018\support\color remains but is put a the second position. Self-generated color books do not exists!

When we after that use the color books, for instance in connection with the layer property manager, AutoCAD Map 2018 on Win 10 cant display any color book. Sometimes AutoCAD crashes. Perhaps it is difficult to reconstruct this, but you have to put the color books in deep branched folder system on a server. After this measure I can observe the problems on every installation I would like to. If you secondly add the path with the color books on the server to the AutoCAD "support-files search path", AutoCAD crashes, when yout try to use any dialog with access to the color dialog.

In options for colour book file locations I removed the file path that was pointing to my user directory and retained the path that was pointing to the program files location. Restarted the software and the colour books loaded, so it seems having two paths caused a conflict of sorts.

same thing happened to me on 2020. done this. options > files > color book locations > browse > C:\program files\autodesk\autocad LT 20XX\ support\ color. basiclally just updating the path and it's worked no problem since.

Just recently, a customer of ours made me aware of an issue with the color picker. He wanted to use the color books usually supplied with AutoCAD to pick a pantone color, just like here with a regular (German language) AutoCAD:

I have done an internet search and also searched this forum. On this forum I have found numerous recommendations for books by Paul Aubin. I have read Paul's credentials and he seems like a good choice although his most recent book is for the 2011 release. In my internet search there are many options and of those, books by Elise Moss stand out. Elise has a recent book for the 2023 release. Ignoring other options I have found and narrowing my choice to either the book by Aubin or Moss, I can only base my decision by what is provided in the descriptions for the books. The Moss book uses "Fundamentals" in the book tile and terms like "introduces" that make me doubt how in depth the book goes. The book by Aubin is titled as "Master Series" and uses terms like "goes beyond" and emphasizes the "why as well as the how". The Aubin book seems to be more what I am looking for. As I mentioned in my initial post, I have an excellent understanding of the fundamentals and I am looking for detailed instruction for creating AEC objects. From discussions I have read on this forum, it appears that there may be little or no change for AEC objects from the 2011 release to the 2023 release. My post was intended to get input from those who have knowledge of available books and which may be best for what I am looking for. At this time I am leaning towards the book by Paul Aubin.

"Best book" will always be a personal choice, people will always have a preferred author, and others they just cannot follow at all no matter how good everyone else thinks they are. Most books will give you the basics, but it is practise that teaches you the most, there is a dedicated forum here for Dynamic Blocks. I would think the best way to learn is to find something you want to make dynamic and then do a search for that particular action, and when you get stuck post an example and a good description there on the forum that way you get a more detailed learning experience. Just trying is the best teacher. OK, a book for the basics is a good start so you know what can or maybe can be achieved, but most books will cover that, or even here on Autodesk just ignore that stuff about constraints (not available with LT and nothing but trouble anyway).

Dynamic blocks are a separate topic. Finding a book on this topic is not easy. I often find specialized books at -disposited , there are many useful books out there. Very often it turns out that you have to look for a book yourself, and the annotations for books help you find out if a book is suitable or not. I remember I was looking for a car repair and I spent two weeks in order to find what I needed.

Sadly, the market for computer-aided design books in general is not what it was 10 or 15 years ago, and for AutoCAD Architecture in specific, is even worse. It looks like Elise Moss is still putting out updated versions of her book; I have never seen her series, so I cannot offer an opinion on it. I am very familiar with Paul Aubin's books on AutoCAD Architecture, having assisted with the updates for the last two versions (2010 and 2011), but those are no longer in print, and, obviously, will not cover any features added since the 2011 release (mostly vanilla AutoCAD features). If you can find a copy of the 2011 version (most likely used), you should still be able to follow the tutorials and gain a basic understanding of how the program works. There may be some minor interface differences in the later releases (the icons and window colors have changed several times since then, at the very least).

what is the best available book for MEP. I know of some good Revit Books that have you design a project from beginging to end using and learning Revit. Does such a book for MEP exist. I am looking to better my skills on this software, I find these types of click and read books very effective. Please let me know if you know of any.

I found a copy on Amazon and patiently waiting for it to arrive. I wish they had a version that is current the only one I was able to find was 2010. From there I can figure out what has changed from 2013. Basically just needed to have great direction with MEP. I find myself just using the parts that I need out of it and still getting lost. If any other books on this topic exist in current versions please link me.

Last week I received copies of the latest edition of The Aubin Academy Master Series: AutoCAD MEP 2011 and today I received my copies of The Aubin Academy Master Series: AutoCAD Architecture 2011. Course|Notes for each of these titles and Revit Architecture are also available leaving only The Aubin Academy Master Series: Revit MEP 2011 book and Course|Notes outstanding. We have suffered some unfortunate delays this year, but I am pleased to finally have the books out on the street and ready to go. If you wish to learn more, you can visit the book pages for each above.

Your book is the one about AutoCAD MEP 2011, that i have found in the internet and there is no translation on Russian. Is it expensive to translate it to Russian and make Russian edition and sell it here in my country? How much books must be sold to recoup translation, editing and publication?

We are interested in translating our books into other languages and have begun the process for Chinese, if you have a Russian Publisher who is interested in tanking on this project please email the information directly to Paul. The local publisher would then provide the necessary translation work needed.

I have just upgraded to the latest and greatest macbook pro as my older MBP couldnt run enscape. I have installed windows bootcamp but am now working with adobe programs on Mac, autocad on parallels (as per previous mac) and now sketchup/enscape on windows bootcamp. I need to go to 3 platforms to run different programs for same assessments (am an interior design student). Right now I'm thinking I should have got a PC laptop and run everything on one platform. Any solutions from mac book pro users? I can run everything through bootcamp windows on my macbook, but then why didnt I buy a windows PC? thanks in advance.

Ralph Grabowski is editor of upFront.eZine, a weekly e-newsletter that reports on the business of computer-aided design. He is the author of more than 240 books and e-books on CAD and other topics, and his renowned WorldCAD Access industry blog is widely respected in the industry.

The books on this page are presented as examples of what may be available and relevant to the Construction Management Technology program as supplementary reading or research. Instructors and program managers are encouraged to submit recommended reading lists for addition to this guide and purchase requests for print media to kirchet@scf.edu

Colour books are available for individual Resene colour ranges. Save the acb files into the colour book folder specified in AutoCAD Profile/Files Tab "Colour Book Locations" or add your own colour book folder path to this profile setting. Resene colour books will then be available in any "Select Color dialog" on the "Color Book tab". 0852c4b9a8

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