Curriculum Vitae

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2023- Assistant Professor of Health Economics, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen


2014- Danish Ministry of Health

2020- The Danish Expert Group for Mathematical Modeling of COVID-19

2020- Statens Serum Institut


2020 PhD in Economics, University of Copenhagen. Supervisors: Søren Leth-Petersen and Torben Heien Nielsen

2018 Visiting Scholar, University of California, San Diego

2016 M.Sc. Economics, University of Copenhagen

2012 B.Sc. Economics, University of Copenhagen

Previous Employment

2020-2023     Postdoc, Department of Economics & Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality, University of Copenhagen

2016-2020     PhD Student, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen & Danish Ministry of Health.

2014-2016     Student Assistant, Danish Ministry of Health

2012-2014     Student Assistant, Danish Unemployment Insurance Fund for Health Personnel