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First not all of the characters are dead and like said above they relate through Eva(who is Yuki). Personally I would read negima because characters from it reaqure in UQ Holder. Plus you need to know most of the background in the manga to experience a more exciting storyline. Especially when previous characters return in this manga.

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Back when I had finished the first version of the Negima anime, I heard some rumors about a new Negima show with vastly improved art and animation. Naturally, I was interested, but also wary. There was little else in the way of information to be had, so I was concerned about whether the levels of fanservice in the manga would make a return, or how this show would turn out altogether. I'll say this, though; It's a pretty show, that's for sure. I'm just not sure this is Negima anymore. No, I'm not talking about just the completely new storyline that has little to nothing to do with the original anime OR the manga. The issues I had with the show is mostly centered around how it plays out and the changes that were made to the core of Negima itself. I mean... at least the original TV show were fairly accurate, kiddified or not. But it sure is pretty, though. Neatly animated for the most part, and a good deal more colorful than the original, it was what I would have liked seeing in said original. The odd editing and directing made me wonder, though. It's actually directed by Akiyuki Shinbo, who also directed the atmospheric and strange Moon Phase, and I'm not entirely sure his style fits this show very well. I was happy to note that fanservice seemed to be just as absent here as in the original anime. A relief, considering the age of most of the female cast in the show. There's nary a pantyshot or anything like that to be had, much less any nudity. Of course, there is the ermine, Camomile Albert, who looks like... uh.... ...you know what? That's probably just a coincidence. They didn't do that on purpose, I'm sure. Yeah, I'll have you know that Chamo-kun is one fine upstanding animal, and... I just created another euphemism for penis, didn't I?Anyway, the... ah, backgrounds and settings also really catches the eye, though, again, that's probably because of the odd direction, which seems to suit a horror movie/series better. Still, it's a very energetic show, and all things considered, clever with the visuals for the most part. NOT ON PURPOSE, DAMMIT! IT'S JUST A COINCIDENCE, OK?! .... Ok, I admit it. I'm just trying to get you people in a good mood, because it's time to talk about Negima's flaws, to which there are many. The main problem with Negima is definitely the pacing. For those of you who've read the manga, you might recognize the Evangeline arch, which gets fast-forwarded through in the first three episodes, with some completely unrelated material added. Also, for some bizarre reason, they changed the entire concept with the pactio, which I shall go more into later. Anyway, once the Eva arc is done, the viewers are thrown right into a whirling editing maelstrom which is the story about the fairies that creates problems for the school and a good number of the students in Negi's class. Compared to the manga -- and even the original anime, for that matter -- the following part comes off as more choppy and jumpy than anything else. This anime also seems to assume that you have already read part of the manga and are familiar with the various characters, which is bad enough. Sadly, having read the manga just makes it worse due to some of the changes made to the main characters, and the addition of some. For some unexplainable reason, they've chosen to turn Asuna into a complete idiot. Instead of being reliable, down to earth and smart, she's now spazzy, easily distracted and seems to have gained an obsession with a creature called Chupacabra. Seriously, nearly every single freaking episode has at least some part dedicated to the discovery and hunt for this.... odd creature, which has nothing at all to do with the main story. And for what? The occational moment of comedy relief, from which this anime isn't really lacking in the first place. Now, the pactio kisses... you remember those, right? Kiss Negi, and each girl obtains a special power that somehow fits the personality of the character in question. I.E. Asuna becomes a knight of sorts, while Nodoka gains librarian powers. And instead of having a physical card in their possession, Negi now pulls said card out of their stomachs. (In a non-gory, very magical way, of course.) The dumb part, sadly, is that the creators of the show has seen fit to add a certain chance element to it. There's now a useless card that transforms the girl into some animal, or even "rare cards", which gives them EXTRA special powers. I can almost smell the licensing opportunities here. Take these ingredients and mix them well, and you have Negima!?, a rather chaotic, oddly paced and oddly edited show. Much like the first Negima show, it's not a total and utter disaster -- in fact, like the first show, they did a good job on the episode that starred the ghost girl, Saya, among other things. Unfortunately, the main story is a mess, and each episode contains so many weird ending side stories that are either partially or completely unrelated to the main story. (Gotta include the Baka Rangers somehow.) Those would have fit much better as a side story or extra material as a standalone episode or something, because they really break the flow of the story if you watch episodes back to back. It's a bit aggravating, you know. Another attempt at animating Negima, and this is what we get. I guess we should be grateful that the show isn't as creepy as the "Haru" special, if nothing else. And... uh... Haha, ok. I'll stop now.

