Fredrik Haraldsen

Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Agder

I am currently an associate professor of philosophy at the University of Agder. Before moving to Kristiansand, I was a Marie Curie research fellow at the Slovak Academy of Sciences (2015-2017). I have also been a lecturer at the University of Miami (2013-2014) and a visiting assistant professor at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa (2014-2015). I received my PhD in philosophy from the University of Miami in 2013.

My research interests are concentrated on questions in philosophy of language, philosophical logic and epistemology, and the intersection between philosophy of language and formal linguistics and between philosophy of language and metaphysics. Topics I am actively working on include:

  • How developments in formal semantics, in particular dynamic semantic systems, can help us address classical philosophical questions with regard to reference or context sensitivity.
  • Foundational questions in philosophy of language (e.g. "what is a theory of meaning a theory of?")
  • Formal representation of discourse and its dynamics, and for instance how differences between modal and fictional discourse can be anchored in rules for discourse updates rather than in, say, metaphysics.
  • The relationship between confirmation theory and "classical" epistemology, for instance between belief and confidence levels.
  • Applied epistemology, and especially how results from formal epistemology or confirmation theory can help us solve (or at least reconceptualize) questions and model issues in applied epistemology, including questions related to knowledge resistance, conspiracy theories, pseudoscience and epistemic divisions of labor.

For more information about my work, you may consult the Research section.

I can most easily be reached at fredrikhar 'at' or