Aerosmith is soo cool! What is everyones fav song by them? And to "ZACSTER" Steven Tyler is NOT too old to be singing about girls of summer ... I'm sure he gets more girls of ANY season than you! :) Good day to everyone!

I really like this song, it's good new and sweet! Cool summer song about one of the best things of this season: the Girls for sure!!! :) There's a little mistake in the lyrics though, when he says "Se - vous - play " in reality it's "s'il vous plait" it frend that means "please", more precisely: If you please.

Free Download Aerosmith Girls Of Summer

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uuum, EmoMakes Me Cry, you were right that he gets more girls than me. I AM A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!! So watch what the hell you say to people. And he is waaaaaaaaay to old to be singing about the girls of summer. Personally I'd be singing about the boys of Florida.

hey, my name is aeroled286. you can guess what the aero means. but this song SUCKS! aerosmith is now a pop and roll band. ever since nine lives, they started to suck. everything before was super duper.

In my mind, that Arena show began after midnight. It was actually 10:45 p.m., and the crowd (with no phones to fiddle with) was bored silly by the wait after Mix Master Mike and CKY. The staff filled the hours calculating their overtime while the cameraman zoomed in on young girls with the aim of getting them to lift their tops on screen. Yeah, that really happened back then, so, yes, society has made some small progress.

My grandfather passed away when she was 53. Ten years after my grandfather died she found herself assisting her youngest child, my mom, a widow at age 41. I was 5 years old when my dad passed away. My mom needed to go to work to support herself and her three children, so my grandma and I spent a lot of time together. She introduced me to card games and what would become a great passion of mine, baseball. My grandma, Jack Brickhouse, the Chicago Cubs and me spending summer afternoons together.

Each summer, I get to spend one unforgettable week at Camp Nana Molo. One year I decided to camp out in [her] back yard. I discovered [it] was haunted. My grandma welcomed me in for the night, never complaining about the mess I made. 0852c4b9a8

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