Goodness! When I first heard this song on Pandora..I was thrilled!It reminded me completely, of the man I was and am in Love with!He had all the right intentions, and was an extraordinary man, but did not have the strength within to be the person he had the potential to be. And I foolishly played the role of the person that could somehow revive him, and bring his greatness to fruition! I bent over backwards trying to be his best friend and confidante! But in the end, no matter how hard I labored, I can't help this fool if HE cannot help himself!!

However, the song also emphasizes the importance of self-help and personal responsibility. Winehouse repeatedly states that she cannot help someone who won't help themselves, highlighting the idea that support from others can only go so far. The mention of a degree in philosophy and the notion of being 'cleverer' than the singer introduces a contrast between intellectual understanding and practical action. Winehouse suggests that wisdom and knowledge are not enough without the willingness to take control of one's own life.

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Today, the Amy Winehouse Foundation helps thousands of young people to feel supported and informed, so that they are better able to manage their emotional wellbeing and make informed choices around things that can affect their lives.

Mr. RONSON: All these songs are quite difficult, because I made a lot of indie, sort of, dark songs quite danceable. So the whole thing is to make sure it doesn't become of it too light. You're really trying to walk that line thinly between making it too groovy or, like, so that you forget that a "Just" by Radiohead is about, you know, doing yourself in. So I think that's the same thing with this song. And getting Dan to do the vocal in a way that wasn't too, like, funky or Prince-like but quite dark at the same time is really important.

I know now that when facing a final semester of senior glory, you have little warning that

this will happen. This in itself is strange, for as a new college

freshman, you were inundated with advice and warnings about what the next

four years would bring. You were told to mind your belongings, make new

friends, join lots of clubs, beware of strange, unidentified drinks and get

enough sleep. For all that this advice was studiously ignored for the most part, at

least it was present, giving you some indication that your life was about

to change in some important and fundamental way. Unfortunately, equivalent advice

does not exist for college seniors -- an inexcusable oversight on someone's

part. But do not despair, for there are simple ways to prepare yourself. I

have composed a few simple guidelines for those facing the End, prepared

from my own recently graduated experience.

Come up with some lies. This is an absolute essential. You are going to

find that everyone from your hair stylist to your academic advisor to your

smart-mouthed, cocky-in-her-freshman-status younger sister is going to

want to know what your postgraduate plans are. I found it best to have a

retinue of exciting scenarios. Aunt Suzanne was delighted to hear I was

going to be attending Yale Law School; my hometown friends were impressed

at my posh executive position at the Pixie Stick Corporation; and the man

behind the post office counter was downright awed at my aspiration to become a

real-life Warrior Princess. This will help you ward off having to make any

pressing real-life choices and allow you to enjoy the time you have to

its fullest potential.

After you've received your diploma, reward yourself well. Never forget that you are the same

extraordinary human being who made an A in martial arts and wrote a

brilliant paper on "A Midsummer Night's Dream" while intoxicated at 3 in

the morning. Set aside your parents' ominous warnings about rent checks

and loan payments. It's time to celebrate, right? Helpful hints: I threw a

party, rode several roller coasters and drove across the country for

several weeks with my boyfriend. 0852c4b9a8

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