Battle Chess is a video game version of chess with 2.5D graphics and fighting animations showing the result of one piece moving onto the square of another. It was developed and released by Interplay Entertainment for the Amiga in 1988 and ported to many other systems, including the 3DO Interactive Multiplayer, Acorn Archimedes, Amiga CD32, Amiga CDTV, Apple IIGS, Apple II, Atari ST, Commodore 64, MS-DOS, FM Towns, Nintendo Entertainment System, MacOS, PC-98, X68000, and Microsoft Windows. In 1991, Battle Chess Enhanced was released by Interplay for IBM PC compatibles and Macintosh with improved VGA graphics and a symphonic musical score played from the CD-ROM.

Battle Chess follows the same rules as traditional chess, with pieces moving in an animated fashion and battles playing out so that the capturing piece defeats its target. Furthermore, when checkmate is delivered, the checkmating piece fights and defeats the king. Since there are six types of pieces for each color, and a king cannot check (let alone capture) another king, there are a total of 35 different battle animations.[2] The rook, for example, turns into a rock monster and kills a pawn by smashing its head, and the rook kills the queen by eating her. There are some pop-culture homages; the knight versus knight animation references the black knight fight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and the king versus bishop fight pastiches the short battle between Indiana Jones and a swordsman in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

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Ken St. Andre reviewed the game for Computer Gaming World, and stated that "Quibbles aside, every chess player will want a copy of this program, and every Amiga owner owes it to him/herself to see Battlechess in action. Highly recommended."[2]

The Amiga version received favourable reviews from magazines due to its comical battle sequences which were advanced (for the time) in terms of graphics, animation and sound. German game magazine ASM, however, criticized the weak chess AI.[13] In a review of the 3DO version, Mike Weigand of Electronic Gaming Monthly stated, "If you are a chess fan, then you may want to check this title out."[8]

In 1994 Computer Gaming World said of the remake, Battle Chess Enhanced, that "Better artwork, smoother animations, and a much stronger chess algorithm than its disk predecessors make the CD version a good buy".[14]

Interplay won "Best Graphics Achievement In A Non-Graphics Product" from Software Publishers Association (later renamed to Software and Information Industry Association) for Battle Chess.[15] In 1994 Computer Gaming World added it to the magazine's Hall of Fame honoring those games rated highly over time by readers, describing Battle Chess as "a showcase product for the first level of multimedia standards".[16] In 1996 the magazine ranked it as the 106th-best game of all time for its "funny, elaborate animated sequences and spectacular special effects."[17]

A sequel titled Battle Chess II: Chinese Chess was released in 1991, based on xiangqi, commonly known as "Chinese chess". 1992's Battle Chess 4000 spoofed science fiction movies and television series (such as a battle sequence involving the monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey) and used a clay-animation art style similar to ClayFighter.

Battle Chess follows the same rules as traditional chess; the battles always play out so that the capturing piece defeats its target. Since there are six types of pieces for each color, and a king cannot capture a king, there are 35 battle animations. The rook, for example, turns into a rock monster and kills a pawn by smashing his head. There are some pop-culture homages; the knight versus knight animation references the black knight fight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail , and the king versus bishop fight pastiches the short battle between Indiana Jones and a swordsman in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Battle Chess is a quite typical chess game, but it comes with a twist: all pieces are represented by small, realistic figures that walk around on the chessboard, and when one piece takes another, they both take part in an animated battle. There is a different animation for each permutation, depending on which pieces are capturing or being captured. You can also play in 2D without animation.

So I baulked. When you're at the bottom of the mountain the climb can seem impossible. I needed to soften the challenge, so I turned to a small subspecies of the grand old game: battle chess. There have been many variations on this concept, which equips pieces with close combat animations as they take each other off the board.

You can play classic Chess with Space Marines if you like, but you're more likely to find high level AI in dedicated chess games. Instead it's Regicide mode that has provided amusement between bouts of reading articles on efficient early game development.

