You can use the ADDRESS function to obtain the address of a cell in a worksheet, given specified row and column numbers. For example, ADDRESS(2,3) returns $C$2. As another example, ADDRESS(77,300) returns $KN$77. You can use other functions, such as the ROW and COLUMN functions, to provide the row and column number arguments for the ADDRESS function.

sheet_text Optional. A text value that specifies the name of the worksheet to be used as the external reference. For example, the formula =ADDRESS(1,1,,,"Sheet2") returns Sheet2!$A$1. If the sheet_text argument is omitted, no sheet name is used, and the address returned by the function refers to a cell on the current sheet.

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I currently have an INDEX MATCH formula which is working across 2 spreadsheets and returning the value of the cell I want it to, but I want it to return the reference of the cell instead of the value it contains. I keep getting different errors when I try to use the address function.

=INDEX('[otherspreadsheet]May '!$E$11:$I$13,3,MATCH(C3,'[otherspreadsheet]May '!$E$11:$I$11,0))

This works and is currently returning 'E' which is what is in the cell it's found. I want it to return $G13 which is the address of the cell with an absolute column.

To create a cell reference in Excel, you can type the column and row coordinates manually. Alternatively, you can get an Excel cell address from the row and column numbers supplied to the ADDRESS function. Almost pointless on its own, in combination with other functions this technique can be the only solution in situations when it is not possible to refer to a cell directly.

sheet_text - the name of the worksheet to include in the external reference. The sheet name should be supplied as a text string and enclosed in quotation marks, e.g. "Sheet2". If omitted, no worksheet name is used, and the address defaults to the current sheet.


Get the address of a cell with the highest or lowest valueIn this example, we'll first find the highest and lowest values in the range B2:B7 by using the MAX and MIN functions and output those values into special cells:

To get rid of the row coordinate, wrap the above formula in the SUBSTITUTE function and replace "1" with an empty string (""). Done!

Get the address of a named rangeTo find the address of a named range in Excel, you will first need to obtain the first and last cell references, and then join them together. This works a bit differently in pre-dynamic Excel (2019 and older) and Dynamic Array Excel (Office 365 and Excel 2021). The below examples are for Excel 2019 - Excel 2007. The instructions for Excel 365 and Excel 2021 are here.

In this formula, the ROW and COLUMN functions return an array of all the row and column numbers in the range, respectively. Based on those numbers, the ADDRESS function builds an array of cell addresses. But because the formula is entered in a single cell, only the first item of the array is displayed, which corresponds to the first cell in the range.

How to get address of the last cell in a rangeTo find the address of the last cell in a named range, use this generic formula:


How to get full address of a named rangeTo return the complete address of a named range, you just need to concatenate the two formulas from the previous examples and insert the range operator (:) in-between.

Naturally, the same changes can be made in individual formulas for the first and last cell, and the result will look similar to this:

How to get the address of a named range in Excel 365 and Excel 2021Unlike the traditional "one formula - one cell" behavior in older versions, in new Excel, any formula that can potentially return multiple values, does this automatically. Such behavior is called spilling.

To get the address of the first cell only, you need to enable implicit intersection, which is triggered by default in Excel 2019 and older. For this, put the @ symbol (implicit intersection operator) before the range names:

That's how you return a cell address in Excel. To have closer look at all the formulas discussed in this tutorial, you are welcome to download our sample workbook below. I thank you for reading and hope to see you on our blog next week!

Excel ADDRESS function - formula examples (.xlsx file)

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If I understand you correctly, first find a text match using the SEARCH function. The MATCH function will determine the number of that cell in the range. The OFFSET function will move to that cell. The CELL function will find its address. Here is an example of a formula:

I have the cell address of a client with the different projects listed in the column to the right hand side. There are a different number of projects for each client. I am after a way of creating an address range for the list of projects. Example below

Is there a way of scanning across from A1 where the Client name is located and returning the cell address B1:B3 or however many projects there are? Might it help if I placed something in the gap between the two project lists.

For the formula to work correctly in Excel 365, you need to put @ (implicit intersection operator) before the range names as Alexander suggested. I have added an separate example explaining this in more detail, please see:

How to get the address of a named range in Excel 365

If i wanted to find Building name from address mentioned in single cell then which formula should i use & how to use. Also, i have more than 8000 entries & building name differs in all of them.

e.g if i want to find- SAI GHARKUL from

PLOT A- 4A, A- 4B ,B/ H DHOOT HOSPITAL ,FLAT NO 6 Plot No- A- 4( A) A- 4( B) Gut No- 32/ 2 Brijwadi Chikalthana MIDC Aurangabad ,SAI GHARKUL ,Aurangabad (MH) H.O, AURANGABAD-MH, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA - 431001

I want to row number and column number of maximum value in a table of ten day sales of ten table adress a2:k10... acolumn contain data set is b2:k10....from this set i want maximum value row and column number or cell address...please can anyone told me how to find it

This means that if some rows in a database have a * mark in a specific field, how can the address of all these rows be returned? For example, if we have a * sign in the addresses A1: A3 and A5: A10, how can we return the address of column B in the addresses B1: B3 and B5: B10.

I have a 50 X 50 data set of numbers, with duplicates and blanks. I have a header row of letters and a numerical row to the left of the set. I want a formula to be able to retrieve the left number and the appropriate header letter of (for example) the top 10 values in the set. I need the formula to report different addresses for duplicate values in the set.

If it's too complicated, 2 different formulas to report the letter and the number separately would be ok.

Is this possible?

Hi, I am trying to increment the row number of the value of a cell. This value references another workbook.

The formula in cell A1 which gives me the absolute address from the other workbook is =CELL("ADDRESS",INDEX('[WORKBOOKNAME.XLS]WORKSHEETNAME'!$A:$A,MATCH("*WA(*",'[WORKBOOKNAME.XLS]WORKSHEETNAME'!$A:$A,0)))

The value of this results in:


I now want to use this address in another formula but increment by 1 for each row it is used in

Is this possible, many thanks

Ultimately I want to use the cell address of a cell from another workbook.

In order to do this I search a column in the different workbook for a matching string and return its cell address;


this works and gives me a result in cell A1 of...


I then want to use this cell address in another formula to retrieve the value of the cells and offset cells in the other workbook.

For example in column A, continuously values in the 5 rows i.e., A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 are >=x and also in row number A15 A16 A17 A18 A19, etc.

The row# A6 to A10 is the first occurrence (first five consecutive values) and I need the address of the row numbers as output i.e., A6: A10

The Excel ADDRESS function returns the address for a cell based on a given row and column number. For example, =ADDRESS(1,1) returns $A$1. ADDRESS can return an address in relative, mixed, or absolute format, and can be used to construct a cell reference inside a formula.

The ADDRESS function returns the address for a cell based on a given row and column number. For example, =ADDRESS(1,1) returns $A$1. ADDRESS can return a relative, mixed, or absolute reference, and can be used to construct a cell reference inside a formula. Note that ADDRESS returns a reference as a text value. If you want to use this text inside a formula reference, you will need to coerce the text to a proper reference with the INDIRECT function.

The ADDRESS function takes five arguments: row, column, abs_num, a1, and sheet_text. Row and column are required, other arguments are optional. The abs_num argument controls whether the address returned is relative, mixed, or absolute, with a default value of 1 for absolute. The a1 argument is a Boolean that toggles between A1 and R1C1 style references with a default value of TRUE for A1 style references. Finally, the sheet_text argument is meant to hold a sheet name that will be prepended to the address. 2351a5e196

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