The release announcement was originally scheduled for September 3, 2008, and a comic by Scott McCloud was to be sent to journalists and bloggers explaining the features within the new browser.[28] Copies intended for Europe were shipped early and German blogger Philipp Lenssen of Google Blogoscoped made a scanned copy of the 38-page comic available on his website after receiving it on September 1, 2008.[29][30] Google subsequently made the comic available on Google Books,[31] and mentioned it on their official blog along with an explanation for the early release.[32] The product was named "Chrome" as an initial development project code name, because it is associated with fast cars and speed. Google kept the development project name as the final release name, as a "cheeky" or ironic moniker, as one of the main aims was to minimize the user interface chrome.[33][34]

I don't know who came up with the term "chrome," but it was likely a visual analogy with the use of metal chrome on big American cars during the 1950s: the car body (where you sit) was surrounded by shiny chrome on the bumpers, tail fins, and the like.

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The penalty of chrome is clear:  chrome takes up screen space, leaving less for the target content or data. This is particularly bad on mobile devices, where screen space is at an even higher premium than on tablets or PCs. But even on my 30-inch desktop monitor, the combined Windows and Excel chrome means that I can see only 67 rows of data in a spreadsheet instead of the 80 rows that would theoretically fit on the screen. Thus, without the chrome, I'd be able to review about 19% more data.

When I analyzed a range of website homepages 9 years ago, I found that the  actual content was allocated a paltry 20%  of the user's screen. On today's bigger monitors, the relative overhead consumed by OS and browser chrome is less bloated, so the 40% allowed by Facebook is probably fairly representative of major websites.

Users around the world already use Chrome on their digital devices to access information and get work done safely across Windows, macOS, chromeOS, Android, and iOS. As a leader in browser security, Chrome has built features and best practices that have disrupted, and then established, industry norms.

Close chrome (or chromium) and restart with the --disable-web-security argument. I just tested this and verified that I can access the contents of an iframe with src=" " embedded in a page served from "localhost" (tested under chromium 5 / ubuntu). For me the exact command was:

For windows users with **Chrome Versions 60.0.3112.78 (the day the solution was tested and worked) and at least until today 24.11.2022 (ver. 106.0.5249.119 (Official Build) (64-bit)). You do not need to close any chrome instance.

Allow-Control-Allow-Origin: * - chrome extension partially solved the problem. It works only if your request is using GET method and there's no custom HTTP Header. Otherwise, chrome will send OPTIONS HTTP request as a pre-flight request. If the server doesn't support CORS, it will respond with 404 HTTP status code. The plugin can't modify the response HTTP status code. So chrome will reject this request. There's no way for chrome plugin to modify the response HTTP status code based on current chrome extension API. And you can't do a redirect as well for XHR initiated request.

CAUTION: if you use --user-data-dir then chrome disconnect with you user-data folder (and logout you from all your sites) - even if you run it again without any params. To rollback this, you need to open in above way but without that prameter.

The resistivity, complex resistivity and complex permittivity of the chrome-contaminated soil were studied. Under the different pollution concentration and water content in the soil samples conditions, the relations between the resistivity, complex resistivity and complex permittivity of the chrome-contaminated soil and water content and the concentration of pollution were analyzed. When adding chrome pollution with different concentrations and water content, the experimental results show that the resistivity and complex resistivity of all the soil samples decreased with the pollution concentration and water content increased; but the phase of complex resistivity, which reflects the soil's capacitance, decreased below the 20 kHz and increase above the 20 kHz frequency. The real part and imaginary part of complex resostivity increased with the increase of pollution concentration and water content. The concentration of chrome pollutions and water content were the two main factor to determine the soil electrical characteristics. 0852c4b9a8

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