When I type the address, I don't get a resulting checkbox but only the message "This webpage is not available The webpage at chrome://debug/ might be temporarily down ...etc..." and the address bar shows: opera://debug/

Masui: Yes, and when we saw the video of the performance, the android looked like it was programmed. So we spoke with the CEO of Crypton Future Media, the company that developed Hatsune Miku, to incorporate the technology of moving the virtual idol in real time with an orchestra into our project.

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Shibuya: In the Australia production, I conducted while playing the piano, and the android sang my composition along with a 10-piece chamber orchestra. In the Japan premiere, the android will conduct and sing while the orchestra and I play the music under its baton. The lyrics, melody and number of bars will be input into the android beforehand, but it has no concept of BPM, so the conducting motion will be generated in real time.

A new piece of malware is trying to take advantage of Opera's popularity as a mobile browser alternative on Android smartphones. Cybercriminals have created a new variant of Opfake that bundles the real Opera Mini version 6.5 so as to further mask what the malware is actually doing (earning its creators money from unsuspecting users by sending international text messages). GFI, which first discovered the malware, is calling this particular threat Trojan.AndroidOS.Generic.A. The package is named "com.surprise.me" while the file name is "opera_mini_65.apk" (both can easily be changed).

Android lets you download and install apps from anywhere. If you want the official version of an app, however, get it from the official Google Play store. Here is the official Opera Mini link: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.opera.mini.android.

Opera also offers a lighter-weight mobile browser called Opera Mini that works with Android, Apple's iOS, and several other operating systems. Opera Mobile has a built-in browser engine, but Mini requires an Opera server to browse the Web page, boil it down to a smaller size, and send it to the Mini browser for viewing. This brings the browser to lower-end phones and is adapted for worse network connections, but it detracts from some browsing experiences such as running interactive Web applications.

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