Semester Notes is a great resource for students, faculty and staff. Semester Notes includes academic calendars by semester, important registration dates and procedures, drop/add deadlines, withdrawal deadlines, final exam schedules, graduation planning sheet deadlines, and more! In addition, copies of Semester Notes can be picked up in the Registrar's Office (ADM 202).

I am a junior now, so I have 20+ classes worth of notebooks sitting around taking up space. I reference them all pretty much every semester for my classes so I don't want to trash them, but is there a better way to handle them?

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My last few weeks in Badajoz, I\u2019ve been collecting notes from most people here in a journal as a yearbook of sorts. It emerged as an idea from my English teacher and I\u2019ve really grown to enjoy the process. Reading these notes make me nostalgic even though I\u2019m essentially still living in the moment. Although I\u2019ve loved reading each and every single of these notes, I wanted to share some of the most memorable notes I received (in case I ever lose this book!).

Second semester classes kicked off last week, and already the kids are in their routines. Students are feeling proud about filing their own class work to show their teams, and are excited about being back in person and getting hands on with every subject from math, science, and english to the arts, music, athletics, and the trades! Staff are also ready to bring the energy and have developed some new dynamic classes.

Thank you for a wonderful semester. I appreciated your caring disposition and teaching style. As a senior, I have had my fair share of professors and the good ones stand out. Thank you for incorporating humor and even performances- I will remember those forever!

Happy Holidays! I just wanted to say thank you for being a great instructor. Our J1300 class was my favorite this past semester. I imagine it took you a while to grade our assignments, but I really appreciated all of your feedback! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Thank you for a fun semester! I always enjoy having you as a professor and I appreciate how approachable you are. It means a lot to me that you check in with how things are going, because school can get pretty stressful.

Thanks for a great semester! I loved the books we read and the class meetings were always eye-opening. There was never a dull moment and you kept us on our toes. That is what learning should look like.

Thank you so much for being a professor that cares for each individual student. I have been so blessed by your encouragement and willingness to help me fully grasp course material. You have made my transition into a professional program easier and I have never felt so supported by a professor. I look forward to having you as a professor again next semester!

You can find lecture notes and videos from last year's version of this class. Each year's lectures are fully self-contained, and we recommend following the most recent version of the material (i.e. the 2020 lectures). There is slight variation in the topics covered, so we continue to host notes and videos for earlier versions of this course.

Many colleges and universities are telling their students not to return to campus after spring break, and many more might soon do the same. Faculty members who teach in physical classrooms probably did not design their courses to go online on short notice at midsemester. Whether or not you have experience teaching online, here are a few basic questions and answers to help you get started.

In the 2021 - 2022 academic year, 482 students sent 787 notes thanking over 318 faculty for their hard work and dedication. Many students wrote heartfelt messages, sharing their appreciation for faculty who inspired, encouraged, and prepared them for future careers.

I cannot express enough gratitude to you, for how much you have taught me this semester. Not only are you an amazing instructor that uses creative images, an exuberantly positive personality, and fun ideas (quiz show) to encourage students to learn, but you are truly an inspiration to me for my future goal of becoming a physician. Your dedication to helping other students trying to follow in your own footsteps is exceptionally admirable and I simply cannot overstate how humbled I am to have met and learned from you. Even if I am not lucky enough to take another course taught by you at New York Tech, I hope to remain in touch and continue learning from the wealth of knowledge you so willingly offer. Thank you most of all for furthering my drive towards becoming a physician despite my change of major; I appreciate it tremendously. :)

I wanted to say thank you for making this class very interesting and interactive. It was one of my favorite classes this semester and I always looked forward to attending class. I have learned a lot about [course subject] and the different topics we presented in class brought up conversations at home. The structure of the class is great and I even encouraged some of my friends to take this class.

Thank you professor for teaching me this semester. I have never written a thank you note to a teacher before, but I want to thank you from the core of my heart. The things you taught me and the time I spent in your class really helped me in my study and my personal life. I enjoyed every class taken by you as well as your fantastic sense of humor. Again thank you so much for being so encouraging and doing everything to keep us motivated and supported throughout our program.

Thank you for teaching me this semester, I have learned a lot from your lectures and critiques which allowed me to develop my critical thinking and how to approach design more strategically. Very honored to have had you as a professor for this course. I wish there were more professors like you out there that have a huge impact on student education. Thank you again.

I am very thankful to have had you for [course topic]. When you teach, we can all see how passionate you are about design. I have learned a lot from you. It is hard learning through Zoom, and I am sure it is hard teaching through Zoom, but you kept us interested and excited about what we were doing all semester. Thank you for meeting with us when we needed help and putting in the extra time to make sure we really understood how to execute our assignments. You have had such a positive impact on my development as a student and in paving the foundations of my career as an interior designer. I look forward to the [course topic] class with you next semester.

Thank you for being so caring, gentle, and responsive. There were many times where I was very stressed during the semester but you always had a way to reassure me that everything was going to be okay. I can not wait to continue my education with you next semester!

Thank you for an amazingly smooth semester. This class taught me so much that I cannot wait to use it in the real world. You have been a great professor and I hope we have the chance to meet again in the near future.

In an ideal world, we should all be keeping some type of teaching log in which we routinely write down our post-class thoughts. If you do not currently do this, I highly suggest that you add it to your agenda in the future. Entries do not have to be extensive but should at the very least capture elements of each class period that you found to be effective and at least one thing you might change in the future. In addition to reflecting on your own teaching you should also be periodically eliciting evaluations and class reflections from students. This way you will have a clear snapshot of how that semester progressed and this will help you better prepare for future classes.

Whether you do keep a teaching journal or not, I recommend that you take this final week to reflect upon and synthesize your thoughts about your classes this semester. The week of finals is actually a perfect time to engage in this activity because the class sessions are still fresh in your mind. Ask yourself substantive questions and try and answer them as honestly as possible.

Keeping a teaching log and writing a more comprehensive reflection of the semester before the break begins is also a good way to gather material for a teaching portfolio. Participating in these reflective exercises will also help you become a lot more conscious of your unique methods and teaching style.

While this seems like a long list, the reality is that almost everything I have written here will be discussed on that first day. You don't have to hunt for this information: it is provided for you. So pay attention. Take notes, ask questions, do everything you can from Day 1 to make this semester easier on yourself, and more fun.

Good luck with the new semester!

 Finally, you might simply ask yourself why you have scheduled particular topics or materials at this point in the semester. There may be nothing you can do at the moment, but writing yourself a note to think about changing something that is not working now may be helpful for the next time you teach the course.

My first semester at college was a disaster, but at least I have a long winter break to make up for that! A whole friggin month! I needed something to do, so I gathered up all my old notes, retouched my favorite doodles and cut up my history notes (that felt good cause I didn't like that class) and collaged them.

{"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/starting-the-semester-on-a-creative-note\/#arve-youtube-ns2k_sw_brw659037b978861884268499","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/embed\/nS2k_Sw_BRw?start=10&feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}If this seems interesting to you, I created a quick sheet called 20 Ideas for Student Podcasting that you can find in the Ten Creative Ways to Start the Semester Resource Pack at the bottom of this post.

To request content extension allowance for a makeup exam, send an e-mail to, including:- Your Name and e-mail address- Course and Exam #- Confirmation e-mail from instructor/admin (including the exam extension date)  2351a5e196

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