Battle Chess is a quite typical chess game, but it comes with a twist: all pieces are represented by small, realistic figures that walk around on the chessboard, and when one piece takes another, they both take part in an animated battle. There is a different animation for each permutation, depending on which pieces are capturing or being captured. You can also play in 2D without animation. 

The game's opening library includes 30,000 different moves, ensuring a variety of games will unfold across the 10 skill levels. 

Multi-player support can be extended to modem and/or serial port play.

I'm trying to animate a chess game and I'm struggling to make them collide. I'm animating each piece then trying to make them a rigid body so that they collide when taking a piece. But instead they just go right through each other with no simulation.

In one project at the above company, the artists and developers created a supernumerary animated character that appears in every cutscene and sticks out like a sore thumb. They designed it in such a way that it can be easily removed before the game is shipped (this was when games were still sold in physical media and not a downloadable product). Obviously the management then voted to remove the animation. On the positive side, management didn't introduced any unnecessary changes that would have delayed the project because they have shown that they provided constructive inputs to the product.

The DOF is nothing special, just basic stuff. I either set a distance for the DOF (like when the chess pieces are first revealed and move up) or I linked the DOF to an empty and animated the empty to wherever I wanted the focus to be ^^

I used multiple cameras (around 20), and their focal length vary between 24 mm to 140 mm (most of them are in between 24 - 30 mm and only the last shot has a high focal length because I wanted to reduce the distance between the evil statue and the angel statue in the background).

Looking for a tool to create animated diagrams from a PGN file. The usual way that animated diagrams are created is through the animated GIF file which shows separate positions with a fixed time delay between the still frames. The better tools indicate the last move with an arrow (like here for example ), but what I really need is a video file animation showing the actual continuous motion of the pieces across the board.

i) open the PGN in an analyzer. You can also use the game editor

ii) open a screen recorder

iii) most probably the analyzer shows animations when you click right/left. Record them.

iv) convert the video to a gif.(XD)

The OP:

So I love chess... and battle chess was always one of the most memorable games I've ever played. Each piece was animated and had different battle animations for each opposing piece. I always liked the concept, but have never seen it done nearly as well as the original DOS game.

I'd be willing to donate $100 US this time next year to someone if they could make a well-done battle chess game featuring Doom monsters as the chess pieces. 

Preferably made for *Android OS* and Windows.

It occurs to me that the $100 might not be enough when considering the amount of work itd likely be, though from one person that's a nice chunk of change for a small game. Maybe if others feel the same we could start a gofundme website to take donations to be given to the author for being such an awesome guy, or gal.

It's an interesting idea, but likely to be mired in copyright issues once money starts changing hands. I wonder how difficult it would be to write a beginner-level chess AI using ACS to play the game in ZDoom?

I have made quite a few chess AI in my life. Never in GZDoom or a Doom port mind you. The chess part is easy or at least easy to a level of its a time sink. The more time you spend working on the chess part, the better the game gets and the easier it is to program.

Doom has all of the attack animations and walking animations. So I'd just steal them from there and have monsters fight for your amusement. Unless you want custom stuff. I know a few Russian sprite artists that do cheap work, but not enough for $100. Just because custom animation is labor intensive. Anyone serious about programming the project, can do so with those official Doom 1 & 2 animations and sprites.

Depending how busy a person is, the project could be done in a week with proper polish a month for a serious project... that can't make any money due to copyrights. If anything its a feather in someone's cap.

I always preferred Mortal Kombat Deception's version of chess. It makes it interesting, even without the fighting game tacked onto it.

This might not be what you want, but imagine this... every enemy has HP, you chose your pawns, rooks, knights, kings and queens from any monster. I suppose to balance it, you'd have a "finance" of 100 points, with cyberdemon being worth 60, Mancubus worth 40 and so on.

Their health and attack is based on what class they are. So a pawn has 1/10th of their health and attack. A pawn attacking a King would only damage a king, not kill him. The King still has the movement of a king. Then there are special places on the board that will buff whoever is on that special tile. That's how Mortal Kombat Deception chess was. Again, probably not what you want, but I'm just throwing that in to discuss. 0852c4b9a8

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