Welcome to the Negima! Wiki

This wiki is dedicated to collecting and chronicling everything known about the Negima! Universe.

Negima! Magister Negi Magi is a Japanese manga and anime franchise created by the popular manga artist Ken Akamatsu, and is part of the much larger Akamatsuverse.

Evangeline Athanasia Katherine McDowell, listed as Evangeline A.K. McDowell is a fictional character in the anime and manga series Negima!: Magister Negi Magi created by Ken Akamatsu. The 26th student in Japanese alphabetical order of class 2/3-A, she is actually a physically ageless centuries-old vampire cursed (Infernus Scholasticus (School Hell)) 15 years ago to remain at the school by Nagi Springfield, the father of her teacher and her disciple Negi Springfield. Initially an antagonist forRead More...

Adems, se emitieron tres "minicaptulos" de aproximadamente 7-8 minutos de duracin, antes de la emisin del anime Mah Sensei Negima!, en la que se nos iban presentando los personajes y dando algunos datos, tales como el nmero de lista de la clase, tipo sanguneo y sus aficiones, estas OVA's se llamaron Mah Sensei Negima! Introduction Film.

Negima!? Magister Negi Magi (!?) is an alternate retelling of the manga series Negima! Magister Negi Magi. The anime, directed by Akiyuki Shinbo, aired October 4, 2006 to March 28, 2007 in Japan.

By attempting to please everyone the producers pleased no one. Negima! ended up being a major flop, and no second season was commissioned. Normally this would be the end of our story, yet despite the failure of the anime the manga was still a runaway success. Clearly, the adventures of Negi were striking a chord with manga readers, so the problem must have been the anime adaptation. After one short season, Negima! was canceled, and a reboot was planned for the following year.

Kevin is an accomplished blogger and pop culture writer! Having written about the manga and anime industry since 2004, he's written a wide variety of stories! He has even interviewed legends like Stan Lee and Trigun creator Yashiro Nightow! He also has extensive knowledge of the entertainment and gaming industry, and has written articles and new reports for both industries. Kevin Got his start when he won a Young Cartoonist Award from a Catholic print magatzine. Realizing his art was wek but his writing strong, Kevin moved onto studying journalism instead at American River College. From there he started his own blog where he produced weekly writings for that as well as other articles for sites like Examiner and Anime on DVD (two very influential sites in their days). He has since written for multiple sites and publications and also makes YouTube videos in his spare time about the entertainment industry. He is proud of his contributions to Game Rant in the anime section!

The world of anime and manga is home to many overlooked, underrated titles that have since been forgotten or never got a fair chance to shine. Some of these series had serious competition in their serialization days, while others had an excellent manga but no anime, or perhaps a poorly made anime, to promote it. One example is the hit series Mahou Sensei Negima!.

While author Ken Akamatsu's 38-volume Negima! manga has a lot to offer, it also comes with some baggage that both new and returning fans should keep in mind when reading about the adventures of Negi, the young wizard hero. To begin with, the series already has two short anime to its name, which might discourage animation studios from giving the franchise another anime run. The original anime wasn't that big a hit, and that wouldn't bode well for a new anime to refresh the franchise.

In this way, Negima!'s anime prospects may be doomed, and without a more modern anime, the franchise may continue to languish in relative obscurity. The overall franchise was hardly a flop, but without a breakthrough 2020s-era anime, the series can only go so far. And it may only become more obscure as time goes, meaning it didn't age so well in that regard. 0852c4b9a8

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